Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2221: This is not called provocation! This is called bullying!

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"Ah? Thank you, son!"

Mrs. Qing stunned and bowed to Chen Zheng quickly!


Almost at the same time!

A cold hum sounded!

I saw several figures appeared!

Although the leader is only a plain clothes!

But Mrs. Qing looked at her face and changed again!

"Prince Rainbow"..."

Mrs. Qing gritted her teeth and shouted the identity of the plain clothes man!

"Mrs. Qing, I obeyed Fa Tianzun's decree to kill you. Did you learn about the decree in advance, so you found a helper?" The Su Yi man stared at Mrs. Qing, then stared at Chen Zheng and looked at Chen Zheng. A few sneers: "I don't care who you are, I just tell you, the moment you just shot, you have already rebelled against the tenets of Enlightenment, so you should die! I will give you a death now, you can destroy the Yuanshen! "


"Do not self-extinguish Yuanshen!"

"Prince Rainbow Light gave you a death, you don't thank me!"

The people around the plain clothes men drink coldly!

"I give you a death."

Chen Zheng smiled lightly and glanced at the plain clothes man.



"who are you......!"


The plain clothes man laughs wantonly with the people around him!


Less than three interest time!

The people around the plain clothes men can't laugh!


Plain clothes man!

Suddenly, the whole person disappeared!


His Royal Highness!

Why is it gone!


Has His Royal Highness been erased!

its not right!

In front of him, this kid will not destroy the fourth realm!

Although what means just took the Golden Dragon Shadow!

But His Highness, the Golden Dragon Shadow Rainbow Light, used only 50% of his strength!

What special magic weapon should this kid just use to take the Golden Dragon Shadow!

This kid can't kill His Royal Highness anyway!

"You... you're done, you killed His Royal Highness, Lord Lord will not let you go, nor will Heaven Enlightenment Master let you go! You are really over, you don't know the end of Heaven Enlightenment Law How terrible!"

After a short silence, one person gritted his teeth at Chen Zheng!

"I want to know where the queen bee is now. Whoever tells me will let me go."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


These half-step overlords were all stunned to hear this sentence!


Mrs. Qing was a little stunned, but it quickly reacted that the underworld son was indeed a man of the world. The threat of the peach blossom pilgrim master in the second half of the step was ignored by the son directly, but threatened the other party casually!

and many more!

This does not seem to be a threat!

This should be called a gift!

"You are too arrogant!"

"This is the Peach Blossom Pilgrimage!"

"Sir Lord Lord is backed by Enlightened Fa Tianzun, and the demon will definitely die this time!"

Several people glared at Chen Zheng!

"That... I know what the queen bee is in. The queen bee is temporarily trapped by a magical instrument given to the Lord by the enlightenment of God! It is said that it is forcing one person to show up if the person does not show up. Body, the queen bee will be refined! By the way, the so-called beheaded beasts are also arranged by the Holy Lord. The Holy Master makes public opinion to condemn the queen bee and wants to be the queen bee. !"


Someone suddenly raised a hand with a gritted teeth!


Several others stared at the man with cold eyes!


These people are just about to yell!

The flesh and soul spirits will die out!



The last person left by the man brought by the Prince of Rainbow!

That is, the half-step overlord who proactively stated the situation of the queen bee!

The body trembled!

A face is terrified!


He just saw clearly!

The sitting young man only had one look!

The other few are all gone!


This is terrible!

How can there be such a terrible means in the immortal fourth realm!

"I'll go and see in the Holy Court."

Chen Zheng took another sip of tea, then put down the teacup, got up and said to Mrs. Qing, Mrs. Qing never recovered, but nodded subconsciously, and Chen Zheng stepped out, went directly out of the restaurant, and fell in the next moment. In front of the Holy Court!


Mrs. Qing suddenly recovered, she exclaimed quickly and rushed out!


That trembling half-step overlord!

At this moment, I have come back!

It is also coming out!

But when looking at the Holy Court!

He was shaking again!





San Ting Xian Wei!

Not before the young man!

One by one all exploded into blood mist!

"what's the situation!"

"There is movement in the Holy Court!"

"The young man who flew from above just lying in the trough, he slays the ring in front of the Holy Court!"

Although Chen Zheng has just crossed an area, it has already attracted many people's attention, but those people are more curious. At this moment, Shen Nian sensed and saw the blood mist in front of the Holy Court, and he was dumbfounded!

This Nima!

This young man!

He seems to be provoking the Peach Blossom Sanctuary!

He seems to be provoking the peach blossom dynasty royal family!

and many more!

Will this child be the so-called just people who have emerged recently?

Does this child also want to kill the queen bee!

"You can be guilty!"

"The boy who is indestructible in the fourth realm, dare to provoke the Peach Blossom Holy Court!"

"You killed Shengting Xianwei, you are looking for death!"




Inside the Holy Court!

The three gods will appear!



The three gods will only scream Chen Zhengyi roar!

The three gods will burst into blood mist at the same time!

"Lying trough!"

"That's the three great generals under the Holy See!"

"This and this... was also killed!"




The spirits in Liluo Imperial City!

Under prying eyes!

Almost a tremor!

I thought the young man was dead!

I thought that the young man was the same as the just person who was cut off before!

But it seems completely different!


God will!

It just disappeared!

I don't know what means killed the fairy guardian!

"Huh! You really don't know that the sky is thick and thick, let the prince come to meet you!"


Someone appeared in the Holy Court again!

This person is wearing gold armor!

The breath is extremely extraordinary!

The emperor's domineering edge is revealed!



This golden armor raised his hand!

The golden sharp gun in his hand has just been lifted!

Its people burst!

Blood mist reappears!


The golden sharp gun landed!


The wind blows!

The blood mist is gone!

Where is the figure of the Golden Armor!


The spirits in Liluo City sucked their breath!

This Nima is indeed different!

The young man standing in front of the Holy Court is indeed different from the justice people who shouted after the demon!

This young man forced too much too much!



Above the Holy Court!

A huge dragon shadow emerged!

"True Dragon!"

"Santing Dragon Shadow!"

"Santing is at the same level as the Holy Lord, so Santing Longying is the epoch overlord level! This young man, he angered Santing Longying and angered an epoch overlord!"


All over!

"You are so weak."


When they saw Chen Zheng raise his head and smiled slightly at the huge dragon shadow above the holy court, there was a terrified color between the huge dragon shadow, and then the huge dragon shadow shattered!

They are stupid!


What is this means!

"This is not provoking the Peach Blossom Sanctuary. This is bullying the Peach Blossom Sanctuary. God, my god, this young man is afraid that he is a culprit who hides his cultivation base!"

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