Shikamaru held two Exploding Talisman Shurikens in his hands and threw them at Kagome. The explosion of the Exploding Talisman forced Kagome to retreat to the other side.

Just as he was retreating, a black shadow rushed towards him!

Kagome's personal strength was average, but he was not blind.

He twisted his body like a lost person and began to run for his life, but his speed was not as fast as Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique, and he was soon caught!

""Okay, Shikamaru, we caught him! Let's kill him in one go!"

Ino waved her fist excitedly when she saw Shikamaru succeed.

Asuma, with a cigarette between his lips, said calmly,"It's not over so easily yet."

The smoke slowly rose from the cigarette holder and floated towards the sky.

The next moment, Kagome, who was supposed to be controlled in the competition arena, suddenly turned into black water and collapsed to the ground!

In the other direction, a pool of black water surged like muddy water, and a black mud man gradually took shape from it and looked like Kagome!

Water escape. Water clone technique!


This technique was a little tricky for Shikamaru, because it was not easy to find the real body of a ninja who was good at using the clone technique.

Shikamaru used his brain to try to think of a good way, but it did not work for a while.

At this time, Kagura attacked again!

This time he did not use water escape, but used the psychedelic nature of the clone to suddenly attack Shikamaru.

Fortunately, Shikamaru was well prepared and dodged his kunai attack, and took the opportunity to throw a kunai at Kagura.

But the kunai pierced his body and went straight into the wall.


Shikamaru was slightly surprised. Is this attack fake?

If this attack is fake, then......

"You've been fooled!"

A hoarse voice sounded on the other side of Shikamaru, and another Kagami appeared and stabbed Shikamaru's chest with a kunai!

At such an angle and speed, Shikamaru couldn't dodge at all, and could only try his best to twist his body to avoid the fatal position.

But even so, his clothes on the chest were pierced by Kagami, leaving a trace of blood on his chest!

After Shikamaru barely dodged the attack, he immediately jumped back a few steps to distance himself from Kagami.

He touched the wound, felt his physical condition, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no poison, otherwise he would be finished.

I was a little careless just now.

Shikamaru secretly Kagome reflected on his mistake just now and became more cautious about this battle.

Kagome only knows a few moves, and without the cooperation of his companions, Shikamaru soon discovered his flaws.

After dodging Kagome's sneak attack again, Shikamaru used shuriken to determine that it was a clone, and then immediately used the shadow imitation technique on several places with black oil!

Kagome didn't expect that Shikamaru could control multiple shadows at the same time to use the shadow imitation technique, and he was immediately controlled.

Shikamaru felt the controlled Kagome and smiled.

"The competition is over"

"Shadow Head Binding Technique!"

Shikamaru used a ninjutsu that he had never used before. The shadow that originally controlled Kagome suddenly climbed onto Kagome's body and crawled towards his neck.

Kagome felt the suffocation on his neck. He knew that if he didn't admit defeat, he would be strangled to death, so he could only open his mouth with difficulty and said,"I...I admit defeat!"

The competition is over!

The strength displayed by Shikamaru is beyond many people's expectations. Everyone thinks that Shikamaru will win after a hard fight, but they didn't expect that he would crush Kagura in ninjutsu!

Shikamaru used two ninjutsu in this competition, and Kagura did the same.

However, the Black Rain Technique and the Water Clone Technique can only be regarded as C-level ninjutsu, and their power is no different from that of D-level ninjutsu. The control and lethality of Shikamaru's two techniques are both above C-level, and the proficiency and timing of use are very appropriate!

This battle is not a battle of wits, but a battle of ninjutsu!

Shikamaru is better!

The end of the second competition did not cause any splashes.

After all, one was a little-known Genin from the Hidden Rain Village. , and the other one is just an unknown Konoha Genin.

And in the next competition, the appearance of Uchiha Sasuke will bring out the enthusiasm of some"old fans" of Uchiha who were once famous in the ninja world!

They are looking forward to Uchiha Sasuke's performance in the competition.

Therefore, this third competition has become the game with the highest stakes in the entire Chunin Exam!

In the audience,

Yagyu and Sasuke watched Shikamaru leave the stage, and each stood up and went to both sides.

A battle that had been confirmed long ago was not worth the two of them saying more trash talk.

But when Yagyu walked in the tunnel leading to the examination room, he met two ungrateful wild ninjas and a familiar stranger.

"" Master Liu Sheng, we meet again." The man said with a smile, his cunning face did not show the flattery he had when he invited him.

Liu Sheng recognized him, but did not want to pay attention to him, just said lightly:"Get lost."

The man's expression suddenly became ugly, and he sneered and said:"Master, your temper is still so bad, I will not waste any more words with you, our Lord Huomen has said that you have to admit defeat in this competition, so we will not embarrass you. But if you don't know the current situation, don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Because you are the young leader of the Moonlight Clan, we will not kill you. At most, we will cut off one of your arms and legs, hehe."

After the man finished speaking, the two wild ninjas stepped forward with fierce looks on their faces.

But Yagyu didn't see anything and continued to walk on his own,"I'll say it again, get out of here!""

"Do you really think you are so powerful? The two ninjas beside me are both jonins! Don't make a mistake!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a bloody mark appeared on his neck and the necks of the two jonins, and blood gushed out.

Yagyu appeared one meter behind him, sheathed his knife, and continued to walk towards the examination room.

"It's quite polite to say 'you', but it's a pity that ivory can't come out of a dog's mouth."

Yagyu muttered as he walked further and further away. The three people's breathing became more and more rapid, and soon they died in a pool of blood.

At this time, an old man with a cane and hugged left and right slowly walked out of the shadows.

He first glanced at the three dead people in the pool of blood, and then at Yagyu's departing back, and couldn't help but sighed,"Yagyu, you have really grown up. The speed of your sword is so fast that even I, an old man, can't see it clearly."

The old man is the current patriarch of the Moonlight Clan, Moonlight Ximen!

He has been watching Yagyu grow up over the years, and he gave Yagyu whatever he wanted.

From financial money, to various ninjutsu and swordsmanship, to the support and attention of the Third Hokage, the support of this old man is indispensable.

Now Yagyu has finally grown up to what he expected.

"Because you, Lord Hokage, are increasingly dissatisfied with the Moonlight Clan. Fortunately, you have grown up, otherwise I, the clan leader, would have to kill you for the sake of justice."

Moonlight sighed with joy, then smiled and patted the buttocks of the two people beside him.

"Beautiful pictures, beautiful shows, go up and see how the genius of our Moonlight Clan defeated the genius of the Uchiha Clan, hahahaha!"

"You hate~"


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