Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2133: Different universes and wefts! The beast is fierce!

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what's going on!

How did this become purgatory!


In the midst of everyone's suspicion, a glimmer of gloom, everyone only felt that the world of heaven and earth suddenly changed again, although the scene of purgatory has not changed, but the strange feeling that just seemed not to belong to the same dimension as the giant monster disappeared just now. Now!



There was a roar ahead!


The large number of creatures in Daluo Jincheng who entered this world are surprised!

Then his face sank!

Because those giant beasts that didn't seem to see them at all before, all the behemoths stared at the moment, and at the same time, a terrifying breath of pressure came over!

These behemoths!

It seems that the weakest is the half-step **** level!



A behemoth rushed towards this side!

"Oh shit!"

"what's going on!"

"Don't ask what the situation is, it seems that you can't escape at all, but find a way to stop these giants first! The four major forces in the Great Luojin City are in control. Although the people of the Vanguard Taoist School are gone, the other three forces are all there. , And all come in, please ask the other three powerful forces of the era overlord level or urge the forces of the era overlord level to stop these monsters!"

Da Luo Jincheng's creatures exclaimed subconsciously. Someone had a thought in their hearts and shouted at the three strongest monks in Da Luo Jincheng!



A man in a red robe raised his hands!

I saw a true blaze completely transformed by the power of the avenue!

With a bang, he hit the giant bird that was bigger than the big Luojincheng!


Just listen to a loud noise!

Listen to the wailing cry again!

The giant bird's head burst into blood mist!

"It's done!"

"This is Mr. Mo, the elder of Wu Ji Qi Tianzong. Although Mr. Mo is not an epoch overlord, what he can practice is the supreme secret technique, which can urge the divine power of the epoch overlord level!"

"The behemoths don't seem so scary. We should have been shocked by the weakest and half-step lordship level of these giant beasts. In fact, it is not so difficult to kill these giant beasts!"

Everyone showed joy!



A strange scene appeared!

The giant bird that burst into a blood mist!

Suddenly howl!

Two or two bird heads grew out of his neck!


Everyone was stunned, and then his face was sinking!

Not right!

Very wrong!

Not only did the giant bird die!

Instead, it seems to be stronger!

"Huh? It's not dead, do you want another flame in this seat!"

The Mr. Mo frowned, raised his hand in a cold voice and burst into flames again!


At this moment, someone exclaimed!



It's too late!

Yan Ji blasted on the two newly grown heads of the giant bird!

This time!

The head of the giant bird did not explode into blood mist!

Instead, it is hard to resist the flame!


Its two heads turned into four heads at once!

Its breath soared again!

It seems that you will step into the era of hegemony at any time!


Everyone was ignorant!

This Nima!

Why is this giant bird getting stronger and stronger!

How did Mr. Mo's inflammation look like it helped the giant bird to cross the robbery!


Mr. Mo was stunned. He didn't dare to shoot at this moment. I was afraid that there would be another flame. Then the giant bird divided six heads and stepped into the era of hegemony of the era. Then he was really in trouble!


If you don't shoot!

Wu Ji abandoned Tianzong and entered the monk of this world!

Except yourself!

How many people can hold on!

"We in Xianyu take a step first, and I wish you all good luck!"

At this time!

A low voice sounded!

I saw an old man raised his hand and sacrificed a magic weapon!

That magic weapon looks like a flying shuttle!

Fairy light flashes!

The old man and the people around him all entered the shuttle!


In an instant!

The flying shuttle rose to the sky!

It seems to want to forcibly tear apart this world!



Above the sky of purgatory!

Suddenly a huge abyss came out!

The flying shuttle was swallowed up instantly!


Everyone shuddered!


Above the sky!

A flash of light!

A behemoth appeared!

That is a dragon beast!

A dragon beast never seen before!

It is bigger than any giant beast in this world!

The giant bird and giant tortoise seemed to be cubs in front of them!



The giant bird has come!


Above the earth!

The giant turtle suddenly raised his head and sprayed a pure white light!

Other than that!

The rest of the monsters are also a variety of supernatural powers!

This seems to wipe out everyone!

"I can only do it once!"

At this time!

A sloppy Taoist slammed it!


It spit out a real blood!

Sacrifice a black tripod!

Black Ding absorbed the real blood and instantly turned into a blood Ding!



Blood Ding shocked!

Everyone only feels the shock!

The crushed giant bird was shocked in the air!

The magical power of the giant tortoise and the other giant beasts shattered instantly!

"Stop it!"

"Heiding Daoren blocked the magical power of the beast!"

"Heiding Taoist is worthy of being the half-step overlord of the anode temple!"

Everyone cheers!


Only cheers!

The sloppy Taoist spit out blood!

That blood tripod disappeared instantly!

Everyone was instantly dumbfounded!

"I... I can't stand it!"

The sloppy Taoist shouted in vain!


Everyone's face sank!

Can't stand it anymore!

Heiding Taoist can't stand it!

Who else is present who can urge the power of the era overlord level!


and many more!

It seems there are really people!


In an instant!

Everyone's eyes moved towards Chen Zheng's side!

This young man!

Although there is no mana!

But with one person's strength, the sub-rudder of the Great Luo Jincheng of the Fagong Dao Zong was destroyed!

Has successively killed the three epoch overlords of Fagong Taoism!

Others can't stand it!

This young man should be able to withstand it!

"Can't you wait for this?" But Chen Zheng hadn't responded yet, and a light voice sounded!


Everyone stared at the past!



Brilliant flash!

A fairy ship emerges!


Is this a native creature in this world!

Everyone subconsciously thought of something!

Only when I first learned about the stone statue standing on that fairy ship!

I can't help but chuck!

The stone statue has the atmosphere of the era of overlord level!

The body of the stone statue is definitely a terrible creature!

These guys!

Who is it?

Could it be that some terrible tradition in Immortal Domain!

But if it's a terrible tradition in the fairyland!

It is impossible for Mr. Mo and Heiding Dao to be unrecognizable!

"I don’t have to We and I, etc. are not people in a world at all, and it is impossible for us to guess our origin. This time, the different dimensions are the same, this farm connects you. The world of ours is also connected to ours. Since you came in, you are also livestock. If you want to get rid of the identity of livestock, kill these big guys first, and then be qualified to know more."

On the fairy ship in the middle, wearing a black armor and holding a black streamer young man, evil eyes swept the crowd and said a word!

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