Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2146: Cang Shen: I don't want to die

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Eleventh day.

Almost all creatures looked at the hanging mountain in the Far East.

"What's the situation inside now?"

"No matter how powerful the young man is, there should be no chance for the Cangshen who is detached from the first half of the stage, right? The half-step of detachment, the legendary supremacy, creatures that we can't see on weekdays, should not be defeated Right!"

"I really want to see a half-step transcendental creature!"


Xingcha's eyebrows on Wanheyi, Mrs. Wan, An Xiaoyue and so on are locked!

at the moment!

I don't know what the situation is!

The son confronted the master of the vacant Taoist courtyard in the half step!

It is really hard to imagine what means can be used to withstand half-step detachment!

"Will it...have been defeated...Although the power of the fairy clock can't suppress him, the master of Zangkong Daoyuan is the legendary half-step detachment, and should be able to suppress him. Right..."

On the side of Yun and Daozu, the Fifth Heaven Guardian whispered.

Yun and Daozu shook their heads, and the other guardians shook their heads. If it wasn't for themselves to see what happened in the courtyard of the empty space, it would be really hard to guess.



The Far East!

Suddenly there was a shock in the hanging mountain!


"Is this a fight!"

"Who won!"


Countless exclamations sounded!


Xuankong Mountain also only vibrated!


During the eleventh day, the creatures stared closely at the hanging mountain, and did not want to move their eyes away at all. They were waiting for a result at this moment!

Hanging Mountain.

In the empty courtyard.

Cangshen Yuanshen returned to the flesh, although at that moment, his Yuanshen was shattered by a terrifying force in Chen Zheng’s body, but after all, he was a half-step detachment, and Yuanshen was not completely destroyed.

After Yuanshen entered the body, Cangshen stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, and then looked at him with a stern expression: "I underestimated you, your physical body and Yuanshen are stronger than they were when they were at their peak, and they are even detached. ."


Tong Zi stayed for a while, then shook his head frantically, how could this be detached! A guy without any mana, how could his physical body and Yuanshen be detached, this situation simply cannot exist!

and many more!

Why listen to the tone of Lord Cangshen!

Lord Cangshen seems to have compromised!

Do not!

Lord Cangshen!

No compromise!

You are a supernatural being in a half-step detachment!

Tong Zi Tian Yu suddenly had a bad hunch!



Cang God raised his hand!

Brought a magic weapon!

This magic weapon is a magic sail!


Not together!

It's halfway!

"This is the half of the Divine Sail. Although I have obtained it for a long time, it has not been refined. I also know that the other half of the Divine Sail is an immortal family of the Northern God and the ancient desert in the ancient **** land, but that family is also extremely arrogant. I want to grab it. I can’t grab it. The saint opened my eyes today, and this thing was presented to the saint."

Cangshen whispered!

Push Shenfan!

Shenfan flew to Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, the light flashed in his eyebrows, and one thing flew out, it was the other half of the reincarnation sail!



A flash of light!

Great reincarnation sail fusion!

In an instant!

A mysterious extreme wave emerged in this Tibetan empty courtyard!

Cang Shen's face changed slightly!

The two boys were shocked!

"Not bad."

Chen Zheng commented that the great reincarnation sail turned into a divine light and flew directly into his Yuanshen. After seeing this scene, Cangshen could only secretly sigh in his heart. As for Tongzi Tianyu, his face was white!

Only then did he understand!

In front of this guy in addition to mana!

The rest is above Cang God!


Cangshen can clearly leave!

Why compromise?

Why should you take the initiative to send that half of Shenfan!

Chen Zheng took the big reincarnation sail and the bone pagoda, and looked at the girl Tianzhao on the right side of Cangshen: "This little girl, my daughter should like it, you let me take this girl, Or you sent this girl to my daughter."

"Ah? No! You can't do this! Me and my sister and sister are together, you can't separate us!"

Tong Zi Tian Yu's small face was white again, and Chen Zheng glared at his teeth!

"Daughter...what daughter does the saint refer to?"

Cang Shen froze slightly.

"Don't you know that I'm a holy teacher, then I should also find out that I stayed in the heaven for a while."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Huh? Hongmeng is too heavenly...... Dry daughter... Isn't it... Heavenly Palace!" Cang Shen showed a thought, suddenly thought a little, surprised in his eyes After passing by, Shen Sheng nodded and said, "I know the master's dry daughter. Tianzhao, I will send it to him according to the meaning of the master. By the way, I will leave the fairy field. If the master wants to If you don’t have any mana to move the Immortal Realm Supreme, I am afraid that you can’t really suppress the Immortal Realm Supreme. He hides very deeply, not just as the Immortal Era Supreme."

"I never thought about killing him."

Chen Zheng heard nodded lightly and said that he turned and walked out, out of the main hall, out of the Zangkong Daoyuan, and out of Xuankong Mountain.


Chen Zhenggang came out of the hanging mountain!

Within 11 days, the creatures widened their eyes!


not dead!

Still alive!


That question is coming!

The master of Kangdo Taoist Temple!

The half-step detached god!

Was Cang God killed?

For a while!

Countless guesses!


Chen Zheng straddled the eleventh heaven in one step, and fell beside the fairy clock of the eleventh heaven. He said two words casually, and slap in front of the eleventh clock. Just listening to the loud sound, between the eruption of the power of the fairy clock, and then the terrible fragmentation sounded!


The fairy clock shattered!



The door is wide open!

Chen Zheng entered Tianmen without fluctuation, and Xingcha also flew into Tianmen, but the creatures in the eleventh day were dumbfounded!


Yun and Daozu uttered two words in a low voice!

"Ao Xian... It's a pity!"

The Jiuzhu Taoist sighed. If the Ao Xian knew that the young man was not afraid of the power of the fairy clock, and could break the fairy clock, he wouldn't take the first shot and not fall!


Another sigh!

The Nine Bamboo Taoists looked at the wide-open Tianmen!

At this moment, there is some entanglement whether to keep up!

at the same time!

Inside the Hanging Mountain Zangkong Road Courtyard!

"That guy... blew the fairy clock..." Tong Zi Tianyu whispered his teeth, took a deep breath and looked at Cang God: "Master Cang God, although this guy is strange, but just now Adults can leave directly, why give Shenfan to that guy!"

"I don't want to die."

Cang Shen whispered.

"Ah? Don't want to die? But that guy can't kill you Cangshen!"

The boy was surprised.

"I can't kill it Wait for his mana to recover, even if it only recovers to a certain level, such as the half-step overlord, it should be no difficulty to kill the creatures in our situation. The most important point is that I don’t use whatever He can't help him by any means, and it's better to be connected than to complain."

Cang Shen said with some emotion, he lifted his right hand, and Xuankong Mountain turned into divine light and disappeared.


this moment!

Within the eleventh day, the soul subconsciously stared over!

I only saw the last ghost in Xuankong Mountain!


This, this!

So what happened in the Zangkong Road courtyard just now!

Who won?


All ignorant!

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