Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2063: Rebuild the bones

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"But you, the Sixth Ring Overlord, I'm afraid I can't learn Chen Zu's methods! Chen Zu is a quasi-holy mana, you are the Sixth Ring Overlord, the most top level in the Taisu Shenshan, you have the magic power that Chen Zu does not know how many Hierarchy, many times into the dark vortex, was blasted out, was broken into the mana vacuum period! However, Chen Zu casually cut the magic barrier with a sword, you are angry!"

Tianguan beast again sneer!


When Lan Qihuang heard it, he had nothing to say!


The people of the Pingtian family are also silent, but unlike the embarrassed face of Emperor Lan Qi, almost all the Pingtian families now look at Chen Zheng with a kind of worship!

What Lan Qihuang can't do!

The young man with quasi-holy mana is now done!

Can it be said that this young man has stronger means than Lan Qihuang's means!

It's really incredible!


Chen Zheng opened the stone box and took out the ancient stone plate in the stone box. The outer layer of the stone plate fell off at will, and the white light broke out in an instant, and a scene of divine sight emerged!

"this is!"

"Is this... the Taixujie map!"

"Taixu boundary map? This... this is the legendary Taixu boundary map?"

All kinds of sounds finally became exclaimed! Several elders of the Pingtian family also glared, because they did not know that the ancient objects collected by the Pingtian family turned out to be the legendary Taixu world map!

If I knew this was the Taixujie map!

I'm afraid it won't come out!

Taixu World Map!

This is said to be a magical thing that can make people have the power of a tyrannical era overlord!


White light flashes!

The world map was accepted by Chen Zheng!

The divine scene is broken!

In an instant!

The people of Pingtian family are astonished!

Several elders feel like they have lost something precious!


There is no way!


Finally, I can only sigh in my heart!

"Young man, my family has a divine ancient order, which is related to the era of destruction in the past! Or if you go with me to the Tianshen Peak, I will take the divine ancient order and you exchange the Taixu world map! That divine ancient order is to open a The key to the mysterious land, the Taixu world map is not very useful to you now. You can exchange it for the Taixu world map and you will definitely make a profit!"

Lan Qihuang's thoughts changed in his heart, and he shouted at Chen Zheng!


Everyone stared at it!

"Thank you for giving me useful information."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.

"Ah?" Emperor Lan Qi stunned, and then his face sank, but he quickly sternly said: "Young people, if you want to go to us and move the family to grab the ancient order, you are afraid that you don't have that ability, although you Cut off the magic barrier in the body of Uhua God!"

"Your clan should be in trouble recently. My person likes to save lives and help the wounded. By then your clan should come to me."

Chen Zheng seemed to laugh.

"Haha! You said my clan will be in trouble? I will come to beg you? In addition to me, my clan has a guardian of the ancient holy spirit that survived the destruction of the era. The ancient holy spirit may not be as good as me, but the ancient holy spirit is under the great The formation is the first guardian formation in Taisu Shenshan, even if the Immortal Territory Supreme is in person, it may not break the guardian formation! If my family is in trouble, then this ancient Susan Mountain Realm and even the entire fairyland , I’m afraid it’s going to be in trouble!"

Lan Qihuang laughed instantly when he heard it!


At this time!

Yuhuashen lifted his hand to unlock the dark shackles of Yu Pingtian!

All the people of Pingtian family stared at the past!

"Old... The old is lost in the eyes of the magic barrier, ruining the future of our family, and the old is ashamed."

Uhua God sighed.

"This kid's upper bones have been destroyed by you. You are not blinded by the devil's eyes, but you are too greedy. If you listen to my ancient holy spirit and worship my ancient holy spirit as a teacher, this kid may have already It is the era supremacy, and there is great hope in the future to become a real god. You think this kid is a reincarnation of a god, in fact, this kid only has the blood of the god, and the **** is born under the chance." Lan Qihuang glanced unconscious. Awake Yutongtian, speaking in a tone that seemed to know everything, he suddenly paused and looked at Chen Zheng with a chuckle: "Do you understand what I said? I’m afraid you don’t understand, so profound. High-end things, your kid must sound like listening to the heavenly book!"


Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and shot a divine light at random against Yu Pingtian, and then grabbed at the dark vortex. The dark vortex seemed to be drawn at once, and everyone had not reacted yet. Chen Zheng directly hit the dark vortex. Yupingtian body!



There is a sacred and vast power exploding in Yuping Tian!


At the same time, the pure white light is on!


"This is the breath of God!"

"Oh my god!"

The people of the ordinary family exclaimed!

Seeing stupid again and again!


What is this means!

That dark vortex is the second divine space created by Emperor Yuxu!

That thing was even sent into Yupingtian's body by the young man in front of him!

And just a few breathing time!

Yu Pingtian is like a reborn!

But why didn't the ancestor of Uhuan God know this?

The first ancestor of Uhuan God didn't know that Dark Vortex has this use!

"Here is a bone in this boy's body... This is being remodeled!" Huang Qihuang was stunned for a moment, then blinked wildly, his face full of disbelief at the scene he saw at the moment!

"Rebuild the bones...this"

Uhuashen stunned!

"Is it silly? Is it forced?" Guan Tianbei smiled, squinting at the Lan Qi Emperor said: "Don't use your ignorance to speculate on Chen Zu, and don't take what you know in front of Chen Zu show off!"

"What... who are you!"


Lan Qi's eyes stared at Chen Zhengyi and asked!

"It doesn't matter who I am, your family seems to be in trouble."

Chen Zheng responded casually.


Everyone showed doubts!

"Huh? My clan is in trouble... My clan will be in trouble? Huh! This Emperor's mana has been restored. Let this Emperor come and tell you how indestructible my guardian array of Yitian is!"

Lan Qihuang snorted coldly, a fairy light flashed on his body, and he jumped up from the ground. He had recovered his mana. After jumping up, he cast a secret technique and saw a curtain of water emerge out of thin air.


In the water curtain!

A vast Shenfeng emerged!

God light flows!


"Come here, take a look at our clan's celestial peak, look at my clan's guardian large array, and see my clan's guardian large array? The magical power I used is called audio-visual world, you have a good sense, my clan guardian large array is How perfect, how indestructible, how...what!"

Lan Qihuang looked proud!


The voice stopped abruptly!

this moment!

The looks of the rest of the people on this huge platform have changed!


In the water curtain!

Suddenly something fell from the sky!

It fell on Yitianshen Peak at once!



The big formation that guarded the Heavenly God Peaks was cracked!


Lan Qihuang screamed!

Swish away in a flash!

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