Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2043: Promise

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Make a mistake?


The first wave of waiting for yourself is eliminated!

Only a man and a woman are really qualified!


Can this be wrong!

The glass temple is so big!

How could this be wrong!

Do not believe!

first timing!

Thousand tribes come and unbelievers from all walks of life!


Gu Tian and several elders of the Shen Ear clan have believed, because they have all seen Chen Zheng Ni Tian's means in person. If Chen Zu is not qualified, other people are even less likely to be qualified!

"Mistaken? Fairy Qin, if you just made a mistake, I'm afraid it won't convince you?"

Fenghua Shenzi's expression changed for a while, and he gritted his teeth!


"Can't convince the crowd!"

"We want to make a statement, does this mean that the Liuli Temple is playing with us? Even if the Liuli Temple is one of the most top-level Taoisms in the Taisu God Mountain, can't we tease people like this!"

Many people responded instantly!


The old man in the robe frowned!

"Then I will give you a statement!"

Qin Fairy looked cold, and he made a move to sacrifice something!


In an instant!

Almost everyone stared at it!

"The Promise Book!"

"Is this the Promise Book!"

"Does this really record the Supreme Secret!"


One by one!

Fenghua Shenzi took a deep breath, restrained his inner agitation, at that moment he almost shot and snatched, but fortunately held by the old man around him!

"Something happened in Jingtian Valley just now, which requires Wuji Tianshu's crackdown. I took Wuji Tianshu back to Jingtian Valley. As for the three elders who just used the godstone to filter errors, the curse we got before was changed. The curse that urged the stele has been changed by others, and the screening results of the stele just happened to be reversed." Qin Xianzi spoke lightly and said that she swept across the crowd, and her eyes moved to the floating Promise Book: "This is the Promise Book. Only those who have passed the screening of the stele can touch the Promise Book of Heaven and Earth. Isn’t that a statement? You can try it yourself!"

"The spell was changed? Is it!"

The old man in the robe was surprised!

"Okay! I'm coming!"


Fenghua Shenzi comes out of light!

Instantly rushed to the Promise Book!



He reached out and grabbed the Promise Book, and was blown away by a strange force!


The rest of the creatures saw this scene one by one, showing a look of consternation one by one. Before Fenghua Shenzi touched the Promise Book, he was blown away!

and so!

What Qin Xianzi said is true!

Just made a mistake!

The people who passed the screening just now are only the one man and one woman who were mocked by Fenghua Shenzi!

As for Fenghua Shenzi!

In fact, even the first time was brushed down!

"But... but if I made a mistake for the first time, why did we pass the screening of the monument for the second and third time?"

Someone didn't give up!


"None of the second and third times have been eliminated just now, that is actually a problem!"

"Why are you so stupid, didn't the second and third times confirm the problem of the Shenbei!"


The monks around stared!

"Ah? Is that so? I... I get it..."

The man looked red and lowered his head!

"Princess Qin, this **** doesn't believe it, is it Fairy Qin, you secretly moved your hands and feet!"


The blasted Fenghua Shenzi roared!

"Well? Don't blame Qin fairy!"

Upon hearing this, Elder Chen Dianyu changed his face instantly, grabbed Fenghua Divine Child, grabbed it back, and then apologized to Qin Fairy!


Fenghua Shenzi also swiftly recovered, looked at him, and stared at Chen Zheng!

"Although Qin Xianzi said that these two passed the screening, you still have to try it before you know, right? You can't just enter Jingtiangu like this?"

One spoke.

Thousands of people came and nodded to the monks on the major roads.

Of course, Gu Tian and the elders of the Shen'er tribe didn't care about this. They were anxious that Chen Zheng would get the Promise Book.

"Try it."

Under everyone's attention, Chen Zheng smiled and said to Lonely Qian.


Du Guqian nodded her head and swept her body in front of Wu Ji Tian Shu. Everyone's eyes followed, and she saw Du Gu Qian's face slightly cold and stretched out her hand to touch Wu Ji Tian Shu!




Although most people hold their breath, many actually shout in their hearts!


Du Guqian touched the Promise Book!


"This is absolutely true!"

"It's exactly like the fairy Qin said!"


A sigh sounded!


Fenghua Shenzi snorted, his complexion became extremely gloomy!



A flash of light!

Du Guqian was also pushed out by a force!


"What's the situation?"

"Is this failure of insight?"

The Cultivators were puzzled, but most of them soon showed a happy look. It seems that although this woman can touch the Promise Book, she didn't realize anything!

"It turned out that it just passed the first level, but that's it! What about touching the Promise Book, but it's not a failure in the end!" Fenghua Shenzi had a gloomy face and suddenly smiled at this moment, staring at Du Guqian. , And then stared at Qin Fairy: "Qin Fairy, Qin Fairy, the Temple of Thousands will hold the Thousand Tribes this time, and invite the people of the Thousand Tribes of Taisu Shenshan and all avenues to come to Jingtian Valley to enlighten the Promise of the Promise, I am afraid that no one can Enlightenment, I am afraid that there is no real qualification for the Promise of Wuji to recognize the Lord! Qin Fairy, Liuli Temple will be in vain this time!"

"Chen Zu..."

Du Guqian fell beside Chen Zheng, slightly lowered his head and shouted, Yuan Shen moved to Chen Zheng what was just touched by Wu Ji Tianshu.


Chen Zu?

Is that kid a quasi-holy person also qualified to be an ancestor?

The people of the Thousand Tribes and the people of all ancestors heard this title!

Brow one by one!

However, there are also some people who can see that Chen Zu's body is extraordinary, so when I hear this title, I don't think there is any problem, but now it seems that only this kid is qualified to understand the Promise!


Can this kid succeed!


This kid still fails!

The thoughts of those little creatures flashed in their hearts, and finally they shook their heads in their hearts. They could not get the Wuji Prosperity Book by themselves and others, so other people would not get the Wuji Prosperity Book. The Wuji Prosperity Book was better enshrined in the Liuli Temple!

"Did this Chen Zu dare to try it?"

Fenghua Shenzi provoked a smile!


Fairy Qin spit out a word!

"Wuji Prom Zheng smiled and said that he raised his hand and grabbed Wuji Prom Book. Everyone was a little startled, thinking he would fly over, but I didn't expect to grab Wuji Prom Book. come!


Promise God Book!

Fly before Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng put his hand up and turned it around at will, and instantly it was a masterpiece of divine light. In an instant, the land in front of Jingtian Valley was like a time and space reversal. It was extremely magical and extremely dizzy!

as if!

The Yuanshen in the head is about to split!

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