Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2279: Qingshan Town can't live with Chen Zu!


   And it is between the major and the informer who is in doubt!

   The cyan monument suddenly flew over Chen Zheng!


   A loud noise!

  Cyan monument was smashed!


   Golden Mansions!

  Shen Mang!

   Bright explosion!



   The sound of the shattering of the stele sounded!

   There is also a terrible tear!

   That terrible tearing sound comes from Chen Zheng's body!

   at this moment!

   In addition to Yan Nu!

   The rest of the creatures are ignorant!

   widened his eyes one by one!

   It's a little unknown at a time, so!


  This child!

  Take yourself with the Cyan Qing Dynasty Monument!

   The Cangqing Epoch Monument is broken!

  Is this a problem?

   lying trough!

   Cyan Qing Dynasty Monument!

   That's the second **** of the gods!

   is only listed under the complete Taixu world map!


   Cang Qing Xianzun was the first to return to God. Rao was ranked in the top 20 of the list. Rao was thinking that he had seen many big scenes, but his mind was also shocked at this moment!

   An unprecedented impact!

  This child!

  Is there a problem with my head?

   is still deliberately doing this!

   " fake fake ruined the Cangqing era monument, are you stupid you!"

   Liu Fu Palace's Qu Fulong also recovered, opening his mouth is roaring! As for the Qu Shenjun who was transmitted to the Qingshan through the rune, at this moment his eyebrows were closed, and the rune of the crushed Qu Fulong was made by him with an extremely cherished deity. Over the past many years, he only made it into Two!

   Teleported together!

   Teleport out of Aoyama!

   originally planned this time!

  Just **** the Rune of Cang Qing Dynasty to crush the Rune Teleport directly!


did not expect!

   There will be such a scene!

   That kid!

   clearly has no mana!

   was the first to grab the monument!


   That kid!

   smashed the monument!

   "It's finally opened."

  Chen Zheng opened his eyes and smiled as if no one was talking to himself.



   What is it?

  The doubts of the creatures present!

   "Congratulations, Master opened the unstoppable seventh mana shackles!"

   at this moment!

   Yan female smiles and smiles!



   Mana Yoke?

  The seventh realm?

Oh shit!

   Open an indestructible mana shackle of the seventh realm!

  Do you need to smash yourself with the Epoch Monument?

   "Violent things!"

   "Boil the crane and burn the piano!"

   "You... you really kill chickens and use a slaughter knife. Do you know what the Epoch Monument means!"


   Liuli Gongqu Fulong three sprays in a row!


Chen Zheng didn’t even look at him. Chen Zheng only stretched his body, and a stroke of seven or eight origins of real blood emerged, and everyone had no time to perceive what the origin of real blood was. He swallowed the origin of truth. blood!


   A flash of fairy light!

   Mana skyrocketing!

   The seventh realm!

   directly to the seventh realm of immortality!

   "I'm afraid this situation is going to stay for some time, after all, the more difficult it is later."

   Everyone was surprised, Chen Zheng said to himself as if no one was around.

"The Seventh Realm is indestructible? You... What about the Seventh Realm in which you are indestructible, and it is not a waste! Anyone in this green mountain must be suppressed and repaired. Suppressed! And my elder brother Qu Shenjun, even by the law of Qingshan, still has the level of era overlord!"

   Liulong Palace Qu Fulong seems to be because Chen Zheng destroyed the Cangqing era **** monument, and he was so angry that he opened his mouth again!

   "Era Overlord?"

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently, raised his right hand, and grabbed the Qu Shenjun with his hand. The corner of Qu Shenjun's mouth slightly lifted, revealing a touch of sarcasm. Obviously, he didn't think that an indestructible seventh ancestor of the realm could pose a threat to himself!



   is in the next second!

   The sound of breaking sounded!


  Qu Shenjun's flesh instantly turned to ashes, and his Yuanshen suddenly changed color, only to utter a word, his Yuanshen exploded, and exploded into countless void fragments, and then also shattered!


this moment!


   In the mysterious space of this seal of the Epoch Monument!

   The instincts of the monks of all parties step back!


   The face is ashes!

   This Nima!

   What's going on with Nima!

   A Taoist ancestor!

  How could the Qu Shenjun of Liuli Palace be killed!

   And it's still a spike!

and many more!

   This kid!

   seems not to be affected by the Aoyama rule!

   This kid was not suppressed under Daozu!


   This is wrong!

   Even if this kid is not suppressed, even if Qu Shenjun is suppressed, there is still a big difference between the two. Daozu cannot kill the era overlord in seconds!


   next to Qu Fulong!

   Liuli Gong Tian Jiao Lan Yuezi suddenly kneeled down on the ground!

   Then water appeared on the ground!

this is!

   This is scaring pee!

   There is only one thought in his mind at this moment!

  Chen Zheng!

   This Chen Zheng!

   This Chen Zheng must be the one at the top of the list!

  Master revered the top of the list!

   "You, you, ... do you not know who left us the tradition of Liuli Palace!"

  Qu Fulong roars with roar!

   "Is it necessary to know."

  Chen Zheng smiled softly again, glanced at Qu Fulong lightly, Qu Fulong's flesh also turned to ashes!

   "Ah! No! How dare you! Damn things!"

  Qu Fulong Yuanshen screaming crazy!




   Yuanshen shattered!


  The main instincts of the main body of each avenue are back!

   at this moment!

   only fear left in his eyes!



   Never seen such a person!


   A raised hand to kill Qu Shenjun!

   Just glance at random!

   Kill Elder Liuli Gong in seconds!

   This method is too strange and horrible!

   The scariest thing is!

  This child can kill Qu Shenjun!

   So there is no doubt that he can kill the Cang Qing Xianzun!

   In other words!

  This child can kill all the creatures in Aoyama!

"Your Excellency...doing this...wouldn't you think a little bit about it... Let's not talk about the coming of the Liuli Palace in the Heavenly Domain, let's just talk about the Cangqing era **** monument, that is There are only 13 monuments in the era of the Cang Qing era, and there are only 13 monuments in the heaven and earth.

  After a short silence, the blue vein of Cang Shangxian looked at Chen Zheng and lowered his voice!

   "What are the missions of the Epoch Monuments? I will help them complete. Anyway, the Epoch Monuments in the Yudu area have been destroyed by me. I can’t get enough of the 13 Epoch Monuments. Then they will be completely destroyed."

  Chen Zheng!

   lying trough!

  The monument of the Era of the Yudu Metropolis was also destroyed by this son!

  Destroyed the Epoch Monument!

   even wanted to destroy all the remaining monuments!

  This and this!

   Everyone heard!

   is hit again!



   In the Taixu!

   No one has ever done such a thing!

  Everyone wants to get the Epoch Monument!

   wants to get the power in the Epoch Monument!

   It is impossible to destroy the Epoch Monument!

"Your Excellency...Before the Lushui River, Qu Fulong of the Liuli Palace said that you are named Chen Zheng and have the same surname as the top of the list. You entered the Qingshan Mountain and were not affected by the laws of the Qingshan Mountain. The seventh mana maneuvered the Qu Fulong of the Liuli Palace. Isn’t your honor not a fake, but really the top of the list.........the top of the list!"


   Zhuge Tianci groaned!

   Ask your teeth!


   Everyone stared at me!


   Everyone's eyes were on Chen Zheng again!

   at this moment!

   Subconsciously held his breath!

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