Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2413: This holy teacher is terrible!

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and many more!

Desolate Immortal Gate!

I have never heard of any saints!

Is it a position that has only recently been created!

The creatures of the major forces began to guess!

"Holy Master? When did the Immortal Immortal Gate get such a position, the title of Master is not something a cat or dog can bear."

Purple robe man chuckles!

"Holy Master? Shit Master! Why hasn't I heard of any holy master in the Desolate Immortal Gate!" The fish head demon grinned, staring at the cold female nun who still maintained a kneeling salute, and then sneered again: " Lord Sect Master, this woman knows that she is not an opponent of Lord Sect Master, and knows that the backer in the desolate immortal gate will die completely after today. Most of them secretly called this boy and deliberately played such a play in front of us and deliberately made a The name of the Master is bluffing!"


"Xiaoyuyu makes sense!"

"This woman is famous for being cold and cold. In the past, she didn't even look at Master Sect Master, but now she made such a show. She also saluted a boy who was a master of the ring. She clearly had no way to go, and was seen by Master Xiaoyuyu! This shows that even a cold and noble woman can't bear in front of her absolute strength. What pride and self-esteem is not worth mentioning!"

The demon tribes around the fish head demon have opened their mouths!

"Without Lengyan Wanji, Wanji who bowed her head made me both sad and disappointed."

Purple robe man sighed softly!


He just sighed!

Just listen to the tear!

He burst out at once!

Suddenly burst into blood mist!



Yuanshen broke down in amazement!


Only the fragments of the ring of the era are scattered!


Inside the Dark Demon Floating Valley!

The people of all major forces are stupid!

Just now!


Seems to be!

The guy who was called the holy master by the monstrous Xianmen Wanji, and the guy who had only one ring of tyrants with a faint smile, raised his hand to the silver ukiyo-e of Wan Tu Yaozong!

The Sovereign of Ten Thousand Demon Sects exploded!

It's gone in one click!



How does this feel so fake!

How could a ring of overlord kill the nine ring overlord in seconds!

What's more, it is the Sovereign of Ten Thousand Monsters

"Wanji...Deacon...this and this..."

The female disciple after the cold female self-cultivation shouted! These female disciples were also terrified, and they were terrified! Because the scene just now is a bit too illusory!

Although Wanfu Yaozong Yin Fushi is not a supreme being, it is also a first-class Taoist patriarch with a head and a face in the second largest domain. Jiuhuan is major in the second largest domain, and it is definitely superior to the first class!



It's like being pinched to death by a grasshopper!

This saint!

This venerable deacon of Deacon Wan Ji!

Who is he!

"It's been more than a year since the blood prison was over. You were the ancestor for more than a year. After more than a year, you are already an epoch overlord, much earlier than the time said by the little girl Chen Lingsu. ."

The saint is Chen Zheng. He looked at the cold nuns and said with a faint smile.

Blood prison?

Where is that?

There is no blood prison but blood cave in Taixu!

The surrounding creatures startled!

"This... Wan Ji can break through the shackles in the body, one is relying on the secret method given by the Holy Master at that time, and the second is to get help from the elder Qiushui Qiushui elders! Elder Qiushui also said that if no Saints gave The secret method of the elder Qiushui is also difficult to break through the shackles of Wan Ji!"

Qingnun Xiu respectfully responded!

It turned out that the cold nuns were the Emperor Yu in the cage of the ten prisons outside Taixu. On the same day, Chen Zheng went to the ten prisons and encountered two monks of the Shinto League and the Supreme Hall in the blood prison sea. The two monks wanted to resurrect the prison emperor! However, the prison emperor did not die, but entered the Taixu with the clan, but they were abandoning the clan of the family, so that after they became ancestors, they failed to break through!


The secret?

In front of this mysterious young man whose major is mastery has given the secret method to Wan Ji?

Even the elder Qiushui of the Yinxian Xianmen also said that it was the secret method that could break the shackles!

Where was this young man once?

Thoughts flashed in the hearts of the surrounding creatures!

"Shackles... I passed by the edge of the primordial wilderness, and saved your family, but I forgot to help you unlock the shackles in the body. The abandonment of the sky, no wonder you have been in Taixu for so many years, and you have been stuck in the ancestor. territory."

Chen Zheng remembered some of the past, and said that he raised his hand and shot a star burst, which directly fell into Wan Ji's eyebrows.


Is this a secret method?

Subconscious guesses from surrounding creatures!

and many more!

Wan Ji turned out to have shackles in her body!

So there was no breakthrough in cultivation in the past so many years ago!

Not just a vase!

Now the shackles are unlocked!

So the repair has skyrocketed in just a few months!

From the ancestral realm into the era of overlord level!


hold on!

Who is this young man who Wan Ji called a saint!



There was a fortune-telling priest in Taixu!

But it's just a flash!

Later left Taixu!

This young man has nothing to do with that cult master!

"Wang Ji thanks the Master for giving the method!"

Qing Lian Xiu absorbed Xingmang and learned what Xingmang was, and was shocked in her heart. She quietly restrained her inner excitement and respectfully paid respect to Chen Zheng again!

"The saint has spared his life, the little fish is wrong, the little fish should fight, the little fish fish hits his mouth, and the small one will dedicate the floating sand ink beads to the saint! The little fish does not know Taishan, the little fish is really Blind dog eyes, Xiaoyuyu shouldn't provoke Wan Ji! Ooooo! In fact, Xiaoyuyu was also forced. Xiaoyuyu was caught by Silver Ukiyoe 80,000 years ago, and he was a mount for tens of thousands of years. Xiaoyuyu is also a poor man!"

This is the moment!

The dumb fish head demon seems to have recovered!

Kneel your legs on the ground!

Offer ink beads!

Then he slaps his face while kowtowing!


Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

Yutou Daxian and Wan Tu Yaozong are present demon!


All turned to ashes!


The remaining forces in the Dark Demon Valley!

All back away!

Behind Wan Ji, the female disciple of the Immortal Immortal Gate also retreated!


All look pale!

This Nima!

Take it easy!

Era era overlord again!

Eradication era overlord does not even blink!

This saint is a bit scary!

Where is this young man who is a major in the world!

This is a horrible guy with supreme fighting power!


Why before!

Never heard of such a guy in the second largest domain!

Could it be that Zhang Tian Da Yu comes!


and many more!

This guy mentioned blood prison before!

Mentioned that he had seen Wan Ji in the blood prison more than a year ago!

There is no blood prison in Taixu!

This guy is from outside Taixu!


The top five creatures on the list!

It seems that they all come from outside the Taixu!

This terrible guy will not be one of the top five on the list!

All thoughts flashed!

Suddenly a creature thought a little!

"Dare to ask...Dare to ask your Excellency..."


The creature took a deep breath and asked!



Just opened!

Above the dark magic floating sand valley!

In a flash, the demon mansions shone down!

I saw the first demon clan appeared in a very luxurious Feng robe!

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