Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2211: I'm round!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"Nine days are extremely spicy!"

"Spicy dizzy for three thousand years!"

"This... Chaotian Mountain still has this kind of divine fruit. This kind of divine fruit is one of the peppers. Can it be called Chaotian pepper?"

Under the sky.

Life whispered.

Those who come to worship teachers.

It was the first time I heard this kind of divine fruit.

It's so spicy that it can't bear even the era overlord.

"Young man, are you a little bit afraid of these nine days?"

In the era of Demon Palace, the old man's voice sounded again.

"I can ignore the avenue, but I haven't tried it. It's okay to try it."

Chen Zheng grabbed it, the string of Jiutianji peppers flew over, he swallowed it, and swallowed the whole string of Jiutianji directly.



"I'm afraid I have to sleep for ten thousand years!"

A voice sounded in the era of demon palace!


did not expect!

Chen Zheng swallowed a string!

"Huh? It is indeed ignoring the avenue. There is such a magical thing between heaven and earth, which is also a marvel of creation. How many days are there in the Jiyuan Demon Palace, and I can be alone."

After Chen Zheng swallowed a string of nine days of extreme spicyness, he just felt that the taste buds were greatly stimulated. Then, in a flash, there was a strange feeling that he rushed towards Yuanshen, as if he was going to stun Yuanshen!


It was only for a moment!

And it was that moment!

Chen Zheng is interested in Jiutian Spicy!

To know!

Take his physical level now!

There is almost nothing in the Hongmeng universe that will allow him to have this strange experience!

Other than that!

These nine days of extreme spicy actually can hit the shackles inside him!

That moment just now!

He heard a tear!

That is the sound of invisible shackles in the body!

Although not fully opened!

But the string of nine days of extreme spicyness just now can be compared with the number one peak attack!


"Are you okay?"

"You swallowed a string of nine days and it's okay? It's okay? Lying trough! Are you so bearable!"

In the era demon palace, those creatures with at least half-step dominance level, seeing Chen Zheng looks like there is no feeling at all, one by one amazed!

"You are going to wrap the Jiutianji pepper in Chaotian Mountain? This... um? Young man, I have something to do. You have successfully smashed the mountain. You can make a request. You can tell Elder Gu Su."

The old man's voice also sounded, full of surprise, but as he spoke, his tone changed, and he seemed to be busy.


Qingmang flashed.

A Tsing Yi woman appeared.

The woman in Tsing Yi looked at Chen Zheng more and her eyes became brighter: "Unfortunately you built the tower. If you didn't build the tower, I will accept you as a disciple. I am the elder of the Guyuan Sufu, what do you have to ask directly That’s right. It’s been 100,000 years since the last guy who succeeded in hitting a mountain. You are the first person who succeeded in hitting a hill after 100,000 years, and you are also the first Daozu who succeeded in hitting a hill.”


"you dare!"

"evil creature!"

"Quickly suppress God Stone!"


Epoch Demon Palace was shocked!

A roar came from the era of Yaoyuan!


Tsing Yi women frowned!

Live up and down the Chaotian Mountain!

what's going on!

Why did Jiyuan Yaofu suddenly shake!

Was the old man suddenly hidden just because of what he wanted to suppress?

"Is it related to the ancient demon suppressed under the Chaotian Mountain... Is it that the ancient demon seal has loosened... The trough is not right, it is said that the ancient demon is a creature of the second era, and is related to the emperor, The terrible existence of the level of the eternal dragon and the supreme demon!"

Someone thought of it, and then showed a terrible look!


"Gu Yao!"

"This... isn't this just a legend!"

The spirits who came to the teacher also showed horror and suppressed the ancient demon towards the bottom of the mountain. This has been rumored in ancient times, but it has never been confirmed. Could it be that you and others just met today!


That ancient demon and the eternal dragon, supreme true demon and other levels!

If you let that ancient demon break free!

Era Demon Palace is about to be destroyed!

Although the lord of the era demon palace also became the epoch overlord a few months ago!

But it seems that it is just a ring of three eras!



Epoch Demon House is shocked again!


That vast demon palace at the top of Chaotian Mountain!

The plaque on the head of the main entrance suddenly cracked!


"Every Age Demon Palace is cracked!"

"Can't you lie down?"

The creatures below were frightened, and the monks of the Yuan Dynasty Demon Palace were also frightened. The plaque above the main entrance of the Demon Palace, but the treasure, the four-character characters of the Yuan Dynasty Demon Palace, is said to be a word of the supreme soul inscription!

At this moment this treasure is cracking, you can imagine what terrible impact it received!

"Young man, you are not very lucky, and just encountered some troubles in our era demon palace. Your request seems to only satisfy you after suppressing that thing first."

The Tsing Yi woman, Gu Su, has a solemn look. She glanced at Chen Zheng and was about to plunder into the Demon Mansion.

"Why don't I go check it out, maybe I can help."

Chen Zheng glanced at the cracked plaque above the front of Jiyuan Yaofu, only to realize that the four words were familiar, and it should be said that the handwriting was familiar, so he said something.

"You? Help? Hmm? You can take a bath in the original four robbery, and it's okay to swallow the nine days. It may be really helpful. Then let's go down with me."

The woman in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, but she nodded quickly and shot a blue light to wrap Chen Zheng into it, and took Chen Zheng into the Yuan Dynasty Demon Mansion.



The bull demon opened his mouth!

Then frown!

He is responsible for accepting appraisal!

More or less know the secrets of some era demon palace!

If it is really that thing can not suppress!

I'm afraid it's trouble today!


After a moment.

In the depths of the Demon Palace.

An unpretentious ancient hall.

The woman in Tsing Yi took Chen Zheng into the ancient palace.


The woman in Tsing Yi glanced, revealing a stunned look, and then became very cold!

"Elder Gusu, I haven’t seen it for a few days, it is getting more and more beautiful! Elder Gusu don’t need to be surprised. When I release Lord Qitian, I will be the lord of the era of demon palace, and I will definitely hold a beautiful wedding banquet. Elder Gusu took the door!"

A young man in white, surrounded by a demon mantle at the moment, sitting cross-legged in the center of the ancient temple, a demon shadow emerged behind him, and another seven or eight people in the ancient temple were urging the source to suppress the demon shadow!


It seems that some towns can't help it!

And it seems that they all got some strange monsters!

The flesh cannot move at all!

"Our Epoch Demon Palace treats you very Even give you the Cang Qing Juan to help you step into the era of supremacy of the era, why do you want to do such a thing? Do you know that the repression of the Tianshan Mountain is suppressed? What kind of terrible disaster will the ancient demon once release!"

Elder Gu Su stared at the youth in white with cold eyes!

"Elder Gusu did not know that our family was originally a servant of Lord Qitian. As a slave, of course, we must do everything possible to rescue the master. By the way, Elder Gusu, Lord Qitian and Lord Wangmian Dragon Emperor are friends, In order to deceive Jiyuan Demon House, my body and Yuanshen also asked Master Yang to remodel to be able to successfully enter into Jiyuan Demon House. I have already been me, I can even give up my race, and let go of Qitian What kind of disaster will an adult cause, how can I care?"

The youth in white smiled faintly.



Behind him roared a demon shadow!

The senior officials of the era demon palace that suppresses the demon shadow burst into an instant!

Splattered to the ground!

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