Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2236: Ancestral Demon Net! Cross Taixu!

"Lao Niang hates, Lao Niang is counted by a stinky man again. You are a bastard. You also count Lao Niang. Lao Niang will never let you go. Lao Niang goes back to her brother to help!"


Yinyue Emperor Yuanshen howled again!


The Red Dust Lord did not know what to say. At this moment, he only felt that the howling of Yinyue Emperor was a terrible means of attack by the Yuanshen. This howling is really noisy enough!

"Eternal Night Demon Species, Unscaled Demon Species, Turbid Specter Demon Species, Undefeated Demon Species...almost enough."

On the Taoist platform, Chen Zheng said softly as if no one was beside him. I saw that he walked a little, and a black light flew out, directly penetrating the enchantment of the sea of ​​flowers under the Yinyue Emperor's cloth, and quickly rushed towards the other twelve domains in the Taixu !


What is this to do!

The Red Dust Lord showed his curiosity!

"And you, wait for the elder brother to take control of the thing, and the elder brother will come to suppress you in person! The elder brother said that it will never let you break the final word!"


Yinyue Emperor stared down!

He stared at Chen Zheng!



Chen Zheng looked at him without looking at him, at this moment a shadow appeared behind Chen Zheng!


Even the Red Dust Lord!

Seeing this magic eye also showed a terrified look!

"The Great Devil Lord!"


Red Dust Lord lowered his head!

"The Great Devil Lord..."

Bone Sword Immortal trembling, also lowered his head!

The queen queen, princess Qiyu, and Mrs. Qing also dared not see the shadow, even though they heard Chen Huntian's identity in the tomb of Zhenyoudu before, but did not see the shadow of the ghost!

At this moment, I saw the shadow of the big devil!

It's really shocking and afraid to take a look!

God of Heaven!

Although the name of the sky!

It can be compared with Chen Yunzi's big demon master shadow!

Not at all a level!

Even if Huntian has already stood above the era overlord!

"The Lord of the Heavens... Lord of the Changsheng Avenue... Ma's elder brother is right, it's really you. Besides that, you still have several other identities, which are terrifying. Incomparable! But that's just the past, you want to restore the peak, this life is impossible! The supreme way of this life has already been divided up! Even if you have the main road platform of Changsheng Avenue, even if you have recovered the muddy Lord Demon Lord Shadow, you can rely on these creatures at the same level as the elder brother at most, but you can't hurt the elder brother! This life, you have been defeated!"

Yinyue Emperor whispered!


Ignored again!


Others present at the moment!

The others in the Huahai Enchantment under the Yinyue Emperor were ignored!

"There are other terrifying identities..."

Bone sword immortal stupefied, blinking subconsciously, he really can't figure out what terrifying identity this Chen Gongzi has in front of him! Just being a big devil in the sky is enough to deter all creatures in Taixu. If there are several other identities similar to the big devil in the sky, why do you feel that Chen Gongzi is the ultimate behind-the-scenes man in this world!

"Great Persian behind the scenes..."

Mrs. Qing thought of this too, and was dumbfounded!


Chen Zheng sits alone on the platform!

Behind the sky, the magic shadow is suspended!

Black light flew out through the sea of ​​flowers!

Spread towards the entire Taixu!

"This... what are you doing?"

Princess Qiyu couldn't help asking.

However, no one answered because they didn't know.




In front of Chen Zheng, a transparent void network appeared!


at the same time!

Among the Taixu!

A transparent nihility web also appeared!

This Void Demon Net covers almost the entire Taixu!

"Lying trough!"

"What is this magic web!"

"Whose magical power is this!"

this moment!

You are not only a big domain!

The 13th Territory of Taixu!

Almost all looked up!

The world is shocked!

"This magic web!"

"This is a magical power of the devil level!"

"Which demon lord is this, the devil lord I know, it seems that no one can connect the demon net that covers the entire Taixu, and this demon net gives people a supreme feeling!"

"There is a magic path inheritance in the place corresponding to the magic network node. This is the supreme power of a certain magic path. Use magical powers to tell Taixu creatures, are all the paths of the magic path inheritance in Taixu!"

"Is it because the Devil is coming to Taixu!"

The creatures at the level of the epoch overlord, trying to find the source through the meaning of the traces of the meaning, can find that God's thoughts are swallowed into the magic web and instantly swallowed. Knowing that the magic web is a supremely powerful means, it is more shocking than ordinary people!

Some people even thought of a rumor, that rumor is the Devil Lin Taixu!

It is said!

This era!

There will be a more terrifying demon than the supreme demon!

Demon Lin Taixu!

All beings bow their heads!



The magic web is broken!

Everything is gone!


this moment!

Spirits in Taixu!

Suddenly relieved!

at the same time!

In front of the gate of the original mountain of Huntianjiao!

Within the enchantment of the sea of ​​flowers under the emperor Yinyue cloth!

"All out."

Chen Zheng on the Taoist stage received the magic shadow and the void transparent magic net in front of him, revealing a smile.

"Are you... are you looking for the very devil thoughts left by the first devil of the heavenly devil!"

When Yinyue Emperor heard this sentence, he instantly thought of something that his elder brother Yong Yedi There is a very devil's idea in the Taixu Dahun Lord. In fact, many people know that, but No one is going to make a terrible idea, because the extreme demons in the Taixu are all half-step detached!

Once released!

The entire Taixu must be chaotic!


Nowadays, many people have stepped into a half-step detachment!

But still can not beat the extreme evil!

Because there are several evils in the broken that once flew from the lower realm into the Taixu!


Those extreme evils have been integrated into one!

Too desperate!

"You can't release those extreme evils, although they were left by your previous life, they are completely out of your control. If you really release all the extreme evils, once you merge with the extreme evil in the broken land , An extreme evil with the strongest fighting power of the Great Demon Lord will be born! You have to think about this, you can't recycle them, then the Taixu must be killed by extreme evil!"

Yinyue Emperor's expression changed, and he opened his mouth in a deep voice, although the sound has been pressed to the poles, it still sounds sharp!

"I never thought about recycling."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly on the stage.

"You! What do you want to do!"

Yinyue Emperor stunned, and asked again after clenching his teeth!

"you guess."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Emperor Yinyue sprayed!

Fortunately, only Yuanshen is left!

No blood spray!

"You have deprived the old lady of the Night Evil, but you can’t destroy the old goddess. The old lady will go back and tell the elder brother that you want to release all the extreme evil! The public enemy of Taoism, the old lady does not believe that you can destroy all Taoism in Taixu!"

Yinyue Emperor gritted his teeth fiercely, glared at Chen Zheng, and Yuan Shen swam to nothingness and disappeared!

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