Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 853: Urgency! First escape!



Over Real Demon Ridge!

Mo Ying suddenly raised his eyebrows!

"In front of these golden fairies, this kid directly collected all twelve magic medicines? These twelve magic medicines were used by the master to plunder from all walks of life with great supernatural powers. In the master's expectation, his successor is after a hard fight, the master will appear to give the magic medicine, then the master's successor will be grateful to the master. But this kid... directly received twelve strains The magic medicine, the master’s will has not yet appeared...Does this kid do something to disrupt the master’s plan?"

Mo Ying whispered for a while, his brow furrowed tighter. Although it was outside the inheritance area, it might see what happened in the inheritance area. Although he was optimistic about Chen Zheng before, Chen Zheng's sudden arrival made it very uncomfortable because it did not follow the plan of it and its owner.

Chen Zheng this hand!

It was so sudden!

In fact, the golden immortals of several denominations near the giant palm of the heavens in the north of the inheritance are still a bit stunned!

A fairy boy brought by Tian Yaonv, this kind of thing doesn't even have the qualification to speak, but this kind of thing actually took the twelve magic medicines in front of everyone!


Isn't this kid really thinking about himself and others?

Are these golden immortals in my own eyes the air?

"Hand over the magic medicine and spare you!"

The old man of Fulong Sword Sect recovered, and sneered at Chen Zheng!

"The girl you brought, the courage is really big, I just scared the master!"

Mrs. Lvzhu laughed smirkingly, looking at Chen Zheng with interest at this moment.

"This one......"

Tian Yao opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to answer. Although she had seen Chen Zheng's ability to be immune to enchantment, she was shocked when she saw that Chen Zheng was directly taking the lords of the land spirits as air.

My little brother!

You are really not afraid of death!


Why Yaoyao likes it more and more!

Tian Yao looked at the moment standing in the air, and Chen Zheng, who was unattended by others, felt more pleasing as he looked, and the more he liked the more he looked! In the fit period, I am a little brother who ignores the golden fairy and grabs the magic medicine. I am afraid that there is only this one in this world!

"Young man, your appetite is too big, and your appetite is so big. If you become a golden fairy, will you dare to **** the saint's treasure?"

A middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian opened his mouth. This man was Li Ke, the head of the fairy palace.

"I have been living for three years and I have been seeing you for the first time, a young man like you! My appetite is too big to choke easily!"

Another person spoke, Cao Tian, ​​the master of Sanjuedian.

"My lord of the Sanxian League has been in the Forbidden Land for three thousand years, and it is the first time I have seen such a brave young man! Boy, boy, this is the first time you have seen twelve magic medicines, and the whole person is crazy Isn't it right? It is normal for young people to be impulsive. You take out the magic medicine. I am a good person to talk about and take the magic medicine without blame!"

A gray robe said long, this person is Miao Yuanshan, the leader of Sanxian League.


Six Demon Sects, Zhong Lao Mo, Mrs. Green Pearl, Fu Long Sword Sect, Ma Sect Master, Demon Immortal Mansion Li Ke, San Jue Palace Hall Master Cao Tian, ​​Sanxian League Leader Miao Yuanshan, no more, no less, six gold All immortals stared at Chen Zheng!


A series of coercion was rolled towards Chen Zheng!

"If I were you, I would immediately hand over the magic medicine! Twelve magic medicines, you can’t swallow it alone, even if you have many means, even if you have a powerful card! But you only have one person, and here are five The strong!"

Hongtian Devil's eyes flashed differently, and he sang coldly at Chen Zheng! He had seen Chen Zheng's methods before at Yunshan Mine and knew that Chen Zheng still had a Daoist Beast, but at the moment there were five golden immortals present, he didn't believe that Chen Zhengzhen dared to monopolize twelve magic medicines!

That is twelve magic medicines with different attributes. If the twelve magic medicines are allowed to be swallowed by themselves, they will be able to break into a golden fairy in no time, and Daojun Heavenly Emperor has it all! If you fully absorb the power of the twelve divine medicines, even if you cannot become a quasi-saint, you should have quasi-saint level combat power!

and so!

Twelve magic medicines!

It is impossible to let this kid go it alone!


Tian Yao's small mouth is another one, and she feels a little weird at the moment. It stands to reason that he should stand on the side of the Master and the side of the Six Desire Devil Sects, but at this moment, he even hopes that Chen Zheng will swallow the magic medicine.

So she gritted her teeth and secretly whispered to Chen Zheng: "Little brother, I have a rune, which can send thousands of miles in an instant, and Daojun can't cut off the power of the rune. Yaoyao now sends the little brother away!"

"Humph! Don't hand over the magic medicine, right! Laozi cut you!"

Almost at the same time!

Fu Long Jianzong old man sneered and raised his hand is a sword!


Jianguang tears space and time!

Go straight to Chen Zheng!


Tian Yao was shocked in his heart and secretly mobilized the rune to force Chen Zheng away!


Rune has been urged!

But Chen Zhengdong did not move!

Tian Yao was full of stunned eyes!

How does the rune fail!


Mrs. Lvzhu felt something, and she frowned at Tian Yao.

"Hey, young people now, don't know what to do!"

Li Ke, the head of the fairy house, smiled and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, there is no more courageous young man in this world!"

Cao Tian, ​​the master of Sanjuedian, also chuckled.


Fu Long Jianzong old man ruthlessly drink!


Jianmang hit Chen Zheng on him!

Several Golden Immortals believed that Chen Zheng was dead. At this moment, they were all shaking their heads or sneering or ridiculing, but suddenly, the sword that hit Chen Zheng suddenly rebounded!


Just listen for a penetrating sound!

Fu Long Jianzong old man trembles!


A few golden fairy eyes moved, all stared at the old man of Fulongjianzong, clearly visible at this moment, there was a blood hole in the eyebrow of the old man of Fulongjianzong!


The old man's eyes widened and he stared at Chen Zheng, talking a few words, and smashed to the ground!

This landing!

Never got up again!


Several Golden Immortals raised their heads fiercely and stared at Chen Zheng in surprise. Under their perception, Fu Sword Master Ma Sect Master was crushed by the sword that had just rebounded!

Yuanshen is destroyed!

Even if the body is intact, it is not saved!

Fulong Jianzong Ma Sect Master!

Died by the sword he shot!

" Do you have anything else to do?"

At this time Chen Zheng smiled slightly and looked at everyone.


"Good luck!"

"Urination! Escape first!"

Li Ke, the head of the fairy house!

Cao Tian!

Miao Yuanshan, the leader of Sanxian League!

These three golden fairy spoke at the same time!

Swish in a blink of an eye!


At this moment, before the giant palm of the sky, there was a wind blowing. The original Six Demon Sects repaired the Devil's Dao. The local winds were no threat to the Devil Sect of the Six Desire, but at this moment Hong Tian Devil, Mrs. Green Pearl Not to mention, all of them suddenly feel cold from behind!

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