Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2402: You deliberately play me right?

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"Difference between clouds and mud? Huh! Is it really the difference between clouds and mud? Is he detached? As long as he is not detached, there can be no difference between clouds and mud!"

"The first mystery of the grotto master is solved. If the grotto master opens the door for him, is he invincible? Not sure!"

"My body is waiting for him to come in the second largest territories!"

A continuous cold voice!

Withered Void disperses!


Tianhuo Dao froze for a moment, but they all reacted quickly, one by one sigh of relief, at least don't have to worry about the dry Cang will suddenly act on himself and others!


Right now there is a dream machine!

Although it is only a will!

Although the dream machine is not a supernatural being!

It may be that the Soul Demon family's Tianjiu Tower will step into the sky in one step!

This dream machine is definitely not easy!

"In this metal cave, the means of supremacy are useless. The owner of this cave is at the final word, so you don’t have to worry about me going. You live forever, the fire is said to be traced back to the first era, Then, is the one who killed the Shengyang Taoist and Tianjiu Chonglou the reincarnation of a strong man related to your longevity Tianhuodao in the first era?"

Meng Tianji smiled.


The color of Tianhuo Road changed slightly!

no answer!

"Forget it, I have realized the gap with him, and I have no point in asking them. After today, our Soul Demon clan moved out of the domain of Skyfire and rolled as far as they could."

Meng Tianji smiled, swept through Tianhuo Dao Cultivation, and glanced at Ms. Xue Xue for a few more moments, and the phantom also dispersed.


Tianhuodao kept silent.


The real interior of the grotto!

A space where no supreme being can perceive!

"I won't say much about the rest. I know that you came for the longevity fire. I took the longevity fire from the Tianhuo Road, but I also made a remedy. The rule of the human race in the Tianhu domain is not to fight internally. In fact, I made it in another capacity. This rule protected Tianhuo Dao. Now I return the longevity fire to Tianhuo Dao, which is considered a cancellation."

A slap-sized villain smiled and fired a magic fire, which flew to Chen Zheng. I am afraid that Cang Cang and Meng Tianji couldn't think of it. The master of the cave they dreamed of seeing was like this.

Chen Zheng accepted the longevity fire, but said nothing, only looking at the villain with a big slap.

"You have solved the mystery that I created, and you are qualified to see me, and your talents are indeed extraordinary. You are not a creature outside the universe, but a creature in the pure and vast universe, but you can cultivate a detached body, even already. I’m surprised that I’m in control of how big the cycle is, so I’ve prepared something for you.”

The slap-sized villain doesn't seem to care whether Chen Zheng responds or not. A small trick, a crystal clear crystal emerges.

"Lying trough!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, an exclamation sounded in an instant, it was the voice of the Macross Roulette! The reason why it exclaimed is that what the villain brought out was too scary!

Not the ultimate decay of the Road Eater!

It’s a cantilever!

This villain took out a complete universe cantilever!

and many more!

There seems to be something wrong!


Can't tell what's wrong!

The Macross Roulette Spirit was silent, and it began to think, staring at the crystal pressed by the villain in Chen Zhengyuan God. It had already guessed the identity of the villain, and because of this, it felt wrong!

Because it has heard rumors about villains, no one has ever mentioned that the villain controls the universe cantilever!

"This thing is called the cantilever of the universe, the ultimate transcendence, the first in the nine major reincarnation... According to the Hongmeng universe, it is the magic weapon, it is the first magic weapon in the nine major reincarnation, and there is no disputed first Of course there are more than one cantilever in the universe, but no matter which one it is, it is the well-deserved first.

Why is this thing called the cantilever of the universe? As far as I know, no one has figured this out yet, but it is not important, as long as you understand that if you can be chosen as the host, detachment will become a breeze. The selected host of the cantilever of the universe, except for a few that fell midway, eventually became the creator.

I know you have a question in your heart, why the universe cantilever is so magical, I will take it out and give it to you, the simple reason is that my energy is going to run out, and I can’t go back on my own, so I need a successor. I will fall asleep, and you will be my successor, the new master of the universe's cantilever.

I don’t ask too much, just take me out of the Hongmeng universe on that day. By the way, I call the box, the box of the box, the box of the box, I did not surpass the title, but when I was at the peak, I was one of the genuine creators. "

The villain said with a faint smile, and introduced what the crystal was.

"This guy is indeed called a box, but this guy is lying, this guy is not the creator, this guy is a liar, this guy has only mastered six major reincarnations at the peak, this guy has a terrible talent and the ability to restore the creator! This guy used this ability to cheat many people. This guy was a notorious liar in the ninth reincarnation!"

At this time!

In Chen Zheng's mind!

The sound of Macross roulette sounded again!

"You young man, are you still undecided? You should be able to perceive it as your primitive spirit, I can't threaten you at all. If you miss the universe cantilever and miss the opportunity to become the host of the universe cantilever, then it will be difficult. There are indeed a few other things like the cantilever of the universe, but because of the battle of the Great Destruction, several of them have also been damaged, so the intact universe cantilever should not be detached by three pieces. Unfortunately, my primal energy is indeed supporting I can’t help it, otherwise I’ll have to follow it."

The villain saw Chen Zhengfen unmoved, frowning slightly, and then said lightly.

"I have real products."

This time Chen Zheng responded to the villain with a faint smile.

"Huh? Real thing? What real thing? What do you mean, young man?"

The villain froze for a moment, his eyes flashing fast in his eyes, and soon asked again faintly.

"I have the genuine thing."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, pointed at the crystal that would be suspended between the two, and shot a seven-color divine light in his hit the crystal clear crystal, and the crystal clear crystal suddenly turned into darkness!


Inside the dark crystal!

A cry of pain screamed!

Then I saw a burst of black gas!

Black gas turned into a gruesome face!

The fierce demon face stared fiercely at Chen Zheng into a slap-sized villain!


The slap-sized villain becomes ordinary size!


A face is more terrible!

To Chen Zheng is a roar!

"You **** deliberately play me!"

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