Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2257: Negative demon! The old man of the sea!

"This is the sea..."

   "Canghai originally belonged to the Cangqing region, but later because of some things, there were few contacts between monks in the sea and monks on land."

   "The sea is vast. It is said that there is a large vortex in the sea. The large vortex connects the broken land. I don't know if it is true or false."

   On the back of the **** bird, the holy sect monk looked at the endless sea, and his voice increased.

"The maelstrom is there, but it does not connect to the broken place. If you like it, you can stay. Oh yes, the Wucang Holy Gate was destroyed by someone. Something in the blue vein will be traced, but you can rest assured, enter When the sea is over, that thing does not dare to come to the sea to catch people. The Benshen Bird's words are put here. Although the Benshen Bird has not been on the overlord list, the Benshen Bird's elder sister is still a bit of a word on the list Right."

  The sound of the **** bird sounded.

   "It turns out...Your Excellency is the brother of the sea bird!"

  The elder of the Wuyi Zong Ziyi suddenly realized that they had mistakenly admitted that this **** bird is not the legendary sea **** bird, but the brother of the sea **** bird.

"I was born tens of thousands of years later than my elder sister, and my cultivation performance was a little bit worse, but with my talent, I believe that it will be on the list after half a year. Those who exceed the countdown have little problem, such as the countdown of the red dust demon. Lord or something."

  The bird responded.

   "The Lord of Red cultivate for promotion, will the major of Red Dust be in place?"

  Yan girl smiled.

"Uh... I haven't thought about this. I want to make the ranks of those guys on the list no longer change, waiting for me to catch up. This topic is stopped, and I'm going to God Island, You are the person that the girl is looking for, the girl is in big trouble, and I can’t shoot because of the rules. The girl said that the jade sword can find you, I secretly used the time and space secret method to steal her jade sword, and took the jade sword to the land I’m going to find you, I hope it’s too late."

  The sound of the **** bird sounded again.

   "Huh? Isn't that right? Didn't you say that my master's old man asked you to come to my master? Why did you become a stealing jade sword to find my master?"

  Yan's brow furrowed slightly.

"This is not the point. The girl is too stubborn. Isn't it possible for me? The previous remarks let your master realize the seriousness of the problem so that you can follow me directly to avoid any misunderstandings. "

   seemed to think for a while.

   "You don't... do foreigners, do you?"

  Yan female eyes moved.


  In an instant!

  On the back of the bird, everyone only felt that the bird suddenly fell!

   But quickly stabilized!

"Your little girl has good eyesight. I did have some problems in cultivation. However, in the shape of my sea bird, I believe nobody should dare to provoke me. Of course I can't help the little girl, not because of me. The problem with Xiuwei is still because of the rules laid down in the ancient times of the sea. That girl is a foreigner after all."

  Shenbird still answered very sincerely.



   turned out to be a strong foreigner!

   The monk of the Holy Sorcerer was surprised!

  Under perception!

  The God Bird is unstoppable!

   is at least the overlord of Jiuhuan!

   "Since it is my master's old man, then you can rest assured that my master is very powerful, and the average person is not my master's opponent."

  Yan female eyes moved.

   "I hope so, there is really no way. I can only ask for my elder sister. My elder sister is also optimistic about the little girl. My elder sister is a sea bird and has some privileges."

  The nodded bird nodded, its wings fluttered, and it crossed a sea again. After counting the interest, a giant island was printed in everyone's eyes!


  The huge body of the **** bird shrinks!

   Reduced to hundreds of meters long!

   flew into the giant island!

   "Cangyun God Bird!"

   "Meet the blue sky **** bird!"

   "Welcome to the return of the blue sky and the bird!"

   As soon as he entered the giant island, the demon guards greeted him, but the **** bird did not stay, but flew directly to the cloud temple in the highest part of the **** island!


  The flash of divine light!

  Godbird turned into a middle-aged man!

   And everyone fell on the pure white platform in front of the temple in the cloud!

   "Let's go into the sea temple, that girl is trapped in the temple now, hope to catch up!"

  Middle-aged man said to Chen Zheng, and quickly led everyone into the temple!


   Just entered the temple!

   stared at him with a look!


   "Anyone from the land?"

"Cangyun Divine Bird, are you going to help the girl to find a helper? Unfortunately, she came a step late, and the girl has lost her way in the true **** beads. The outsiders can't help, only relying on the girl to find the truth. I came out afterwards! Speaking of that, the girl was locked in the true **** beads, and since that girl appeared on the **** island, we will have a disaster every year in our sea. , That girl is a disaster star, and it will cause terrible disaster to the sea, but the master of the sea does not believe it!"

   Cold sound!


   Obviously Chen Zheng they are not popular!

"Already lost in the true self-god...this is in trouble..." The middle-aged man transformed by the blue sky and the bird, frowning, turned towards the crystal clear suspended in the center of the temple Shenzhu glanced and secretly sent a message to Chen Zhengdao: "This thing is called the real self-god, and the real self can be seen in it. The girl's life is a little special. My Shenzhu restrained this kind of life. If the girl really lost her true self, I wouldn’t be able to come out for 100,000 years, and eventually became a part of the Shenzhu. My mother’s demon clan, because they didn’t Carefully provokes the ancient age demon deep in the sea, attracts disaster, but puts the name of the disaster star on a girl, these demon races can be really shameful. If it were not for Lao Tzu's problem, Lao Tzu is today. You can’t get this sea temple, although this sea temple is named after my elder sister."

   "Human monks on the land like Er, it seems that there is also an era overlord, you can try it. But there is only one chance. If you fail, don’t blame us for not giving us a chance."

   At this time the old man with white hair swept over, and finally his eyes fell on the face of the holy witch patriarch"

   Sovereign of the Holy Witch looked at Chen Zheng.

"Let me do it."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly and walked towards the crystal clear pearl suspended in the center of the temple.



   "The third realm?"


   "You don't have to come out to be shameful, young people, you can't fix it at all."

  In an instant!

   Eyes swept over!

   Then came a sneer!

   "How can a man say no."

  Chen Zheng smiled, walked to Shenzhu, looked at Shenzhu for a few times, then Huaguang entered Shenzhu.


   "This kid will make fun of color!"

   "There is a fart use, it is not that I look down on the human race, but that this kid is too weak to cultivate, and my **** pearl is the most easy to get lost. Can this cultivation last a scent of incense?"

   Those demon clan elders and the like, heard Chen Zheng's sentence for a while, then froze again!

   A Taoist ancestor!

   So fix it!

  I don't have enough time for a incense stick!

   Go in and have a fart!

  :. :

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