Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2034: Time will

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A few eras!


Eating Daoist waits!


No problem!

This hairy ball-shaped beast really said nothing wrong!

That kid's effort in a moment exceeded the merits of his own age!

This gap!

too difficult!

"I...too south..."

One subconsciously said.


The Daoist looked at Jiu Ge Xianzun, Jiu Ge Xianzun shook his head, and the Daoist looked at Madam Li, and Madam Li shook his head, so the Daoist saw Long Caotian in the old monster, and Long Caotian also shook his head.



He sighed!

Breath converges instantly!

"Er and so on are still self-knowledge. Chen Zu was out of the region before, and the quasi-holy mana was not available, that is, the Heavenly Emperor Realm mana, they all pinched the half-step era overlord. Now the quasi-holy mana can kill you without a single look. You didn’t see it just now, the Seven Love Evil Demon is gone!"

The Sky Beast hummed!


Daoist people are surprised!


Heavenly Emperor mana squeezed the half-step era overlord!

is it possible!

For a while!

Hardly believe it!

But the thought of the strange scene just now!

I have to believe one by one!


The surprise in the eyes of the fairy fairy also flashed through, and she also did not believe it, but the seven love ancient demon just disappeared!

"Don't read it, you can't understand it no matter how you look at it."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled.


What do you mean?

Who is this talking to?

Confused by Taoist people, the face of Fairy Zhou changed, and she knew who Chen was talking to!



A transparent phantom appeared!

Who is this!

Zhongxiu stared at the past!



I still haven't seen the transparent ghost!

This time the depth of the river suddenly changed!

It was originally an extremely unreal twist and wave!

It turned into a real world at this moment!




This is bigger than any realm you have seen!


This world has not lasted long!

Suddenly burst!

Immediately afterwards, an ancient stone hall emerged!

That transparent phantom also appeared!

Eating Daoist waited unconsciously to stare past!

But I only saw one back!

I only saw the back of the transparent ghost!

"Do you want me to talk in? Okay."

Chen Zheng smiled again and stepped into the ancient stone palace in one step.


The ancient stone temple is instantly transparent!


The expressions of eating Taoists and others are changing. At this moment, they actually guessed. The transparent ghost is the will of time, and the real master of time. As long as the universe exists in the world, the will of the river will always exist!


right now!



That is the real longevity!

"So... why has Changhe always appeared to see that... Chen Zu?"

Nine Ge Xianzun asked.

There was no response.

"It seems that I asked a stupid question." Nine Ge Xianzun laughed at himself and looked towards the Sky Beast: "Do you know which one of Chen Zu was reincarnated?"

"I don't know, but I can remind you not to provoke Chen Zu. Chen Zu should have the strongest level of creatures you and I can imagine."

The Sky Beast replied.


Nine Ge Xianzun was stunned.

"This the era of Hongmeng, the master of Hongmeng robbery is the biggest, the master of Hongmeng robbery is in control of everything, and it is the only supreme existence above nine days. Although this Chen Zu easily got that share The power beyond the avenue of time, and even the time Changhe will come to see him in person, but I don’t think this ancestor Chen is above Hongmeng.”

The Taoist thought for a moment, staring at the Heavenly Beast Road.

"What do you think is your freedom? Anyway, if you have a little eyesight, you know that you don't want to provoke Chen Zu. You don't provoke Chen Zu. Chen Zu is too lazy to care about you. Chen Zu is not a killer. man of."

Watch the beast casually.


The Taoist people are silent, and the rest of Madame Li and Long Caotian are also silent.

In fact, by now, they have all understood that it does not make much sense to stay in the depths of time, but the reason for staying one by one is to ask for a root and ask for it, and lose your heart!


They also understand!

It's almost impossible to ask for the bottom line!


It is still unwilling to leave the long river now!


Wait for that Chen Zu to come out!

After watching that Chen Zu left the river for a long time!

Wait for yourself to leave!


Inside the transparent stone hall!

Chen Zheng will sit against the will of time!

"The people who hit you with a long river of time a few times ago have nothing to do with me. Although I am the will of the long river of time, I do not fully control the long river of time. There are many creatures in this world that can borrow the power of the long river of time, such as the one in Taixu. On several occasions, the Immortal King of the Immortal Temple was the trouble that the Immortal King used to find you. I can actually stop it, but I didn’t stop it, because I want to know if you are the one. I wasn’t sure before, now I'm sure, you are indeed the reincarnation."

Virtual Shadow said softly.


Chen Zheng responded lightly.

"The long river of time accommodates the past, the present, and the future. The Hongmeng universe is immortal, and the long river of time lasts forever, but not everything is in the long river of time, such as the foreign creatures." The long time river will again said, paused a little and continued: "I saw the battle between you and the Hongmeng robbery master. I thought you would be defeated and suppressed by the seal. I didn't expect you to win the Hongmeng robbery. I was curious about your identity at that time, so I went to check something about you. Something, but some things are broken, some things don’t exist, nor are they non-existent, but they existed but were artificially later through the creatures that may be related to you, such as too Some overlords of the era found something.


Chen Zheng answered a word lightly.

"Of course, I have violated the rules, so my control over Time Changhe is getting weaker and weaker, and I shall not check it again in the future." Time Changhe wills again and said with a smile: "Chen Lingsu girl, I have to swim from the future several times, I like that girl very much, so let that girl swim over once. If it is before you fight with Hongmeng, I will definitely not let that girl swim over, because doing so is a serious violation. You After the main battle with the Hongmeng Tribulation, this world is no longer the same as before, and many things have changed since the era restarted. Even some creatures that had fallen long ago, no matter whether they fell in this era or those eras in the past, those The fallen creatures have been resurrected, such as those ancestors, witches, emperors, deities and gods who died at the beginning of this era. Perhaps not directly because of your means, but all because of the battle between you and the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord."

"Chen Lingsu? Did you let that girl go? I thought that girl was so talented, she could ignore the time and travel freely through the present and the future."

Chen Zheng heard it and smiled back.

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