Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2240: Battle of Heaven and Space

For a while!

All the avenues are surging!

The opportunity to move the Taixu is here!

This is not an ordinary reputation!

This must leave a good name in the history of Taixu!

"This honor our brother and sister Fenghuaxueyue wants!"


Qingzong Fengjia from the Six Desire Domains smiled confidently!

With its snowy moon flew into the light door!


A young man in a red robe from the Temple of Fire in Futu Dayu also entered the Gate of Light!

"This opportunity, I will not miss it! The name is Taixu, which is much greater than the temptation of the undefeated Shendan!"

The Rainbow Nine Immortal Mountain Chu Jiuxiang took a deep breath and entered the Gate of Light!




In an instant!

Dozens of people have entered the gate of light!

That is the arrogance of all major regions and avenues!

"Master Red Dust Lord"

Here the evil elders of the non-robbed temple looked at the Lord of Red Dust. ☆☆New `Thinking` Road` Chinese` Chinese` Website`www.SLZwww starting hand playing☆☆

"Miss Yan Yan from the Temple of No Robbery and Qiyu go in together."

Red Dust Lord nodded.


The second woman responded and plunged into the light door.

"Am I going to play too?"

Yan female eyes moved into the light door.


Red Dust Master waited for a moment, but when she thought that Yan Nu was a disciple of Chen Zheng, and had that strange physique, she was relieved.

"The Confucianism from your vast territory is also strange. The Red Dust Lord is so arrogant not to suppress the formation, and sent a mortal who has no mana to suppress the formation. Princess Qiyu and the ghost repair woman just now have temples, which should be Tianjiao. It’s not surprising that it’s a candidate, but a person who doesn’t even seem to be a ancestor of Dao Zu entered into the war of war. Although you can quit the war of war at any time as long as you surrender, are you afraid of accidents? Or do you think that Princess Qiyu and That ghost repair woman, has the hard power to win the top two?"

Yehuo Temple One, an elder stared over.

Many people of Taoism also stared at them, and they also showed their doubts. Of course, more of them were shaking their heads secretly, and the people in this secluded secluded area of ​​the underworld really were too conspicuous.


At this time!

The light door disappears!

Inside the huge temple!

A huge transparent ball emerges!

A light curtain appeared on this huge ball!

The scene presented in the light curtain is the space of war!


Inside the war space!

The battle has begun!

The people who commanded the battle on various roads also appeared one by one, all sitting high on the Pantheon. On the one hand, they were supervising the war. On the other hand, if their own Daoist disciples were in danger, they could urge the power of the Pantheon and save their Daoist disciples!


"He's really a mortal, he's a mortal, and he's really not nervous at all. How does he feel like he's watching a movie, how can he feel calmer than the elders of the fiery wings of the Temple of Fire"

"Isn't this too calm? When the girl who is not the Taoist ancestor of Yudu Dayu will be in danger, will this urge the power of the **** of war to save the girl?"


The Tianjiao battle has begun!

But the eyes of the people of all major lines are focused on one person!

That person is Chen Zheng!

In the eyes of the monks of various avenues!

Chen Zheng is a mortal!

A mortal sat on the **** of war!

A light smile on his face is more calm than the Eighth Ring Overlord of the Temple of Fire!

Is this really what came to see the play!

"This time the Tianjiao Battle did not separate the Tianjiao that the Epoch Overlord was cultivated from. On the one hand, it should be that the Overlord is not as precious and rare as before. On the other hand, today’s Tianjiao Battle focuses on the first place to open the top list. The undefeated temple is indeed unusual. Take this honor out. But yes, the overlord list, the divine list, the supreme list, etc. are all set by the undefeated temple, and the undefeated **** monument Taixu creatures are known and do not need this reputation."

The Red Dust Lord thought deeply.

"Lying trough!"


"He started making tea!"


"Does he really think of Wan Zhan Space as a place to swim in the mountains and water?"


A burst of exclamation!


The Lord of Red Dust waited to see the past, and it was a little bit startling, but he quickly recovered, and the underworld Lord was right to do everything. With the means of the adult, he regarded this space of war as a tour of mountains and waters. There is nothing wrong with the ground.


In the light curtain!

Chen Zheng started to make tea if no one else!


Not far away was a fiery wing of the God of War, sitting on the fiery wings of the Temple of Fire, which was the old man who asked the undefeated Shrine Lord Lu before. At this moment, Chen Zheng glanced at him, his eyebrows twisted slightly, and then he hummed!

"Challenging the crowd, it really tarnishes the **** of war!"

On a God's seat hundreds of meters away, an old man in white sneered, it seemed a bit uncomfortable!

"This brother will really enjoy it."

On the other picture of the **** of war, the one-dressed woman smiled. She is the wonderful lady of Qingzong. At this moment, she looked at Chen Zheng more.

"Are you really afraid that you are all in danger?"

A man dressed as a gown scholar asked curiously.

"What's the danger?"

Chen Zheng smiled and started tasting tea.


The man dressed as a gown scholar opened his mouth and found that he didn't know what to do for a while, so he shook his head and smiled. As for the other Daoist pressurers, they quickly looked away one by one. The dark road is now enjoying. The three girls in the Yudu area will wait for a while, especially the girl who has no Dao Zuxiu in distress, see this Still laughing out.

As a leader!

If the disciple is in danger!

Can't urge the **** of war!

Can't save the disciples!

That's going to be stinky for years!

"Yan Yi is right? Era Overlord? Erhuan Overlord? Which one of Tianjiao had hidden cultivation practice before?"

At this time, outside the World War Space, the Elder of the Unscrupulous Temple raised his eyebrows, and one of the light curtains suddenly appeared to stop Yan Yi's way to the stone palace in the center area of ​​the World War Space!

The man's eyebrows had only half-gods, and between the smirks, the half-gods suddenly turned into two gossips and was stared at by a second-ring overlord. The evil elder had to worry a little!

"That's our **** hook clan son, that girl in your big universe, our **** hook **** fancy! Hey hey!"

It was also at this moment that a chuckle sounded in the temple!

"Skyhook Tribe!"

"The second largest territories!"

"The Sky Hook Race"

As soon as this yin laughter sounded, not only the face of Elder Evil changed greatly, but also the appearance of Daoist from many large regions! Because in the past, there has never been a Tiangou tribe to participate in the Tianjiao battle!

The Skyhook tribe has a huge beginning, according to the race created by the second This kind of means is extremely brutal!

"Son, your girl in Youyu Dayu is in trouble. The Tian hook clan has also come this time, and you haven't felt it before. This Tian hook clan is not easy to deal with!"

In the Space of Wars, the old man in white on the seat of God of Wars, hundreds of meters away from Chen Zheng, glanced down, then stared at him!

"This day the hook race actually appeared"

Qingzong's wonderful woman frowned slightly.

"The second ring of the Tian hook tribe dominates the level, this girl has only a soul body and no body, and then fears that it will be more fierce."

The man in the gown was slightly raised.

"Son, you are still drinking tea. Your disciples in Youyu are in danger. You, a person who suppresses the battle, do not ignore it. Your son really embarrasses us, and we disdain to be with you!"

Seeing Chen Zheng unmoved, the old man in white was too lazy to take a look, and snorted again!

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