Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2550: Killing God Lord


   Great annihilation!

   What is the big extermination!

  What's wrong with the hourglass!

   Why the spirit of the hourglass suddenly lost its gaze!

  Does that real blood really forcefully conquer the hourglass!

   The main creatures of all avenues changed their faces. At this moment, they stared at the hourglass in front of Chen Zheng. Although the world was changing, all the creatures in this area seemed to be frozen, only the hourglass vibrated!


   seems to want to break free!

   But imprisoned by an unknown force!

   Can't break free at this moment!

   "You bastard, I kindly find you, but you treat me like this, even if you imprison me with real blood, I will not lend you any strength!"

   The sound of the hourglass spirit sounds!


  This and this!

   This turned out to be crying!

  The main creatures on each avenue are ignorant at this moment!



  The hourglass turns into a seven-color divine light!

  It fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart at once!

   "You never want to borrow any of my strength!"


   All beings heard the crying cry of the hourglass spirit again!

  In an instant!

   Everyone was awake!

   is also this moment!

   The Seven-Colored Divine Light Enchantment is broken!


   Yi Qianhan's face sank, staring at Chen Zheng now, silently!

   "My state should be the state before you were killed, so I don't know how you killed me before. I want to see now."

   Yin Chixian looked at Chen Zheng and smiled lightly at the moment.

   "Chen Zu is ruthless enough to defy the sky, and the Lord of God will quit!"

   over there!

   Kill God and bow his fist with a sullen face!

  The voice has not completely dropped!

  The person will be hidden!



  Chen Zheng raised a hand and grabbed the God-killing God who had been invisible, and the sound of destruction instantly sounded!

   "Master Qing Qing save me!"


   Kill God!

   What a pity!

   got no response!

   Instead, he carefully flew out of the green man!

   Abandon him directly!

   This moment!

   Kill the god, the primordial god!

   "Chen Zurao!"

   He shouted subconsciously, and then he heard the terrifying tears himself, and his cry stopped abruptly!

   Kill God!

   The Yuanshen is completely destroyed!


  Sentient souls on each avenue!

   There are very few ways to see Chen Zheng!

  Most of the methods that have never seen Chen Zheng in person!

   At this moment, I only feel numbness in my scalp!

   Kill God!

   turned to Taiyou Qinghuang!

  It is sheltered by the power of Taiyou Qinghuang!

   Can still be killed by this Chen Zu!

   This means!



   No wonder!

  The Undefeated Monument will rank it at the top of the list!

   Even if it only has five rings of overlord mana cultivation!

   But this combat power is really strong!

"come back."

   There was no fluctuation in front of Chen. When he caught the green man who had shot into the mist, the green man was caught and he swallowed the green man!


   A flash of fairy light on my body!

   There is an extra **** pattern in the heart of the eyebrow!

  Five Dao Shenwen became six Dao Shenwen!


  Does this mana cultivation raise a realm?

   The living creatures were shocked. If the average person raised such a small realm, they would not be surprised. A **** pattern of the overlord only raised the realm of the era overlord!


   This Chen Zu is different now!

  This Chen Zu just used Wuhuan as his major just to erase the God-killing Lord who was sheltered by the power of Taiyou Qinghuang!

   Its mana has improved a small realm, it is definitely not as simple as it seems, its combat power is probably improved a lot!


   Isn't it time for Yin Chi Xian now?

   After all, Yin Chi Xian should not have appeared!

   Yin Chi Xian is dead!

  Yin Chi Xian was forcibly resurrected by an infinite hourglass!

   Between these horrified creatures, their eyes moved, and they stared at Yin Chi Xian!

"Chen Zu's combat power is indeed tyrannical, but if this is the only way, I shouldn't be able to kill me. I am a celestial immortal. I used to be a detached person, even if the state fell, and now I am in the Taixu. Ranked second, only one place lower than Chen Zu.

   Therefore, Chen Zu wanted to cut me, fearing that he would have to use unusual means, even the strongest means. "

   Yin Chixian smiled faintly, and seemed to have seen through life and death.

   "Meet you."

   Chen Zheng smiled.

come yet!

   The other creatures held their breath!

   The pupils are wide open to the extreme!



   is here!

   The sword sounded!

  Sword shadows!

   You mang flash!

   Darkness is coming!

This scene!

looks familiar!

  Isn't this scene the same day that the ghost fairy shadow cut off from the pole of the northwest pole of the heavenly domain!

   Sure enough!

   It was the top of the list that cut Yin Yin and Chi Xian that day!

   That day is just speculation!

   This is the real witness!

   "The Great Destroy is like this!"

  Yin Chixian looked at the darkness that was slowly pressed down from the top, his complexion first sinked, then he made a sigh of emotion, and then laughed again!

   It seems!

   Saw this sword!

   This life is worth it!


   Pure darkness!

   Slowly fall!

   devoured Yin Chi Xian!


   Yin Chi Xian disappeared!

   "Yin Chi Xian fell, hereby telling the world of Taixu!"

   "The God-killing Lord has fallen, hereby telling the world of Taixu!"

   Outside the broken place!

  The sound of the announcement sounded through the 13 major regions!

   That moment!

   Many creatures are in a trance!

  Yin Chi Xian?

   Why died again!



   Yin Chi Xian is resurrected from the supreme **** in the broken land!


  How long hasn't been reborn yet!

   was cut again!


  Broken land!

   The fourth outer circle of the western pole region!

   The flesh of Tai Su stone egg suspended beside Chen Zheng flashed, engulfing the ring fragments of the era after the fall of the **** killer and Yin Chixian!

   This stone egg?

Yi Qianhan and the other Taoist creatures noticed the existence of the stone egg, and felt a look of consternation, Yi Qianhan pondered for a moment, staring at Chen Zheng, lowering his voice and saying: "Before the third outer circle, Chen The ancestors deprived me of the sapphire, and I integrated another sapphire. Chen Zu can deprive me of the sapphire fused at any time, but Chen Zu should not be able to really kill me. After all, it is too quiet green The core area of ​​this broken earth is awakened, and I can't help it."

   "Did you take that **** tree?"

   Chen Zheng only smiled faintly.

   God tree?

  What **** tree?

   Yi Qianhan heard this sentence, his body was shocked, his eyes flashed, and Chen Zheng glanced deeply, his figure disappeared!


   Is this really why Yi Qianhan!

  The other Taoist creatures showed doubtful colors, and suddenly thought of the situation in front of him, the body was also trembling, looking at Chen Zheng carefully one by one!

   "Abandon Tianzong Xiaowuji in Xiawuji, Chen Zu and Chen Zu once saved an elder of my ancestor in Daluo Jincheng, I don't know that Chen Zu still remembers this matter"

   A young man in black robe, gritted his teeth and bowed his head!

   "Well, let's go."

   Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   "This junior quits!"

  The young man in the Xuanhuang robe stayed for a while, and quickly clenched his fist again, his figure disappeared!

   "I will leave!"

   The rest of the Taoist creatures reacted quickly, and after a week, they all slipped in the blink of an eye!

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