Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2480: Robbery

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"The heaven and earth have been upgraded. Except that there is no change in the headland's hometown, the rest of the heavens and the ten thousand realms have been upgraded. Is this to merge the heavens and the ten thousand realms to return to the same realm, and reproduce the original wild land of this era."

Corpse Fairy suddenly opened his eyes, felt something, and then frowned.

"Does anyone want to reshape the flood?...The owner of Zixiao Palace is afraid that it can't be done, and only Heaven can do it."

Xiangliu was originally on the ground. He heard this sentence and opened his eyes, revealing the color of thought.

He is a great witch. Originally, after his awakening in this era, it was not very strong. However, the ghost world was upgraded a while ago. He was originally the most witch-level witch, and his realm skyrocketed wildly. The level of the saints, it's over. Today, no cultivation, cultivation practice has reached the extreme of Taoist ancestors.

Although Cultivation was soaring, to a level that he did not dare to think before, he was not happy. Judging from the information currently available, the worlds of the heavens are all being upgraded, and the spiritual practice of the worlds of the heavens is almost all skyrocketing, and Hongmeng Heaven is the most ruthless.

He got a message that a demon clan ancestor that he once knew has now surpassed the Taoist ancestor, even more than one big realm!

As for the saints who were too high in the sky, it is said that they have also reached a terrible realm, that realm is called the supreme realm!

"Say Jiu Xuan Nu had a grudge with the Master, Xian Ji asked for the news that Jiu Tian Xuan Nu has now stepped into the supreme realm and started to suppress Jiu Wei Tian Fox, which is related to Chen Zu, if not There is mysterious Qingqiu support behind Jiuwei Tianhu, I am afraid that it would be caught and tortured by Jiutian Xuannv."

Xiangliu suddenly thought of something, and lowered his voice.

"Nine Heavens Xuan Nu... This woman is okay, her scars are forgotten, and her head went to Taixu. Now she is ranked first in Taixu's list, and she has killed no less than ten supernatural beings. The head of mysterious girl can be shot dead with a slap."

Corpse Fairy laughed lightly, his eyes flashed in his eyes, thought of another point, and said with emotion: "The heavens and all realms are being upgraded, but the hometown of the first child has not changed much, and the hometown of the first child is probably more than Too heaven is still mysterious, or there is a creature that we can’t imagine sleeping in the hometown of the boss, its own is the avenue, which is above the Hongmeng Avenue. It is precisely because of this that the Hongmeng Avenue cannot affect the boss’s home."

"This... will the Master return to his hometown, or will he wait for the daughter of Xuanyuan to go to heaven after the battle of Taixu. I recently got some calls, that is the call of the ancestors and witches, The ancestors and witches have been resurrected, and I am afraid that all of them have returned to heaven. In addition, the ancient demon emperor Jun has also been resurrected, and it is not a general tyranny. Hongmeng Avenue will not be a reenactment of the flood and the flood, and the lich again. The war will be destroyed by the way..."

Xiangliu thought, feeling a little worried.

"Taitiantian... The former saints are fine, not to mention the nine-day mysterious girl. I am actually not afraid, only the one who sits in the heavenly palace. And that one is the righteous daughter of the leader, and It’s Hongmeng’s daughter. Although it’s basically irrelevant to the world, but the boss and Hongmeng are dead enemies. Taitian still returns to his hometown, I can’t guess.”

Corpse fairy Ji frowned slightly.

"Daughter of Hongmeng...If the Holy Master fights Hongmeng again, on which side will she stand..."

Xiang Liu asked in a low voice.



Palm domain.

Longevity God Mountain and Longevity God Tree have been included in the world of Chentu by Chen Zheng.

As for the longevity goddess, after turning into a green light, she entered a very mysterious closed state, and was also sent into the world of Taotu by Chen Zheng.

The disciples of the **** apes, the second house, and other longevity Shenshan disciples also entered the Daotu to practice.

"That old...return to the Emperor Sect first."

Tai Xiao thought about it, bowed to Chen Zheng, and disappeared.

For a time.

There were only Yan and Lan Ling beside Chen Zheng. One was the four disciples of this life, and the other was the reincarnated chaotic goddess of the first identity of the emperor.

"Then... which lineage do we go to destroy next? Van Gogh? Kill Dao? Or Grand Chaos Sword Palace? Simply go to Van Gogh Mountain, grab the jade flu **** who is one of the three beauty of Taixu, and then Uncle, do you breathe at the queen of Yuxiao?"

Lan Ling's eyes turned around.

"Sigh, why do you want to breathe?"

Chen Zheng is a little curious.

"This... Sister Yan said that you blow out the dark giant body in one breath, and the combat power index is as high as three gigabytes. I want to see if the uncle and the woman kiss me, will you breathe to the woman? Blow that woman away. In the words of Sister Yan, this is called exploration and knowledge."

Lan Ling replied seriously.


Yan Nu didn't know what to say, but secretly she didn't say that this was exploration and seeking knowledge, but only that it needed to be studied.

Chen Zheng only smiled, then sensed, raised his head and looked at the top list hanging in the sky.


Lan Ling also looked up when she saw it. She thought that the ranking of the top ten on the list had changed. She glanced and found that the top ten or even the top 20 had not changed. There was a change outside the 20. There was a stranger. first name.

"Wan Tribulation... It seems that I heard from my mother before, saying that it is likely that the Lord of Tribulation was reincarnated. Before stepping into the dominance of the era, he went to the Blood Cave to challenge the Lord of Blood Cave Become a tie. Now stepping into the supremacy, although ranked in the 20th place, but the real combat power of the ten thousand robbery should be able to be ranked in the top fifteen. By the way, uncle, the ten thousand robbery is a woman. She try?"

Lan Ling whispered, and his eyes lit up.

"Wancao was planted by the Master thousands of years Yan Nu shook her head gently.

"What? This uncle was planted thousands of years ago by Uncle? How did you plant it? Do you plant a seed in spring and a woman in autumn?"

Lan Ling small face was startled.

"Huh? How can it be suppressed, this is dropped to the overlord list? No! This is even the list of the overlord list is not known, what is the situation? Wait! Why did the top ten of the top list suddenly appear a robbery? Market?"

Yan Nu just wanted to say something with a smile, seeing the sudden change on the top list, Wan Jie's name disappeared from the top list, and even the overlord list could not be found, and the top ten of the top list suddenly appeared a robbery number. At the market, her face changed, and she quickly looked at Chen Zheng!

"The number of ruins on the market is ninth on the list. Is this the name of Wancao changed, or is the Wancao planted by the uncle harvested?"

Lan Ling also noticed this change and immediately exclaimed! At the same time, I secretly said that if the guy who had picked the fruit from the Wan Tribulation, that guy was about to suffer bad luck!

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