Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2471: How could this be learned!

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Is it ascension to heaven?

Just hit it here!

"No change on the list!"

"Several supernatural beings with the surname of the emperor, ranked 20th, have successively reached the top twenty of the **** list! Now the eleventh to sixteenth of the **** list are all supreme with the surname of the emperor! This is Which Orthodox or which race, or just a coincidence!"

"This...should be the ancient **** of the Tenjinzu, one of the five ancient evil ethics. The ancient gods all have the surname of the emperor! It's just that the ancient **** of Tianshenzuo suddenly surged. Is this ready to do something big!"

The creatures in the palm of the world noticed the change in the ranking on the top of the list for the first time. When they saw a row of self-names with the surname of the emperor, they couldn't help but reveal the look of surprise!

This ranking has changed!

There must be something unusual happening!

"Six supreme beings... dominated the eleventh to sixteenth places on the list... Tenjinzuo is so strong... This kind of ancient evil doctrine, once it broke out, really It's scary!"

Following Chen Zheng's blue spirit falling towards the depths of the scale abyss, he felt the terror in the depths of the scale abyss for the first time, so he went subconsciously to explore the **** list. This exploration widened his eyes!

"Less than Gigabit combat power, the top ten creatures on the list should have Gigabit combat power, but this formation under the ancient gods is somewhat unusual. This formation does not seem to prevent the master, but another Pictured."

The golden gleam flashed in the eyes of Yan female, and glanced at the deepest part of Scale Abyss. The figure of the ancient gods in the big formation at the deepest part of Scale Abyss all appeared in her sight, and these ancient gods had only her fighting power. Visible digital symbols appear.

"Gigabit combat power? This creature's combat power... can it be specific to a certain number?"

When Lan Ling heard it, his small face was full of curiosity.

"I merged two bizarre magic weapons, and I can see some special numbers."

Yan Nu smiled.

"Then... can my sister look at my combat strength?"

Lan Ling's eyes moved, and he smiled obediently.

"360 billion."

Yan Nu looked at Lan Ling and said a number.

"Ah? Three hundred sixty billion...just so...what is that uncle?"

Lan Ling froze for a moment, then asked again.

"Master's combat strength...the normal state is similar to yours now, but it is only the normal state."

Yan female replied.


It is at this moment!

Scale Abyss is the deepest!

Suddenly a road of terror burst out!


Did not run towards the three Chen Zheng!

Instead, it turned into a void face!


"This seat knows that you want to destroy our Tenjinzuka, and this seat is here for you to destroy!"

"Come! Come destroy us!"


These void faces roared at Chen Zheng!


Yan girl frowned slightly, and secretly said that these ancient gods had other plans, but they could see through this, and the master must have seen through long ago, but don't worry.

"My ancestor Qiankun body is here, you come down and destroy me!"


Another provocative sound came from below!

It is the deity of ancestor Qiankun!


Although he is clamoring!

In fact, the heart is very uneasy!

He was afraid that his master and several other ancient gods' intentions would be seen through!

"Are these guys... deliberately annoying the uncle, are these guys acting too badly?"

Lan Ling frowned slightly, and she also saw that the guys in Tenjinzu wanted to provoke the uncle intentionally, but their acting skills were too bad!

"It turned out to be a detachment, you want to use my power to push this array to the extreme, so that you can get rid of the Hongmeng universe? You are a good abacus."

Chen Zheng swept across the phantom giant face, glanced at the large array that covered the depths of the scales, and then smiled.


Scale Abyss is the deepest!

The look of the six supreme gods changed!

" this seen through... will this guy be fooled?"

Ancestor Qiankun's heart shook!

"He is a proud person, even if we see through our intentions, he will still do it! Now we bet a little, betting that his power can really urge the detachment formation, but it cannot break the detachment formation! So no matter what he has No matter how many shots he takes, his power will be absorbed by the detachment formation. When the detachment formation reaches its extreme, we can use the detachment formation to break away from the Hongmeng universe! Even if there is no real detachment, as long as we escape the Hongmeng universe, we must You can detach!"

The ancient **** Shen Shen nodded!

"Then...this... isn't it...our life and death are all in the detachment, we can only wait passively now, just like waiting for the judgment of fate?"

Ancestor Qian Kun showed bitterness!

"From the moment we knew his identity, our life and death were pinned on the detachment, otherwise we would not migrate from the third largest domain to the second largest domain, and then to the palm heaven domain. The scales of Scale Abyss fit perfectly into the detachment formation. There is no way he can't help himself. He is too strong and so desperate that the detachment formation is our best hope."

The ancient **** nodded again!

"Who...who is he!"

Zu Qiankun took a deep breath, he had a bad hunch, but he still gritted his teeth and asked!

"He is the reincarnation of the Lord of the Great Devil, the reincarnation of the Lord of Eternal Life, the reincarnation of the Supreme Sword Master, and maybe even a reincarnation of the congenital five great gods! His name is Chen Zheng, which is the top of the list!"

Gu Tianshen read it out in an open tone!

In addition, the five ancient gods have obviously known this for a long time. Their appearances have not changed much, and their appearances are extremely divine!


When Zu Qiankun heard it, his face with a bitter face was crossed at the moment, and he looked at his master trembling and said: "Master...... If you had said half a year ago, how good these would be ..."


This is real despair!

"Without despair, we still have the last hope of the detachment formation. He didn't do it immediately. Obviously, he also saw the extraordinaryness of the detachment formation. If he retreated, then our Tenjinzuzu naturally guarded."

The ancient **** looked at the ancestor Qian Kun and comforted.

"Yes, yes, he hesitated. He was afraid to make a wedding dress for Master and other masters as soon as he shot! Since he hesitated, he is likely to retreat!"

Zu Qiankun focused on his head, he saw hope!


next moment!

His face changed!

The faces of the six ancient gods have also changed!

"Blue girl, you see clearly."

Above the line of detachment, Chen Zheng raised his right hand, and slammed into the line of detachment!


Ancient god!

Ancestor Qiankun!

The rest of the gods in Tenjinzuka!

At this moment, the double pupils were extremely large!

At this moment, staring at the giant palm that blasted down!

Hold on!

Be detached!


Take advantage of this guy's power!

Break away from Hongmeng universe!

Will succeed!

They shouted crazy in their hearts!


Lan Ling's double pupils also opened to the extreme!

At the moment, I am fully absorbed in wanting to see something!

At this moment there is still a little excitement!

Secret Road can certainly understand something from the palm of his uncle with his own talent!



Chen Zheng's palm fell on the detachment!

"Hold me!"

The ancient **** roared upward!


Just shouted!

The crackling sound!


In addition, the face of the five ancient gods changed drastically. At this moment, he roared with fright, and his body skyrocketed wildly. Without any reservation, he pushed his own strength to the extreme!



A face-to-face!

Just touched the giant palm that came down!

Their body of the ancient gods collapsed!

"No! My father is Zun Kunlun!"

this moment!

Zu Qiankun screamed in horror!

Want to escape at this moment!

Regret this moment!



Giant palm!

Destroy everything in the depths of the scale abyss!


Scale abyss is empty in the depths!

"..." Lan Ling Then he opened his mouth, and was aggrieved: "This... how can I learn this, and nothing happens after a palm. Come here and shoot all dead..."

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