Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2071: Just ask if you are tired?

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"Who is this seat? Huh! I'm not yet qualified to know who this seat is!"

The voice of indifference sounded again!


Look at the small face of the beast cold!

Jing Liuli, Qin Fairy, etc. looked even darker, because they secretly probed, and still couldn't perceive any creatures in front of them, the sound was like it came from another completely unknown world!

This is really weird!

Does the other party completely surpass their own existence?

"Ire not even aware of the seat of the seat, don’t you understand, the difference between the level of the seat and the seat before it? Huh! What is the glass temple, what are the three protoss, if not the ancestor of my family? , Do you think you can control the other two thirds of Taisu Shenshan!"

The voice of indifference sounded again!


The faces of Jingliu, Yuhuashen, Lanqihuang and Mrs. Xiu all changed!


Li Shuang next to Emperor Lan Qi heard this sentence, and his face was cold as he watched the beast! The tall woman beside Mrs. Xiu is also cold-skinned!

Listen to that cold voice!

It is absolutely useless to say that the Liuli Temple and the three great gods!

It's as if I got the charity of that indifferent voice!

This makes them feel very uncomfortable!

"Without strength, you can only be incapable of anger. If you have strength, will you not be able to perceive the existence of this seat! Among them, there are also four era overlords. None of the four era overlords can perceive the existence of this seat. You four are really shameful!"

The voice of indifference is coming again!

The four of Jingliu's face are even heavier!


I can't refute it for a while!

Because you can't perceive the other party's existence!

For a while!

Can only be silent!

"You didn't have been here before, did you think you could break through the secrets of Taisu Shenshan together when you came together today? Oh! You are too worthy of yourself, even if the four of you have become seven rings and eight rings Even the Jiuhuan overlord is in vain! The secrets of Tai Su Shenshan, it is not that the era overlord can come to spy! Wait for a long time to spy for trillions of years, and no secret can be spied! Or that sentence, wait for nothing qualifications!"


The voice of indifference sounded again!

"Fuck! This guy is so annoying!"

The celestial beast is a little hairy!

Oh shit!

So jump!

The other party is so jumpy!

But I can't perceive the other party's existence!

There is no way to get the other party out!

There is no way to vent.

"Chen Zu!"


Tianguan Beast shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu? You little beast is asking this old ancestor to be a kid? Haha! This kind of thing is not enough to be a slave in my family. You actually beg this boy! Idiot! You are a big idiot! "

The sound of indifference sounded!

"Are you tired?"

At the moment when the celestial beast was crazy and the people of the Four Avenues were angry, Chen Zheng looked at the front and smiled.


What do you mean?

Has Chen Zu seen through everything?

The people who watched the heavenly beasts, the four main roads, Du Guqian and Gu Tian were a few ears. After hearing this question, they were startled, and then their eyes lit up!

"Pretend? What pretend? Boy, do you say that this seat is in a pretentious manner? Huh boy, do you think this kind of radical method can make this seat appear? You use the ancestor level to speculate on this level of life, you are too A fool!"

The voice of indifference seemed to be stunned for a while, but soon it sounded again!


Chen Zheng just smiled!

I can see it in front of the naked eye but can't touch the middle of the peak of the mountain!


White light flashes!

Something flew over!

That's a town stone!


It is also this moment!

A sudden flash of light flashed ahead!


Not a flash!

It should be back to go!


Du Guqian, Qin Xianzi, etc. instantly felt that the front had changed. Although the mountain peaks lined up in the line of sight had not changed, the law of time and space had changed, which clearly felt it!

prior to!

The front is visible and untouchable!


It seems to be reachable!



A cry!

A figure in front appeared!

Just like falling from another time and space!



Du Guqian, Guan Tian Beast, Si Dao Tong all stared at the past!


"It seems... just a half-walk ancestor?"

"Is this the guy who claimed to be waiting for me to be ineligible to know him?"

A startled sound!


The person who appeared was only a half-walking ancestor!

It's not terrible!

It is not a creature that surpasses the era overlord!

If the person in front is the body of the guy just now!

That guy was so **** good just now!

" could you see Zhen Shi, these era overlords could not perceive its existence, how could you see it, and how could you move it!"

The appearance of the person who appeared appeared to be changing, staring at Chen Zheng and whispering!


This is the guy just now!

The sound is exactly the same!

It's just that the arrogance and highness before have disappeared!

At the moment, there is tension in anger!

"Two world stones."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and said three words.

Two world stones?

Everyone showed curiosity!

"You!" A look of consternation flashed in the eyes of the person who appeared, staring at Chen Zheng again and whispering: "You can't hold your seat, you will quickly return the Zhenshi, otherwise the strong man of our race will come later , You all have to be suppressed! Not to mention that you are a kid whose ancestors cultivated, these four era overlords also have to be suppressed! My strong family not only cultivated higher than their four, but also specifically suppressed the overlord of the era overlord Magic weapon!"


This time!

No one showed fear!


I understand now!

This guy in front of me!

Before, it was just relying on the bizarre two world stones to bluff!


I almost lied to everyone just now!

This guy is a half-walk ancestor!

There can be no such terrible combat power as Chen Zu!

This guy can be pinched to death!

"Damn! Didn't you be very cowhide before? Didn't you blow yourself into a creature that Era Overlord didn't have the right to know? You Malle Gobi continue to blow and continue to pretend!"

Guantian Beast was scolded!

"You... you you really think that my clan is not strong, my clan is strong...what! What did you do! You did this **** you did what!"

The person who showed up was angry, and his cold eyes swept the crowd, but when he heard a cracking sound, he stared at him suddenly. When he saw Chen Zheng crushing the two world stones and swallowing the power in the two world stones, his body Shivering suddenly, it was a roar at Chen Zheng!

"The two world stones are isolated from the outside world, and they are not detached in less than half a step. Even if they are the overlords of the ten circles, they can't perceive the other side of the two world stones. Right?"

Chen Zheng asked with a slight smile.

" can't know the secret of the two realms!"

The person who appeared appeared staring at Chen Zheng, gritted his teeth and groaned. After groaning, he turned his eyes away and turned back!

This is to escape!

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