Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2434: Cyan God Tree! Soaring Mountain Master!

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and so!

Must not let him know!

The master of the robbery and the place where the master of the temple, such as Shenyan, went!

The resurrected old man with flowers faced each other and looked at several other lords of the palace. At this moment, his thoughts came to mind, and at the same time, he urged the power of the avenue to connect all the monks of the Mountain Robber!


next moment!

Under their feet!

Time warped!

This is to force transmission!

"Huh? Run away? Hmm? Not right! How do you feel like you are going to go to Zhang Tian Da Yu? What does this run to go to Zhang Tian Da Yu, can it not be resurrected indefinitely? Is there something terrible, and shouldn't I go to the robbery? Master Shan asking for help?"

Lan Ling little demon girl saw this scene, her doubts flashed in her eyes, she quickly glanced at Chen Zheng, and she was startled again. This strange guy seemed to be unmoved at all, and did not worry about the robbing mountain monk escape!


The power of Space and Time Avenue shines!


The old man of Huamian is still in place!

Did not teleport away!

"Send in place!"

The blue spirit demon girl was amazed, and the old Huang Shan was also amazed. They all looked subconsciously towards Chen Zheng. Seeing Chen Zheng smiled faintly, he instantly understood that it was this means that offset the time and space road. power!


It's too scary to be a major in this ring!

Kill the master of the robbery mountain!

Easily erase the Mountain Gate of the Robust Mountain!

So that the old man of Huamian who could be resurrected infinitely chose to escape from the mountain monks!

"I can wait for infinite rebirth, so what is terrible? Follow me to meet you, Master Mountain Robber."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled.

not good!

The face of the old man with flowers changed instantly!

Want to urge the Avenue of Time and Space again!

In an instant they were sent by a force that could not be resisted!

He knew that at the moment when he was erased just now, their primordial spirit had been swept away by the young man, and the young man had long known the master's movement!

Oh shit!

at the moment!

Can only pray!

That treasure with infinite rebirth will not be destroyed by this guy!

"Ah? What is this place? How does it look like... What giant god's mouth is open..."

A cry of exclamation sounded, it was the little girl of Blue Spirit, who was still robbing the mountain at the previous moment. At this moment, he had arrived in a strange place. The entrance directly in front was like a big mouth of blood basin!

The old man of Huamian and other monks robbing the mountain, as well as the big thunder dragon that has turned into a humanoid, saw the entrance of the big mouth of the blood basin, and his face sank instantly!

This guy!

What level of space-time power is used!

It was sent directly to this place!

"Although you have found this place, the danger inside it will never be much lower than the broken land! I know you want to destroy the treasure of Master Robber Hill, completely wipe out our Monk Robber Hill, but you can now look for nothing. Make it on the list and see where our host of Mountain Robbery is now!"

The old man of Huamian's face changed, and suddenly he sensed a thought, quickly probed the top list, and then stared at Chen Zheng and snorted!

No list?

The people around raised their heads subconsciously!

Investigate now!

Monk Robber showed a surprise!


At this moment, the name of the master of Mountain Robbing has risen to the eighth place!

Already among the top ten!

This is to squeeze the Lord of Taiyin and Taixuan God!

"Sovereign Lord is so strong!"

"Sovereign Lord must have obtained the inheritance that the sea **** bird had in the past, and made a breakthrough to repair the skyrocket!"

"No. 8 on the list, directly from the fifteenth to kill the No. 8 on the list, this is the true strength of the Sect Master, the Sect Master is just hiding in the past! This is why, Hongyu is so big, in the past So many years ago, there was only a real overlord of our robbery!"

Monk Robber became louder and stronger!

"No. 8 on the list... Turtle... is a great character!"

Lan Ling's little demon girl also glanced at the sky, Shen Nian explored the top list, a little flustered on her small face, and she was calling her hole card again!

The bottom card!

The bottom card!

Reveal quickly!

Never show up again!

This master of mountain robbery is afraid to be among the top five!


and many more!

Why is there another one in the ranking!

Just as the little demon girl secretly called for the bottom card, the name of the master of the robbery moved forward one more time, ranking it seventh on the list!



The name jumped up again!

This time directly beat the sixth!


This squeezed the Supreme True Devil and Tai Huang!



The top five are the most mysterious top five!

Those five people had never heard of the creatures from the 13th Territory of Taixu before they appeared on the list!

Those are completely strange five names!

Is it!


Is Master Robbing going to the top five!

The little demon girl and the elder Huangshan are frightened!


"Okay, Master Sovereign is ranked sixth in the list. Master Sovereign should feel that there is no need to hide. After all, we have a great backer for robbery. We don’t have to worry about the Lord of Taihuang, Taixuan, Taiyin. The mysterious guys in the top five!"

"Master Sect Master, climb the peak today!"

Monk Robber is ecstatic!

"I said before, the true strength of Master Robbery is definitely in the top ten of the list. Now you see it, and this is not the real limit of Master Robbery. You can leave now!"

The old man of Huamian was also ecstatic, gazing back from the sky and glaring at Chen Zheng!


He stared!

Changes in an instant!

Everyone before the big mouth!

Transmitted in an instant!


What is this place!


and many more!

Isn't the person in front of the **** Yanyan and others!

hold on!

Sovereign Lord!

There are also the sea **** birds who defected from the robbery mountain!

At this moment, the Lord Sect Master and the sea bird are like stone carvings!

There is a blue **** tree between the two!


Both are fighting for the power of the God Tree!


Lord Sovereign has firmly prevailed!

"Is this cyan **** tree no inheritance? So the sea **** bird only got a part of the inheritance. Now our master mountain robbery has received most of the inheritance. What does the sea king bird compete with our master mountain robbery!"

The old man of Huamian saw the situation now and couldn't help laughing!



Those monks who had arrived here early following the master of robbery seemed to be awakened, and suddenly turned their heads, seeing the old man of Huamian and others showing their doubts!

"The Lord of the Flower Hall, you are not in the robbery mountain, why are you here... Hmm? It's you!"

A middle-aged man's brows were slightly frowned, and he asked the old man with flowers to sweep over When he saw Chen Zheng, his face changed a lot!

"It's you!"

There was a teenager beside the middle-aged man. When he saw Chen Zheng, his face sank!


This is the moment!

The stone-carved master of Mountain Robbing swallowed a divine power!

Breath soared again!



"Sovereign Lord is ranked fifth in the list, squeezing down the red beans that were originally in the fifth place! My God, the Sovereign Lord killed the fifth in the list. Outside creatures, the only native creature in the thirteen domains of Taixu, who has entered the top five of the list!"

The robbery of the hills quickly stared at the past, and the subconscious exploration was not on the list. This exploration was suddenly a cry of surprise!

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