Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2605: Less than 3 years

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Heavy snow was flying.

In the Heavenly Stream, which is beyond the reach of the extraordinary, the Pangu Saint Clan was astonished up and down, watching a person walk in, and until the person came to the depths of the ancestral land, they suddenly came back to God one by one.

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu is back!"

"Chen Zu!"


It sounded one after another!


Several figures flew out of the ancestral hall, led by the Pangu saint clan big witch sacrifice tassel, and the person on the left is Linglong, who is the disciple of Chen Zheng's disciple Wu Ji Daojun.

Wuji Daojun, ascended from the earth to the spirit world almost three thousand years ago, looked for the figure of Chen Zheng in the spirit world, and later entered the heavenly stream, and had some entanglement with the Pangu saint Linglong.

"Chen Zu!"

Tassel didn't perceive any spiritual fluctuations on Chen Zheng. After looking at it for a few times, he took a deep breath. It is also a gift to fringe aside. Despite the doubts in my heart, I entered the ancestral land of the Pangu saints silently. This should be Chen Zu.

"In the spirit world that day, I let you Pangu saints move Tianjian to the earth, and now it is determined that Panhuang is still alive. If you are looking for Panhuang, I can send you over."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


"Holy King!"

"This and this!"

The Pangu sage was exclaimed again. Tassel and Linglong looked at each other and took a deep breath before lowering their heads slightly: "I wait until I know that the Holy Emperor is still in this world, it's enough, I won't wait. Disturb the Lord Emperor."

"In this case, I will send you to one side of the world, and it will also allow you to quickly improve your cultivation."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

The tassel immediately paid homage to the other tribes.

"Chen Zu...but there is news from Promise Daojun..."

Linglong bit his lip, lowering his head and whispering.

"Although I haven't seen him, he should be hiding somewhere to practice. I went back to earth this time to see a person. When I saw that person, I would go to heaven. I went to heaven. He knew that he should It will go to heaven too."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Ling Long understands."

Linglong focuses on the head.

"I will send your family into the world."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed it at will, Pangu Sage Clan Tianjian was sent into Daotu. As for preaching, there are naturally seven princesses.


The snow is growing.

Chen Zheng sensed something, glanced toward the North Pole, then smiled gently and disappeared into the wind and snow.


South city.

late at night.

Inside a dwelling.

"I really can't believe that Brother Chen is back! What state is Brother Chen now, it should be a very fair-bodied fairy now!

For more than two years, Brother Chen is at least a golden fairy, and it may even be a big Luo Jinxian or even a quasi-Saint! and many more! Dad Chen doesn't have any spiritual power fluctuations, he wouldn't have become a saint!

I am a tortoise and I became a saint in just over two years, which is too exaggerated! "

Xiao Peng was very excited, circled around Chen Zheng very speculatively.

"It should go far beyond the saint level."

Xiao Peng is here, and Lin Zhengming is naturally there. He thought about it and said.

The three heroes of the power group, Lin Zhengming is called the King of Ming. Chen Zheng gave him the purple-faced glove more than two years ago. He took control of the spirit of the glove and made rapid progress.

With gloves on, he thought he could perceive even the saint concealed his cultivation. But he secretly used the power of gloves, and could not perceive Chen Zheng's state.

Another point, he knows that although it has only been more than two years, the upper realm has changed a lot. The Qingyun Realm, which was originally connected with the earth's time and space, has now been upgraded to a large world.

As for the heaven, the world that is said to have been transformed into the core of the primordial flood, now seems to be nothing to the saints.

"Not only the sage realm? Is it the Taoist ancestor?"

Xiao Peng opened his eyes wide.

"In the past two years, what has happened in the extraordinary world of the earth."

Chen Zheng looked at Lin Zhengming and asked casually.

"Extraordinary events... Kunlun fairy palace has soared, this should be known to Brother Chen. To say that in the past two years, the earth's extraordinary world, it should be the western extraordinary world, and there have been invaders from foreign countries.

It is said that this foreign land does not come from its other world, but from other universes. What is the situation, we don’t know very well, although we have also seen the goddess who sat in the Western supernatural world several times, but only Chen You knows the goddess.

Our transcendent realms in the East, and the Arctic Polar Regions are also counted, as there are people coming from the upper realm, laying a formation in the Arctic Polar Regions. We asked Fu Xuanji of Luofu Mountain, he said that he felt something, but the person who came was not from the spirit world, it was probably from the heaven. "

Lin Zhengming sorted out his thoughts.

"That shouldn't be for our Chinese cultivating practice, it was for something hidden on earth."

Xiao Peng thought a little, and quickly said.


At this time.

Two more people suddenly appeared in the apartment.


Lin Zhengming and Xiao Peng were shocked, and quickly stared at the past, which looked slightly startled, but soon recognized the two of them.

The little girl is the goddess who is sitting in the Western supernatural world, and the other woman is the goddess's acolyte, who was once a member of the power group Yang Xuefei. This goddess's attendant is actually equivalent to her disciple.


The goddess who turned into a little girl came over step by step and walked to Chen Zheng with a solemn look.

"You have gained 30% of the original divine power of the old pantheon. After two years have passed, you are in the Western supernatural world of the earth, and it is already good to have a quasi-holy cultivation.

Chen Zheng reached out his hand and rubbed the hair of the goddess, the girl's breath suddenly rose.


Lin Zhengming, Xiao Peng and Yang Xuefei were overwhelmed!

Is this direct empowerment!

It doesn't seem to be initiation!

Whatever the means!

This goddess of cultivation is too exaggerated!

This seems far more than the saints' cultivation!




Above the night sky!

There is thunder shaking!

"The earth is beyond the realm, there is still a heavenly suppression..."

Xiao Peng quickly reminded me, but only halfway through the conversation, he suddenly stopped Because the world suddenly changed, the apartment was gone, and it seems that it is already in Kunlun at this moment!


Is this teleportation!

This is the teleportation of ultra long distance!

How good I would be!

"These people are..."

Lin Zhengming was also surprised, but when his mental strength was swept away and there were many monks dressed in costumes in Kunlun underground, he frowned.

These monks!

Seems to dig something underground!

These monks!

Avoid the perception of Jiuding!

Jiuding Great Array has been staring at Kunlun for a long time. If there is any movement in Kunlun, the power group will know the first time, but Jiuding Great Array has no reminders!

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