Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2425: My host likes lemon

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Really swallowed the domain eyes of the second largest domain?

No adverse reactions?

This Nima!

In terms of physique alone!

Isn't the magic dragon transformed by this little girl more tyrannical than the supernatural beings in Taixu!

What a dragon this little girl is!

The monks of the Yinxian Immortal Gate after the turbid Yinxian monk, and the Tiangou family who flew out, only felt that Dao Xin once suffered an unprecedented impact!


In the depths of the ancestral ancestors of the Skyhook clan, the magic dragon with the crystalline giant eyes swallowed, his head turned his head, and his eyes swept the Skyhook clan, the Skyhook clan shuddered, and he was among the tremors, and the eyes of the magic dragon flashed, Skyhook The whole family instantly becomes nothingness!

this is!

This is erased!

This is the power of the magic dragon!

What is this secret method!

Why didn't you feel any mana avenue fluctuations!

The turbid Yinxian was surprised again, and it was also at this moment that the magic dragon turned into a ghost, and suddenly fell into the heart of Chen Zheng's eyebrows. Chen Zheng glanced deep into the ancestral ground of the Tiangou family, and the machete suspended in front of him suddenly swept away. A cold mountain, penetrated into the deepest part of the ancestral land of the Tiangou family!


Could it be!

The Skyhook clan still has nothing to do!

The turbid Yinxian waited and stared down. Under Shen Nian's perception, she didn't perceive any abnormality, but suddenly, a strange scream came from the depths of the ancestors of the Tian hook family!


It is rumored that the Tian hook family is the race created by the second master!

Under the ancestral land of the Tian hook family, there is the second master!

After the turbid Yinxian, I immediately thought of some rumors!

"I just happened to pass by, I didn't mean to spy on anything, I was playing soy sauce on the side, and I didn't provoke the top leader, but the top leader was so right, I just used a knife to poke me, I am really sad! "


Under the ancestral land of the sky hook family!

A man's voice sounded!


next moment!

A figure rushed out!


The turbid Yinxian waited for a closer look, almost all stunned, because this is not a person, this is a puppet, a human figure puppet!

This humanoid puppet!

It seems that there is no spirit!

Its puppet body seems to be more arrogant than the body of the supreme robber of the ancestor of the Tian hook family!

Where did this humanoid puppet come from?

Why haven't I heard of this kind of thing before?

Could it come from outside the Taixu?

For a while!

The turbid Yinxian waits for uncertainty!


The depths of the ancestral land of the Tian hook family!

Cold light flashed!

The scimitar flew out instantly!

"Don’t, don’t worry, I have a thick skin, but this knife still hurts on me! I called lemon, and this time I’m acting as the master to communicate! My master set an eternal feast in the ultimate domain, and feasted the Taixu. The supreme creatures inside and outside, of course, the ten ring overlord is also qualified to go!"

When the puppet saw the scimitar, the puppet shuddered and quickly shouted!

"The ultimate domain?"

"Eternal life banquet?"

"This... isn't the ultimate domain a barren land, who is your master!"

Sudden Empress Dowager, Sect Master Long Chu, etc. were surprised, then Shen Sheng asked!

The ultimate domain corresponds to the 13th epoch, and corresponds to the future tyrant. Finally, the domain is a wild land. It is not that the souls in the Taixu have forgotten the ultimate domain, but it has not been able to conquer the ultimate domain for so many years in the past. Out some baby! It is said that the Broken Land is the most terrible place in Taixu. In fact, the difficulty of exploring the ultimate domain is not under the exploration of Broken Land!


Finally, the domain involved the future master!

This is why Taixu has entered the supreme age now!

The eminent and famous creatures of the overlord era such as Tai Huang, Tai Xuan, Lord of Yin, Supreme True Demon, etc., are more willing to explore the broken land than the ultimate domain!

Could it be!

The owner of this strange puppet who claims to be lemon is the future master!

The future robbery has appeared!

The eternal life banquet said by the strange puppet is a game!

The future robbery mainly takes the supremacy!

It's going to be destroyed early!

Countless thoughts flashed over, and the Empress Dowager, the Long Chu Clan, and others, can only look toward Chen Zheng. It is about the future robbery. This involves too much, so I have to be cautious!

"Why did your master name you lemon."

Chen Qiang asked with a faint smile.

"I know this!" The puppet's crystalline eyes flashed instantly: "My master said that she was stronger than her in many ways because of a direct competitor, so she often soured that competitor! I After all, the owner is also a person with status and status. This kind of acid is not suitable for direct expression, so it is expressed in the way of lemon! I was named lemon by the owner, and this is the reason. My master has been sour for so many years. Still sour!"


Just lemon?


The turbid Yinxian waits for some ignorance!

"When does your host's eternal feast begin."

Chen Zheng asked again with a smile.

"The banquet of eternal life is tomorrow, this is an invitation letter, and a one-time magic weapon to reach the ultimate domain quickly! You only need to take some mana to urge the magic seal on the invitation letter, as long as the person is in Taixu, regardless of the distance from the ultimate domain. How far can it be instantly transmitted to my master's room... Dojo, it should be Dojo!"

The puppet responded immediately, and said an invitation, an invitation appeared, and flew to Chen Zheng. The puppet glanced at the Empress Dowager and Elder Qiushui, and then invited several invitations to fly to the Empress Dowager, Elder Qiushui, Sect Master Long Chu, and Elder Xingxu.


Sect Master Long Chu was a little hesitant and dared not accept the invitation!

"Each invitation letter can bring three more people, so it should be enough for the Immortal Immortal Gate, the Skyhook family is gone, the second largest domain...the second largest domain still has a terrible place, I Let’s send an invitation letter to Wither Cang in the Terrible Land! Originally there was a Tenjin Mound, but the Tenjin Mound suddenly moved to the first domain in the time of incense, and I had to go back to the first domain and give it to the god. The mound guy sends an invitation!"

Said the puppet.

"The people of Tenjinzu escaped to the Heavenly Domain?"

Bai Ji Niang froze!

Wan Ji and Elder Qiushui also frowned!

Tenjinzu escaped?

Tenjinzu migrated to the second largest domain not long ago!

These ten days are not up!

I moved to the first domain again!

Are these guys sliding so fast!

"There is no need to go to the unforgivable Chen Zheng accepted the invitation and smiled.

"This... I get it, then I won’t disturb the leader of the list, I will go to the first big domain first, find Tenjinzuka, send an invitation letter to Tenjinzuka! Wait for the invitation to Tianjinzuka Letter, I will send invitation letters to other domains!

I originally wanted to enter the broken land, and sent invitations to guys such as Taihuang and Taixuan, but there was something in the broken land that awakened me, and I would not go to the broken land!

By the way, I went to the first big domain, I sent an invitation letter to the Emperor Zhang Tian, ​​and I met a metal villain. The metal villain gave me a feeling that was bigger than the head of my master. When you meet that metal villain, you must be alert! "

The puppet crystal eyes moved, hehe nodded with a smile, and said another sentence, and disappeared out of thin air without warning!

"This lemon puppet left, and there was no fluctuation in the power of Mana Avenue!"

In the eyes of Sect Master Long Chu flashed in surprise, and then murmured in a deep voice!

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