The news that Mitarashi Anko encountered Orochimaru surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He thought Orochimaru had left long ago, but he didn't expect that he would go to see Mitarashi Anko alone.

Could the two have some relationship?

But looking at Mitarashi Anko's indignant expression, it doesn't seem fake.

And if the two have any connection, they shouldn't act like this. Wouldn't it be better to just hide it secretly?

"Is Orochimaru still missing the old times?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking about how to make use of the bond between Orochimaru and Mitarashi Anko.


Four days passed in a flash, and there was no trace of Orochimaru in these four days. Seeing that the second exam was finally coming to an end, the invigilators breathed a sigh of relief.

In previous years, this kind of task was extremely simple and easy. After all, they only needed to ensure that the Genin did not leave the Forest of Death and that outsiders did not enter.

Who would deliberately break into the venue of the Chunin Exam?


This time there really is one!

And it's an S-class rebel!

A legendary Konoha ninja with the strength of a Kage!

Because of Orochimaru's invasion, these invigilators have not slept well these days.

Now The exams are coming to an end, and finally they can relax.

On the examinee side,

Gekko Yagyu and others lay down in the central tower for four days.

Time passed quietly by eating, drinking and sleeping every day.

Of course, not everyone is as lazy as Gekko Yagyu.

Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino and Sasuke have all practiced intensively during these four days.

Yagyu could understand that the self-disciplined Sasuke insisted on practicing.

But he didn't understand why Sakura Haruno and Yamanaka Ino suddenly worked so hard.

But he didn't plan to explore, everyone will have their own new pursuits at every stage of their life!

This One day, Yagyu hopes to have a plain life, stay in a small place, have many wives and concubines, and be happy.

Another day, Yagyu may hope to explore more, travel more, and travel around alone!

No one can guarantee that his life will only have one pursuit and fight for it all his life!

Even the self-disciplined Sasuke is the same. When his great revenge is avenged and everything is settled, will Sasuke still work hard to practice?

Yagyu put a question mark, so until now he is unwilling to tell him the truth about the Uchiha clan extermination.

Of course, this is also because Sasuke is not strong enough! He doesn't even have an S-level ninjutsu. Yes, his Sharingan only has two magatama, and his taijutsu is only at the level of a jonin. He can't even do three ninjutsu, taigen, and genjutsu. How can he seek revenge?

With a heart that wants revenge?

Nowadays, not only does love have to be realistic, but revenge is also needed!

In order for Sasuke not to die in his recklessness, Yagyu doesn't intend to let him know the truth too early for revenge.

But now Sasuke's progress is indeed a bit slow, and he needs more experience.

It's time to open the three magatama!

The center of the first floor of the central tower, where all the candidates who have passed this exam, the jonin of each ninja village, the invigilator jonin and chunnin, and the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"There are 14 teams participating in the second round of the Chunin Exam, with a total of 42 people, and 6 teams passing the exam, with a total of 18 people!"

The number of casualties in this exam is unknown!

More than half of the people failed!

It is indeed as Mitarashi Anko said, at least half of them must be eliminated!

But unfortunately, there are still too many people who passed the exam!

A month later, nobles and wealthy businessmen from various countries, as well as the daimyo of the Sand Village, came to watch the game!

Those dignitaries don't have so much time to watch so many competitions, so they must temporarily add another elimination match before the third exam!

"In a month, only ten people can take part in the final Chunin Exam, so we have to add another elimination match before that, which will be held in a ring. Eliminate the extra eight people!"

Except for the Third Generation's routine praise and encouragement of the candidates, there was not much nonsense about the rest.

Mitarashi Anko stepped down, and the examiner of the third exam, Gekkou Hayate, became the examiner of this elimination match!

"There is only one ring. All candidates can choose to defend the ring or challenge the defender. If the defender successfully defends the ring once, he will advance to the finals. If he fails, he will be eliminated. If the challenger successfully defeats the defender once, he will advance to the finals. If he fails, the result will be determined later!"

This rule is relatively unfair to the defender, because the defender only has one chance, while the challenger can have more chances.

But this also tells everyone a message, only the real strong can defend the ring!

Those who lack confidence will stay under the ring and choose to challenge the weak to get the qualification to advance to the finals!

"Who wants to defend the ring now?"

Moonlight Gale asked calmly, looking at the eighteen candidates below.

Among the eighteen candidates, twelve are from Konoha, three are from Sand Village, and three are from Rain Village! The twelve Konoha candidates are nine members of the rookie team and the team where Hyuga Neji is.


Kabuto Yakushi and his team did not pass the second exam as in the original book.

The three people from Sound Village were also unable to appear in this exam because of Moonlight Yagyu.

This also led to the rules of this additional test being somewhat beyond Yagyu's expectations!

""Ring match."

Yagyu stood at the front of the candidates, but he had no intention of being the first one to go up.

If he went up, no one would challenge him.

Even Gaara was the same. It was a bit boring to start the first round of the ring match without anyone challenging him.

So he wanted to see if there were any unlucky people who went up first, and he would eliminate them!

Yagyu had a sinister idea, while others were afraid of Gekko Yagyu's existence.

Gaara wanted to be the first one to defend the ring, but was stopped by Temari.

"Gaara, that Gekko Yagyu didn't go up, so you can't go up. You must take part in the third Chunin Exam!"

According to the plan, after Gaara passes the Chunin Exam, he will be received by the two Kage, and then Gaara will transform into a Jinchuriki to launch a sneak attack on Sarutobi Hiruzen!

If the sneak attack is successful, there is a high probability that Sarutobi Hiruzen will be killed instantly and help Sunagakure defeat Konoha!

So no matter what, Gaara cannot be eliminated here, or use his full strength!

Gaara stopped, turned his head and looked at Temari coldly, then said coldly:"Don't order me to do things next time, otherwise I don't know if I will kill you!"

Temari had cold sweat on her forehead and apologized:"Sorry, Gaara, this is the teacher's order."

In the Sand Village, only Maki and Rasa can face the crazy Gaara. Gaara would listen to Temari sometimes, but not all the time.

It depends on Gaara's mood at the time.

After all, it's not surprising that a monster who hasn't slept for many years would have any kind of emotions!

Gaara finally listened to Temari's words, retracted his steps, and returned to his original position.

Yagyu noticed this scene and smiled slightly.

He didn't want to block Gaara from going to the third exam. Gaara was the opponent he left for Sasuke from the beginning to the end, an opponent who could stimulate Sasuke's potential!

So even if Gaara went up to defend the ring, he would not challenge him.

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