Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2287: How could there be such a person in the world!

"I also heard about copying magical powers of copying supernatural powers, except that you let the three elders of the branding powers copy me. If you copy them perfectly, then you will be equal to four me. Are you really not worried at all."

The old man in white thought for a moment.

"let's start."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The three elders of the Immortal Protoss took a deep breath and responded at the same time, and then fixed their eyes on the emperor's ancestor. The talented magical power was launched in a flash, and the atmosphere of the three elders suddenly changed!


The three elders are not sword repairs!

But this one winks!

The three elders had the same breath as an emperor's ancestor!


There was a surprise in the eyes of an Emperor Patriarch. He raised his hand and planted a sword world. He dragged himself and Chen Zheng and the three elders into this sword world. It seemed that he did not want to affect others!

"There is a change on the top list!"

"What! My God! There are three people squeezed into the top ten of the list. Could these three people be the three elders of the Immortals, and they are ranked after the Emperor's Patriarch!"

"Imprinted Protoss, talented magic, horror like this!"

Some people noticed the changes on the top list, and screamed in shock. The rest of them also stared at the top list. This was stunned!


Immortal God Race!

The three elders!

Really copied an Emperor Patriarch!


It should be said that it copied the cultivation of an emperor's ancestor to the state!


That's not on the list!

Lord of Taiyin!

Supreme Demon!

Too profound!

The ranks are squeezed out of the previous life!

The sixth emperor!

The 71st Emperor Patriarch!

The eighth, ninth and tenth are the three elders of the Immortals!

"Three of us"


The three elders of the Immortals are astonished!

Some are even at a loss!

They think they can replicate the cultivation of ordinary supernatural beings!

You can copy the cultivation behavior of the top ten creatures on the list!

They really didn't expect it before!


It really copied the practice of the first emperor's ancestor who took the seventh place today!


The eyes of the three elders moved!

Suddenly looked at Chen Zheng!

"Your supernatural power can maintain half-pillar incense time, and the supreme state of an emperor's ancestor can also maintain half-pillar incense time, so hurry up and start."

Chen Zheng smiled, stepped out, and appeared in the middle of the three elders and one emperor ancestor!


The look of the three elders changes!

Countless thoughts flashed in my heart at this moment!

There is also the idea of ​​running away!

But in the end, that thought was erased!

"it is good!"


The three elders focus on the head!

"Since your Excellency is so confident, that old sword will come out."

An Emperor Patriarch groaned slightly and nodded!

Outside the sword!

Immortal Venerable on the fairy ship waited for Cang Qing to watch the sword world now!

The person who imprinted the Protoss in the imprinted God City, which was sealed in the size of a slap, also closely watched the sword world!

Countless thoughts flashed in the hearts of the people who branded the God Race!


Not in the top ten!

The three elders are now in the top ten!

"I don't believe you can hold it!"

Inside the sword palace!

Tianxiao Yuanshen gritted his teeth at the moment!

The deputy patriarch in the sword palace also said nothing!

At this moment, only stare at the sword world with breathless breath!

As for the other disciples of the Emperor Jianzong, they have held their breath!

This child!

So confident!

Can be self-confident!

The creatures at the level of the four ancestors of the emperor blast out the strongest secret!

Did this child really take it!

The immortal seventh ancestor of Taoist cultivation is!

Even if this child's flesh is very strange!

Unbreakable seventh realm and top ten in the list!

That is the difference between heaven and earth!

"Chen Zu!"

Within the sword world!

The elders of the immortal shrine shout!

Chen Zheng nodded lightly!

"I have a sword!"

Almost at the same time!

An Emperor Patriarch within the sword realm shouted!

"I have a sword!"

The three elders of the Immortal Protoss are also drinking at the same time!



Four swords!




Over the Emperor Sword Mountain!

Another world vision emerged!

The creatures outside the sword world almost completely opened their eyes to the extreme!

Staring at the sword realm!

Staring at those four horrible kendos as if they could open the earth!

That young man!

It is impossible to pick it up!

These four horrible kendos feel that they can kill the creatures after the top ten!




Four terrifying kendos slammed into Chen Zheng!

Sword world is instantly destroyed!

"not good!"


"Run away!"

Outside the sword realm!

A disciple of Emperor Jianzong screamed in horror!

And just between their panic and screams, the horror force enough to annihilate an Emperor Sword Mountain and even annihilate a radius of a thousand miles, suddenly burst, they froze in place, and now the consciousness looked towards the center of the broken sword world and saw When they stood there intact, they were dumbfounded!


The young man was unharmed!

Oh my God!

The four terrifying forces did not hurt him!

and many more!

Where is the Patriarch!

Grandpa Grandpa is there!

The disciple of Jianzong reacted violently, glancing around and finally found an emperor's ancestor, but at the moment, the emperor's ancestor lay on the ground, his flesh was fragmented, and his combat power was completely lost!

"Chen Zu"

Three voices sounded at the same time. These are the three elders of the Immortal Protoss. They are now showing up, but the flesh has been fragmented, the supreme breath has disappeared, and the realm has fallen to the supreme state!

"The three of you are really perfect tools. This time you did a good job. I will tell you a secret."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and hit three fairy lights. The three fairy lights flew into the eyebrows of the three elders. The three elders were shocked for a long time, and then showed a very surprised color, then followed by respectful worship!

Chen Zheng waved his hand at will!


The three elders grasped the enlightenment and flew back to the immortal ship on the size of the immortal ship!



One Emperor Jianzong continued to be up and down!

"I'm defeated, I can't think of four of my strongest swords, and I can't hurt you. It's really hard to imagine a person like you in the world."

An emperor patriarch lying on the ground said with emotion.

Chen Zheng struck a cyan light, and when the light came into the body, an emperor's ancestor broke apart and healed instantly. In the stunned eyes of the emperor's ancestor, he came back with a little bit: "Your own sword skill is very interesting, even if only Stepping into the supreme realm in a short time, even if the realm will be seriously degraded afterwards, it is still rare. You gave me a lot of surprises today, and it is a help for me. I am a bit of a swordsmanship. I hope it will be half a year. You can go to the top again."


A sword awn fell into the eyebrows of an emperor's patriarch!

"Ah? This? Me?"

An Emperor Patriarch froze!



Inside the sword palace!

Tianxiao Yuanshen gritted his teeth!

Transformed into a secluded mango escape into a crack that suddenly appeared!

"not good!"

An Emperor Patriarch felt a sudden change in his face!

"Little things."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and grabbed the sword palace. He only heard a clatter. The sword palace burst, and then a huge crack in time and space emerged. In the astonishment of an emperor's priest and others, Chen Zheng was facing the time again. A crack!

"Do not!"

Just listen to howling!

Tianxiao Yuanshen was arrested!

Its Yuanshen grabbed a dark stone box!

At this moment I want to throw the dark stone box into the crack of time and space!

But its primordial spirit is destroyed!


at the same time!

In the crack of time and space!

Suddenly there was a horrible roar!


Hear this roar!

Everyone shuddered!

There seems to be a terrible guy in it!

This time and space crack seems to be connected to another world!

Is that terrible thing coming out of another world!


It's really coming!

A huge and fierce murderous creature drilled out!

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