Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2513: ?Who do you want to fool?


   The Yuanshen, which was picked up by the pure white sword, was roaring roaringly, also in the roaring roaring, the roaring Yuanshen of the giant with broken arm was destroyed!

   lying trough!


   Really cut!

   The white invincible really cut the giant of the broken arm in the supreme realm!

   A domain creature's eyes widened!

"This guy has something, but it's still not as good as the uncle. Of course, this guy is only ranked first in the overlord list, and the uncle is the first in the list. It really can't be compared with the uncle. But I think this giant is just Come and try the water, the main lord has not yet appeared, the main red temple of the anode temple is not coming out, and Bai Wudi is afraid that it can't hold it.

Speaking of the anode temple, in fact, there was a very powerful person before, even more powerful than the main hall of the red Zhao, who is the king of the title... Some people can’t remember it, it seems that it is related to the seal. However, the guy disappeared afterwards, and most of them left Taixu. If that guy is still in Taixu, it is impossible to be on the list. "

  Lan Ling commented, thinking that the anode temple used to have a powerful character, so he frowned slightly.



   Above the head of the giant with a broken arm!

   A red lightning strikes!

   slammed on the head of the giant with a broken arm who had lost the Yuanshen!


  In an instant!

  Broken arm giant's lost pupils turned blood red!

   Only one roar!

  The giant arm of the arm with a broken arm blasted at the giant mountain!


  The creatures staring at the direction of the anode temple by means of Shennian, etc. At this moment, they heard the sound of destruction, that is the sound of the destruction of the ancient formation of the anode temple!

   can't hold it anymore!

   The giant with a broken arm was resurrected by a force other than Taixu!

  The first person in the invincible white invincible can't stand it!

   "Chaos Giant, now ranked 15th on the list! If you remember correctly, before the Chaos Giant was cut, it was more than twenty!"

   "A red lightning outside the Taixu not only resurrected the Chaos Giant, but even made it repaired by more than a dozen places! This is the lineage outside the Taixu. This giant is called the Chaos Giant. Is it related to that family?"

"Huh? Chaos Lu Clan? Chaos Lu Clan shouldn't do it to the anode temple? As far as I know, Chaos Lu Clan is also overbearing, but it is only domineering in Chaos outside Taixu, few people from Chaos Lu Clan come too. Market!"

   "Chaotic Lu Clan... I heard that the head of the Chaos Lu Clan is called Lu Muyue. If she comes to Taixu, can you say that you can be ranked in the top five?"

"'s hard to say...Don't talk about the Chaos Lu clan first, the Lord of the Anode Temple Hong Zhao will never show up again. The Anode Temple can't bear it anymore. Razed to the ground!"

  A domain of creatures is shocked!

   The first person in the overlord list can't bear it!

   The ranking of Chaos Giant is still rising!

  It seems that his blood will be improved every time he slams a palm!

   Keep going like this!

  The anode temple is gone!

  The Lord of the Red Show!

  Why not show up yet!

   Is it impossible to get out of the broken!




   Loud noise!


   The land where the anode temple is located!

   is now shrouded in dust and blood!



   A flash of Rayman!

  The land boundary where the anode temple is located is covered by a huge thunder net. Although the chaotic giant is also covered by the thunder net, not only is it not weakened, but it is getting stronger and stronger!

   "No. 13 on the list!"

"This... this and this... Chaos Giant... Chaos Giant... I understand, this Chaos Giant can swallow everything, all three thousand avenues Can swallow, this thunder net is obviously a means of life outside the Taixu, today is to completely destroy the anode temple!"

"If you let this chaotic giant devour and become stronger, will it... will it reach the top ten on the list, will it reach the top five on the list... if only It is theoretically calculated whether this Chaos Giant has a chance to kill the top of the list!"

   Various sounds!



   Lehman flashes again!


  The Chaos Giant in the Thunder Net roared upwards!

  The ranking has risen again!


"It's too fast. It was only over twenty before it was cut. How much time has passed since this resurrection. This has already killed the eleventh place on the list. It won't make it to the top of the list. Ten!"

"The Lord Hong Zhao appeared, and I'm afraid it's useless! Now it's up to see if there is an anode shrine from the supreme being. If this anode shrine has a connection with the top five creatures on the list, there will be a rescue! If it has a relationship with the top of the list, it is not a problem at all!"

  The eyes of a living creature moved, and Thundernet became more and more horrible. Their thoughts could not penetrate. At this moment, they could only look at the top list and watch the ranking changes of the Chaos Giant!



   Above the sky!

   Another red lightning blasted!


next moment!

  A domain creature heard the roar of Chaos Giant in Thunder Net!


  When I saw the ranking of Chaos Giants on the top list, there was more than one sudden jump!

   One domain creature was stunned!

  This and this!

   This one has reached the eighth place on the list!

   lying trough!

   does not seem to be a tyranny of Chaos Giant!

   It's the scary red lightning horror!

   Chaos giant absorbed the power of red lightning and cultivated to be so crazy!


   Supreme Demon!

   Lord of the overcast!

   Dang Tianzhu Lord!

   is now crushed by this chaotic giant!

   crowded out a place!

   Chaos Giant is in front of the eternal dragon!

   And the eternal dragon is the emperor!

  The former Emperor Tai is the top five of the devil Daoist Master and so on!

no doubt!

   Behind the Chaos Giant stands a supreme creature of the top five levels on the list!

  Anode Temple!

   If you don’t have the top five creatures on the list, pull one!

   This time I really want to be erased!

"Eighth... Is this red lightning so strong, it will become stronger after a hack, or is this system obtained by the Chaos Giant... Hey? What is the system... .."

  Lan Ling frowned slightly and said something subconsciously, but suddenly realized that he spit out strange words, his small face changed instantly, and secretly he was indeed instilled with some strange things in the head by the unknown guy.

Oh shit!

   That bastard!

  Indoctrination of these things has a fart use!

  Be able to send a system that is very uncomfortable!

  Lan Ling murmured was ready to be knocked on the head, but this time it didn't happen, the unknown existence seemed to be busy with other things!

   "Is this a detached person..."

  Yan female thoughtfully.

   "Who do you want to fool?"

   Then Chen Zheng opened his mouth and asked casually.


   This question!

   is like a thunder exploding!

   All the creatures in the domain of palm heaven have heard!


   Whose voice is this?

   This sound seems a bit familiar!

   lying trough!

   This voice!

   This voice!

Most of the creatures in a domain were stunned, and a few were stunned for a while, then they were shocked, and then they raised doubts. This sudden question asked that the power to attack the anode temple was not from outside the Taixu. Such a big battle, I want to lead to Taoism outside the Taixu, such as the Chaos Lu people!



   Lei's online appearance of a phantom!

   The ghost image is blurred!

   But the whole body is full of red Rayman!

   Each Raymond seems to have the terrifying power comparable to the top ten in the list!

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