Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2487: Jingshi God's eyes!

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This thing!

Could it be that a creature fails!

Could it be that the ancestors of the Fengmo family in Fengmo Caves mutated!


Between the cultivators' guess, the big hands transformed by the branches of the dark giant tree suddenly fell off and smashed towards the ground. The cultivator saw this scene more ignorant, thinking that the big hands were going to fall to the ground, but those big hands suddenly in the air Freeze!


A strange scene appeared!

The tens of thousands of big hands are all pointing at the moment!

At the moment, an eye suddenly appeared in the palm!


This Nima!

The scalp is numb!

Staring at the creatures above the Fengmo Caves with Shennian, I suddenly felt the terrible shock of the Yuanshen. There were a lot of moments that erased that Shennian, so I dared not read more!

"Fuck! Mental pollution!"

In the extreme fringe of the extreme north glacier, Lan Ling couldn't help but burst a swearing, and Shen Nian received it instantly!

The one male and two females seen by the Cultivator were Chen Zheng and the two girls. In fact, Chen Zheng came to the extremely north glacier, he did not want to enter the broken land, but also just felt a breath and took a look.

"Is it such a big battle in Fengmo Caves that I want to completely suppress those very demonic thoughts, or do I want to move Hongdou to move too early?"

Chen Zheng looked at the direction of Fengmo Caves. At that moment, all his eyes and eyes were staring at the extremely north glacier, and he was staring at him at least hundreds of thousands of miles away!

If ordinary people are stared like this, I am afraid that Yuanshen has collapsed, but for him, this shock of Yuanshen is really nothing!

"Uncle knows the fifth red bean on the list?"

Lan Ling asked subconsciously.

"With fingers, I only have the meaning of esteem. Although this dark giant tree, Ten Thousand Fingers, is powerful, but it’s not too scary. It’s just that these ten thousand palms and ten thousand eyes are scary. means."

Yan girl frowned slightly, she merged two strange magic weapons. Although the eyes of Ten Thousand Eyes were just explored by Shen Nian, and her scalp felt numb, the power of the strange magic weapons instantly counteracted the power of the strange road released between the invisible eyes. .



Thousands of hands suddenly change!

Ten thousand hands move!

Wanyan moved with it!

Palm domain!

Heaven and earth!

At this moment, no dead ends were stared by thousands of eyes!

Then I saw Yimang!

Sweep across the sky!


Nothing happened!

"Is this a fake handle?"

On the side of the extremely north glacier, the monk who flew into the air to find inspiration for writing poetry asked subconsciously. As soon as this sentence was asked, his face with the other monks on the glacier side changed dramatically!


All of their mana fell to a big realm!

The era overlord directly fell into Taoism!

The Taoist ancestor fell into the realm of the Taoist ancestor!


"Our mana is swallowed!"

"What kind of monster is this Nima? If it is a supreme being, then a strange name should appear on the top list, but lying on the slot! Look at the top list, it's really a risk on the top list. A strange name came out! The eyes of the **** of cleansing world ranks fourth in the list! I’m Nima, is the eyes of the gods of the dark world born of the eyes of the **** of pure world!"


All over!

When someone notices a change in the ranking of the top ranking!

There was another scream!


this moment!

Not only the monks of the Northern Glacier, but the monks in the entire palm heaven domain almost looked up at the sky, staring at the top list. At the moment, the top list is not only coming out of the eyes of a pure world **** that has never been heard and heard, some supernatural spirit realm It also fell, and those supernatural beings happened to be in the domain of the palm heaven!

At this moment, it either fell to the bottom of the top list, or fell out of the top list, and fell to the overlord list, and the overlord list also changed. Some of the names that originally occupied the top ten of the overlord list disappeared from the overlord list!

This Nima!

Where is this god's eye!

This is clearly the magic eye!

This is a magic eye dedicated to extracting mana mana!


At the end of the glacier, Yan female frowned, although the name of the Master on the top of the list was still ranked at the top of the list, but at this moment, the Master's mana has fallen to the dominance, and now it has degenerated to the realm of Taoism!


The power of the Master's physical spirit is driven by mana!

This mana has degenerated to the realm of Taoism!

Is this targeted?

and so!

There is such a big battle over the Fengmo Caves!

Is this to deal with the Master with that strange God of pure world today?


The other party doesn't seem to know!

Master has unlocked all the shackles in the body!

To restore mana, just swallow the true blood of origin!

And Master has a heart of origin!

Now let's not talk about infinitely making real blood of origin!

But the Master's inventory has at least hundreds of drops of genuine blood!

"I am a tortoise, ranking fourth on the list. Something is wrong, but this thing should not be called the God's Eye, it should be called the Devil's Eye, devouring the magic power of the soul!"

Lan Ling came back, and I don't know why at this moment, a little excited!

"The Lord of the Sealed Devil's Cave, today invited the eyes of the Pure World with the original Devil Hall of Hun Tian De Dao. One is to completely wipe out the Hun Tian De Dao, and the other is to save the first God from the beginning! Panic, please raise your hands and lend a strength to this seat, so that this seat can suppress the faceless Demon Queen Red Bean! What this seat does today, everything is for Taixu Cangsheng!"


A low voice sounded!

Instantly resounded in the sky!


"This is the means of the Lord of the Devil's Cave. The God of the Pure World is invited by the Lord of the Devil's Cave. He wants to completely wipe away the Heavenly Devil's Path, and who will he save? Lying groove! I heard it right! Save First God? Wait! Red beans! Isn’t this fifth on the list! Originally the fifth! Now it’s squeezed to the sixth!"

"So the mysterious faceless woman who appeared in Zhang Tian Dayu more than a year ago is the mysterious red bean on the top list. After the faceless demon, red bean really dragged down a **** in the sarcophagus she dragged. God is too early!"

"Can we believe what the Lord of the Enchanted Cave said?"

"My **** stupid, let me slow down!"

A domain was silent for a short time, and a few hundred voices sounded a moment later. The spirits of a domain were complex, staring at the direction of Fengmo Caves!


That huge palace!

The palace that sealed the Devil's Cave at this moment is the original Devil Hall of the legendary Heavenly Demon Road!

That is the origin of almost all demonic cultivation between heaven and earth!



A million hands!

Jingshi God's eyes!

Yimang flash!

Once again swept the domain of palm heaven!


"My mana!"

"My realm fell again!"

"Damn it! You are a robber!"

"Your behavior makes it hard to believe that you really want to save the First God!"


The creatures in the domain of Palm Heaven realized that their mana was deprived again!

Mana Xiu fell to a big realm again!

This time!

More than 90% of them started to swear!

Say yes, raise your hands!

You're stealing it!

"I thought I was going to get something like a vitality This Nima started to **** it out. This guy is definitely not for the world!"

The blue spirit realm fell under the ancestor of Dao, and at this moment the small face was full of discomfort and snorted!

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