Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2537: Deserved

   Lying trough!

what's going on!

   Lying trough!

   How did the Master of Painting Immortal Pavilion suddenly burst!

   Isn’t the master of painting fairy pavilion just painted a picture!

   This is how the Yuanshen is destroyed!



   Extremely puzzled!

   There is an unspeakable panic!

   Beiming Fatty and others all retreated!

   The monks in the Xianyun Tower and the Slaughtering Heaven Palace are all silent. I can’t believe that the Pavilion of the Painted Pavilion has fallen!


  From start to finish!

   No mana fluctuations!

   This is definitely not the shot!

   It seems that only that person can kill the master of the painting fairy!

what is happening!

How could this be!

   "The Lord of the Painted Pavilion has fallen, hereby telling the world of Taixu!"


   Outside the broken place!

  Zhangtian Domain and 12 other domains!

   The sound of the undefeated stele's announcement sounded!


   "Who killed the master of Huaxian Pavilion?"

   "A supreme soul fell again, why do I say it again? It seems that if it is not the news of the fall of the supreme creature at the level of Taihuang, Eternal Dragon, Taixuan, I don't feel much"

   "I don't know why, I suddenly had a hunch at this moment, maybe in the next few days, some of the famous creatures in the era of overlord, some people will begin to fall!"

   "So it will start from the beginning"

  There are countless whispers in the 13th domain!

  Anonymous Hill.

"it has started."

  The Emperor Zhang Tian and the metal villain are playing against each other.

   "A little lord, who didn't have a big name in the era of overlords, will wait for the Taihuang, Taixuan, and Vanguard Dragons to fall, and the Taixu creatures will really feel horrified."

   The metal villain nodded lightly, and fell behind.

   "Taihuang Taihuang was once the first person in the era of hegemony, and the head of the eight great gods in the acquired day. It should not have been so easy to fall off.

  The Emperor Tian Tian thought of something.

   "Taihuang if he is Taihuangtian, then Chen Zheng should not kill him, if he is not Taihuangtian, he will definitely die."

   The metal villain shook his head gently.

   "Taihuang Tian is this a certain creator?"

   asked the Emperor Zhang Tian with a deep voice.

   "At the peak, the level of the three thousand universes is far from the creator of the polar realm, but it is also a rare existence."

   The metal villain nodded.

   "How many universes did you hold at the peak of your elders when you were in charge of the three thousand universes?"

  The Emperor Zhang Tian asked with curiosity.

   "Nine Nine Nine Nine."

  The metal villain casually said a number.

   As soon as the Heavenly Emperor Zhang heard it, he shook his hand and did not continue to ask.

  Although it sounds like it is only a few times in charge of the three thousand universe, even less than four times, but the real strength gap is definitely more than several times.

   Looking up.

   I can only look up.

   One day in the future, Chen Zu should be able to get there.

   It's a pity that I should never see that shining scene with my cultivation.


  Broken land!

   The third outer ring!

  Killing Tiangong and Huaxian Yunlou monks are finally fully awake!


   Crazy trembling!

   Uncontrollable trembling!

   "The Pavilion Lord falls!"

   "The Lord Patriarch has fallen!"

   "Why is this!"

  The monk painting Xianyunlou shouted with a tremble!


   It is at this moment!

  Painting Pavilion Master Yuan Shen in the broken air!

   Suddenly, a strange appearance emerged!


what are these!

   Everyone stared!

   "These seem to be talented forces"

   "This is a gift for various avenues"

   "How do I feel that some of them are talented and familiar?"


   The sound of suspense sounded!

   "That seems to be the bloodthirsty supernatural power that we teach the master's killing avenue. How could the master Xiange Pavilion"

   "Hundreds of years ago, the master of the painting fairy pavilion came to the killing palace. I remember that this painting pavilion master painted a painting for us to teach adults."

   "It's impossible because of it"

  In the killing palace, the elders and several other elders recognized one of their talents, which is exactly the same as the talents that they taught Yi Qianhan!

   A time!

   Surprised and suspicious!

   Quickly figure out something!


   "Painting Pavilion Master painting is fake, stealing talent magic is true, Patriarch Pavilion painting has a strange magical power, and painting others can steal talents of others!"

   "So the Lord Paixian Pavilion just made a request just to steal this child's talent and magical power, but it seems to have been repulsed!"


   "Rely! I know there is a conspiracy. It turns out that this man has such a strange talent and magical power. This man just apologized just now. It is really a sinister villain! Unfortunately, this man underestimated the uncle's gifted magical power and deserves to be destroyed!"

  Lan Ling also understood that, his face was cold and stern!

   "No wonder."

  Yan Nu also nodded her head lightly. If it wasn't for the master's talent and supernatural power, it would be terrible.


  Master should have seen this master of the fairy pavilion!

   So I was too lazy to start!

   The master of this painting Xiange Pavilion is taking his own shame!


   You mang flash!

   All talents and supernatural powers are instantly swallowed by Taisu Stone Egg!


   This stone egg seems to be able to devour everything!

   Beiming Fatty and others are surprised again!


at the same time!

   A phantom in the Xianyun Tower is flying out!

   "Old and magnificent paintings, elders and magnificent Taoist patriarchs, and disciples from the old and middle generations of paintings and pavilions, thank you, Lord Xie, killed the demon who painted the pavilion!

   This phantom is a worship to Chen Zheng!


What does this mean!

   How did the elder Huaxiange suddenly come out like this!

"you are welcome."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly, said that his right hand was raised, and grabbed at Huaxianyunlou. The elder who claimed to be a flashy Taoist had already revealed a flattering color. Seeing Chen Zheng raise his hand, it instantly revealed the color of panic!


  Chen Zheng grabbed!

   The Taoist can also paint the Xianyun Tower!

  It will disappear in an instant!


   Fright of Beiming Fatty and so on!

   Tremble one by one!

   Lying trough!


  Erase a Taoism as soon as you raise your hand!

   "Did that guy just think that Uncle was cheating? The master of the painting fairy pavilion can't cheat the uncle, and these small characters want to cheat the uncle? Hum! Brain!"

   Lan Ling hummed.

  The killing monks in the killing temple are silent!

  Do it now!

   This is the place to start!

   One action is to destroy a Taoism!

   Then, is the next time to kill the Tiangong!

  Although I have confidence in the killing of Tiangong defense!

   But this one hasn't come up with real means!

  After all, it is difficult to feel at ease!

  Teach your master!

   You should already know that the Pavilion of the Painted Pavilion has fallen!

  Teach your master!

   Quickly send the Killing Temple to the fourth outer circle!

  The elders and several elders shouted in their hearts!



  In front of the killing palace!

  A figure is coming!

   "Teach Master!"

   "Welcome to teach the adults!"

   "Master Master is back!"

  Cross-cut killing monks saw this first froze for a while, then shouted to worship!


Who is that?

   Lying trough!

  Cross-and-slaughter kills Yi Qianhan!

  Beijing Ming Fatty and other monks were also stunned for a moment, and then quickly stared at it, and just looked at it and exclaimed!


   Age of overlord!

   The famous creatures once appeared!

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