In view of Karin's weak foundation, Yagyu developed a package of training plans for her.

Plan 1: One hour of physical training every day! One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one thousand-meter long-distance running, etc.!

Plan 2: One hour of swordsmanship training every day, swing the sword at least three thousand times!

Plan 3: Learn a ninjutsu every day! Start learning from basic ninjutsu. Transformation, clone, substitute, instant body, etc.!

Plan 4: One hour of tree climbing training every day. Because of Karin's talent, this task was completed by Karin in just a few minutes.

Plan 5: An upgraded version of tree climbing training, treading water training. For Karin, who has the same chakra control talent, this training is still not difficult, and she has mastered it completely in just two days. In this way, Karin's training plan is in full swing, and Karin will make some new progress every day, while Sakura's training plan is not smooth.

In swordsmanship training, Sakura's talent is not outstanding.

Nearly a month of training has not brought much improvement to her swordsmanship.

She still cannot master the skill of the three-day moon dance.

Rasengan, Sakura has no direction to move forward, because Sakura's chakra attribute talent is not very outstanding, no matter what kind of training she does, she will not be very good.

It seems that Sakura can only follow the route of a medical ninja as in the original work.

Sakura is anxious about the slow progress of her strength, and asks Yagyu, but Yagyu has no solution.

Due to human talent, even if he teaches Sakura all the ninjutsu he knows, she can't reach Yagyu's level.

Time passed in Sakura's anxiety, and soon it was the day before the finals of the Chunin Exam.

On this day, Yagyu was practicing with Karin and Sakura as usual, and Sasuke suddenly came!

Seeing the return of the missing person in front of him, Yagyu was a little surprised.

He thought that he would only see Sasuke again when the exam started. He didn't expect that he would have a chance to see Sasuke before the exam.

"What, the special training is over?"

With the system feedback, he knew every bit of Sasuke's strength, so he asked this question even though he already knew the answer. After all, the exam is tomorrow.

Sasuke nodded, looked at Sakura and Karin, and said,"Change place?"


Yagyu nodded, motioned Sakura and Karin to practice on their own, and then followed Sasuke for a few hundred meters.

After making sure there was no one around, Yagyu said,"What is it that you have to avoid even Sakura?"

Yagyu actually had some guesses.

The only thing that could make Sasuke so cautious was Orochimaru.

Sure enough, Sasuke immediately confessed to him about his training process over the past month, in which Orochimaru played a major role.

Originally, Sasuke was planning to practice a ninjutsu that could coordinate lightning escape and fire escape. According to his idea, this ninjutsu should be extremely complicated, difficult, and powerful!

But everything didn't seem to go as Sasuke thought.

This ideal ninjutsu was not difficult to develop by him, but the power was not ideal.

Compared with previous ninjutsu, it is only slightly stronger than the ordinary Chidori flow. The difference is that this ninjutsu belongs to a large-scale explosive ninjutsu.

In terms of difficulty, it belongs to B-level.

In terms of power, it is probably around A-level.

It is very different from the S-level ninjutsu that Sasuke imagined!

Sasuke fell into a bottleneck in his training, and at this time Orochimaru found him!

At first he thought Orochimaru was looking for him. Troublesome, who knew that Orochimaru wanted to teach him ninjutsu! He was showing off his identity and his strength. In short, Orochimaru was telling Sasuke that he was awesome. If you want revenge and want to defeat Gekko Yagyu, you have to follow him!

But the condition is that Sasuke needs to cooperate with him in some experiments and plant a curse seal on his body.

Hearing that he wanted to be a guinea pig, Sasuke naturally refused.

The three ninjas of Konoha and the Kage-level masters could not attract Sasuke.

He believed that even without the help of Orochimaru, he would sooner or later become a Kage-level master!

Yagyu guaranteed this, no doubt!

But Orochimaru did not give up, and suggested that he could teach Sasuke to become stronger first, and then find him when he lacked strength.

Orochimaru guaranteed that the power of the curse seal in that experiment could increase Sasuke's strength by more than ten times! Sasuke still had doubts about this, but Orochimaru had already handed him a bunch of ninjutsu scrolls!

Then Sasuke began his new stage of training, until the end of the training today.

"Interesting, Orochimaru didn't force you to put the curse seal on you."After hearing all this, Yagyu smiled slightly, as if he heard something interesting.

Before in the Forest of Death, Orochimaru wanted to force Sasuke to put the curse seal on him, but later Sasuke used a flying summoned beast to escape. In order not to alert the Anbu of Konoha too early, Orochimaru did not dare to use a larger range of ninjutsu, allowing Sasuke to escape.

This time, Orochimaru found Sasuke outside of Konoha, so theoretically, he should not have to worry about anyone supporting Sasuke.

Facing the isolated and helpless Sasuke, he could still resist forcibly putting the curse seal on Sasuke. What was he afraid of? Or was there another purpose?

Yagyu always felt that Orochimaru's actions must have something to do with him, but he didn't know what Orochimaru was planning.

"Can Orochimaru's curse seal really help me become ten times stronger?"Sasuke asked. He didn't care about Orochimaru's purpose. He just wanted to know whether the curse seal could help him become stronger.

Yagyu glanced at Sasuke and said lightly,"Maybe, but the curse seal is just a failed magic after all, and it is also a tool for Orochimaru to resurrect. I don't recommend you to accept that kind of thing."

"Failed magic?" Sasuke looked puzzled. This was the first time he heard the word magic.

"Senjutsu is a power different from ordinary chakra, it is also called natural chakra! Using natural chakra can increase the power, strength and speed of your ninjutsu! In short, it is an all-round enhancement."Yagyu explained

"Stronger than the power of the curse?"

"Much stronger"

"Where can I learn immortal arts? Does Orochimaru know it?"

"If Orochimaru knew how to do it, would he still be using curse seals?" Yagyu sneered,"Not everyone can learn fairy arts, it requires talent!"

"You know where to learn it, right? Or do you know the magic?" Sasuke stared at Yagyu and asked.

He was not worried that he would not be able to learn the magic. He was always confident about talent! Except when facing Gekko Yagyu!

"I do know where you can learn magic. I was planning to take you there 20 days ago, but you ran out of the village and I couldn't find you."


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