Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2057: I won't talk nonsense

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Moon stars are rare.

Birds fly south.

In front of Dongtian clan.

Suddenly silent.

The Dongtians who summoned the evil beasts looked at the front like a stone sculpture. The scene just scared them.

That guy!

That quasi-saint mana young man!

Just snapped my fingers!

The evil beasts are all gone!

and many more!

This is the mystery of the finger!

How does it seem to have heard!

"You... you just used the Supreme Power of Immortal Territory Supreme! What kind of person are you, what is your relationship with Immortal Territory Supreme, and how are the God Ear tribe and the Qin fairy in the Liuli Temple together with you!"

A hole of the Tianzu suddenly thought of a bit, and clenching his teeth was a cry!

"Supreme Gong!"

"Yes, yes, isn't that snapping finger just the Supreme Master of Immortal Territory!"

"Senior Realm Supreme...We Dongtian Clan have always been in awe of the Immortal Realm Supreme. We have presented God Brew many times. The Immortal Realm Supreme cannot shoot us! You... have you made a mistake, If you are a disciple of Xianyu Supreme, you should not come to our Dongtian clan to pick things up!"

This Dongtian shouted, and the rest of the Dongtian tribes woke up immediately!

"Supreme Master... Chen Zu’s method just now looks exactly like the supreme master of the legendary fairy domain Supreme..."

Fairy Qin whispered.

"Supreme Realm Supreme?"

Watching the beast showed curiosity.

"This... It is said that after the collapse of Hongtian God Capital, Xianhong Holy Dynasty, Promise Holy Dynasty, Taichai Divine Dynasty, Immortal Territory Supreme came to Hongtian God Realm. At that time, many people thought that Immortal Territory Supreme was the black hand behind the scenes , Immediately surrounded, and the Immortal Territory Supreme gave only one snap finger, all the surrounding creatures were wiped out on the spot! Later, a Divine Emperor asked what secret method the Immortal Territory Supreme applied, and the Immortal Territory Supreme said it was the Supreme Power !This story has been circulating to this day!"

Qin Fairy focused on her head!

"That guy must be a means of copying Chen Zu!"

Tianguan Beast definitely heard it.




At this time!

Inside the holy land of the Dongtian race!

One figure after another appeared!

"Supreme Gong? Are you really a supreme disciple of Immortal Territory?"

"Although Xianyu Supreme has disciples, it is definitely not you. The weakest Xianyu Supreme disciples are also Taoists!"

"Who the **** are you, why should you bluff and pretend to be related to the Supreme Realm of the Immortal Territory, do you think this will bluff our Dongtian clan? Hmm? Qin You in the Liuli Temple, you... my clan Lord Mo Yi A few disciples went to the Jingtian Valley of your Liuli Temple, and now the news is lost, you must explain to Fairy Qin!"

These figures first swept through Chen Zheng and the people around Chen Zheng. One of the middle-aged people in luxurious and extremely fairy clothes noticed Qin You, his face suddenly changed, and then Chen Zheng just asked!


The ordinary disciples of the Dongtian tribe did not even know that Mo Yi had fallen!

Only the deacons and deacons of the Dongtian clan now know this earth-shattering event!

But I only know that Lord Mo Yi went to the Jingtian Valley of the Liuli Temple!

I don't even know who killed Lord Mo Yi!

The glass temple can kill Lord Mo Yi only the temple master of the glass temple!

But haven't you got the news that the prince of the Liuli Temple has been abandoned!

Now the people in the Liuli Temple have come to the Dongtian clan!

to be frank!

The middle-aged Dongtian clan dressed in luxurious costumes and extremely fairy clothes are a little uncomfortable at the moment!

If the kid in front of him is really related to the Supreme Realm!

If it's the Xianyu Supreme's strong men killed Lord Mo Yi!

That Dongtian clan can only endure!

"I won't talk nonsense."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Middle-aged Dongtian tribe frowned!

Chen Zheng stepped out and took everyone to ignore the middle-aged cave clan, and the other cave clan at the entrance of the holy land, and swung into the Dongtian clan shrine. The middle-aged clan clan suddenly turned around and just shouted Chen Zheng !


Just listen to the crackling sound!

The nine ancient stone puppets in the Holy Land instantly turned into dust!

More than that nine ancient stone puppets!

The temple at the top of the holy land also fell apart!

"Lying trough, he demolished the temple!"

A man exclaimed, and immediately covered his mouth with a scream, his eyes were horrified!


Chen Zheng is easy!

A ghost sword shadow seems to cut through time and space!

Instantly penetrated the eyebrows of another overlord of the Dongtian clan sitting in the opened temple!


Another overlord of the Dongtian clan stared at Chen Zheng, staring at Chen Zheng, but fell to the ground without saying a word!


"Master Mo Jue was killed!"

"Master Mo Jue has fallen!"

After a short silence, followed by countless screams, the Dongtian clan's holy land was instantly chaotic!



When the sword rang!

Order was restored in the Dongtian Holy Land instantly!


This is not order!

This is called death!

The spirits in the holy land of the Dongtian tribe are frightened!

"This man... is not as good as the previous Mo Yi, the Mo Yi at least Yuanshen can carry me a sword, this is not good, a sword will be cut off Yuanshen."

In the silence, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, saying that something was flying out of his pocket, and flew to the top of the dismantled temple in an instant. I saw the flash of the glory, and the ring of broken era was swallowed instantly!



Dongtian tribe is silent!

Du Guqian!

Qin Fairy!

Gu Tian is also silent at this moment!

One is surprised that Chen Zheng cut the Dong Tian clan era supremacy with a sword!

The second is to see the stone egg again!

Stone egg!

It's that stone egg again!

The creatures in the stone egg swallowed the ring of the broken era!

Where is the element in this stone egg sacred!

Feed on the will of the era overlord and feed on the ring of the era!

That must be the most terrible creature!

All kinds of guesses!

Several people watched Shi Dan fly back to Chen Zheng's pocket!

Not much to ask one by one!

" quasi-saint, what do you take to cut my clan master Mo Ju! You also said... also said Mo Yi Master Yuanshen resisted your sword, did you mean...Did Lord Mo Yi also fall because of it!"


At the entrance to the Holy Land!

The middle-aged Dongtian clan dressed in luxurious costumes stared at Chen Zheng's back and gritted his teeth!

He got it!

Understand what this young man said is not nonsense!

No nonsense is to slash the strongest Mo Ju master of Dongtian clan!


This question!

The Dongtians in the holy land suddenly awakened!

At this moment I only feel numbness in my scalp!

This kid!

The kid in front of me!

Quasi-saint mana boy!

Just a sword, I cut Master Mo Jue!

Oh shit!

Master Mo Jue, but he condensed the epoch overlord of three epochs!

Is it true that Master Mo Jue's behavior is fake!

"Your family... The means are too Existing in the world will only harm other peoples. I want to exterminate you, except you are not good for other races."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The Dongtian tribe is extremely panicked!

"No! You can't do this! Although you don't know who you are, you absolutely can't do it. If you really destroy our Dongtian clan, all the heavens and the world will be affected, and the entire world will be affected!"


Inside the holy land of the Dongtian race!

An old man gave a sharp howl!

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