Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2234: Forceful domain


The **** of heaven has escaped!

This is simply unimaginable!

Lord Red Dust waited for a while!

However, when I thought about the scene just now, the Master Huntian forcibly merged the Yudu robber and replaced the yudu robber. Relying on the power of the strange gold talisman to reach the extreme level of Hongmeng, it was also no match for the son, and was also injured by the son Yuanshen is broken!


It’s nothing if Hun Tian ran away!

"Master Huntian... Will he escape from the vast territory of Youdu, such as the broken land..."

Princess Qiyu thought deeply.


Escape to the broken land?

If you really escaped to break the Su!

It’s hard to find the Huntian leader!

"Huntian is no longer worth it. People just go to the broken area and it's still okay." Chen Zheng smiled and said that he looked at Youdu Tribulation Lord. Youdu Tribulation Lord seemed to be fully recovered at this moment. Here, the look was extremely complicated for a while.

"I took the sarcophagus and I won't suppress you. You should know what to do when you go to that place in the future."

Chen Zheng seemed to smile and said to Youdu Tribulator.

Although the Lord Yudu didn't respond, he nodded without any hesitation. The rest of the people at the scene didn't know where the place Chen Zheng said was, and Lord Yudu knew very well what it was.

Chen Zheng received the sarcophagus that suppressed the Lord of the Youdu, glanced at the Tomb of the True Capital of Yuyou, smiled again, and turned away with the Master of Red Dust.


This one leaves!

The talents from the Shouling line and the Tianshenmen line have a breath!

to be frank!

See you today!

It's too scary!

The young man is not even afraid of Hongmeng!

The young man's body is already detached

This is an unprecedented terrorist impact on Daoxin!

"It turned out that we were wrong...We thought he was just a reincarnated body, but we didn't expect the body to be detached long ago. No wonder no one hurt him, and at most knocked down his mana."

At this time, a shadow appeared, appearing next to Lord Yudu.

"Sir Emperor!"

The people in Shouling's vein and those who rolled the Tianshenmen's vein saw this shadow and hurriedly prayed.

"Detachment... Detachment billions of years ago... Detachment of the flesh... He should not only be detached from the flesh, he also detached from the soul, but there is a problem with mana, the level of mana Not enough, so it failed to truly detach."

Youdu Tribulator nodded.

"The pole of Hongmeng is the extreme state in the universe of Hongmeng. For the spirits in the universe of Hongmeng, that is the invincible state, but it is also limited to the spirits in the universe of Hongmeng. At least ten people in the Taixu know the identity of Chen Zu And even knew that Chen Zu had more than one identity. More than half of these 10 people wanted to kill Chen Zu, but they didn’t know that their way could not kill Chen Zu or even hurt Chen Zu. I don’t know why, I thought of this , I suddenly wanted to laugh. Am I too bad."

The Emperor Youyou suddenly smiled.


The people who guarded the tomb and those who rolled the door of the gods were startled!

"The people who kept the tomb of the tomb and the people who wound the door of the gods stayed, and the rest of the Taoist people sent them out of the tomb.

Youdu Tribulator didn't seem to want to continue this topic. He whispered it, and wiped it out, and a gloomy palace emerged. He stepped into the gloomy palace alone.

"The rest of the orthodox people, let it go."

The Emperor Youyou also whispered, and then disappeared.



In front of the mountain gate.


"Don't come over!"

"Master Lord has gone, Master Lord went to the Broken Land, leaving only a few of us, you don't want to kill us!"

Huntian taught his disciples trembling, these disciples seemed to be forced to stay in front of the mountain gate!

"Really escaped the broken land?"

Red Dust Lord frowned!

Although the flesh and soul spirit of the Huntian leader is fragmented, as long as it is not dead, it can be recovered in less time than its means. If it jumps out from time to time to do something, it is really difficult to prevent!

"My current cultivation practice can't kill him, and suppress him at most. Are you so afraid? You don't even need the domain eyes of Youyu Dayu." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, glanced at the mountain ahead, and then shouted casually: "Girl, you came out and swallowed Yudu Dayuyu's eyes."



Swallowed the domain eye?


Who is this calling!

Huntian taught disciples to be amazed!


Fairy light flashes!

A little girl appeared!

The little girl yawned like she didn't wake up!


Red Dust Lord, Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, Madam Green, and Bone Sword Immortal saw this scene, and they also showed their doubts. This little girl has the breath of the dragon family, and it seems that there is also the breath of the eternal dragon!

"Huntianjiao... Gee... This is terrible Taoism in Taixu, but in front of Chen Zu, no matter how terrible Taoism is, it will not be terrible anymore! I swallowed five big eyeballs outside the domain, and today I swallowed the domain eyes in the Taixu, and then swallowed the real blood of the Vanguard Dragon, and the little master is the new Vanguard Dragon! It’s not right, not the Vanguard Dragon, the little master From now on, it will be the ultimate ancestral dragon!"

The fairy light flashed again, a battle flag emerged, and the mouth of the battle flag spat out!



Red Dust Master glanced at the battle flag, and was more puzzled in his heart, as if the little girl who looked harmless to humans and animals really had something to do with Vanguard Dragon!


And between the doubts of the people, the little girl suddenly raised her head and issued a roar of the evil dragon, which turned into a huge magic dragon and flew into the sky!


Eternal Dragon!

Huntian taught the disciples of Shoushan to collapse to the ground!

At first glance, I thought it was the arrival of Emperor Demon Dragon!

"Eternal Dragon!"

The queen was also surprised!

"This... is there a second eternal dragon!"

Princess Qiyu also widened her eyes!

"It seems... there is a difference..."

The Red Dust Master perceives and gently shakes his head!


And just as the giant dragon opened his mouth to swallow the whole mountain, a cold hum came from the depths of the mountain, and then a figure appeared! The red dust demon stared at the originally thought it was the **** of heaven, but at first glance it was not the **** of heaven, but a man with a very strange appearance!

Who is this person!

Why teach in Huntian!

Red Dust Lord raised a brow!

There is a strange man in his memory!

But the strange man is stronger than the **** of heaven!

Not the person in front of you!

"Since Master Huntian has given you the eyes of the big territory of the Yudu to this seat, then this eye of the territory is this private thing, and a small magic dragon in every area dares to come up with the idea of ​​playing this private thing!"

The demon man hummed again, and said that he just picked an orchid finger, and then flicked his finger, and a different awn directly hit the magic dragon head!

"Little master, be careful, this **** is not easy!"

Longhuang Battle Banner quickly shouted!



The huge dragon roared!

Swallow it!

Ignore that strange awn!

To swallow the mountains where Huntian Taoism is located!

"Dare to ignore the old lady's means, you little things are wanton!"

Seeing the strange man, the orchid finger flicked again and again, hitting a strange mans!


Two different awns hit the head of the magic dragon head in succession!

All ignored by the magic dragon!

The Huntianjiao Mountain was swallowed by the magic dragon!


A terrible chew sounded!



After three breaths!

The dragon's mouth is bursting!

Spit out countless gravel to bury some stunned monsters!

Vaguely visible!

The dragon's blood abyss!

There is a glowing thing!

Let's take a closer look!

Isn't that the domain eye pattern on the magic list?


Really swallowed!

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