Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2012: See you? Let him come to see me!

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Who is this!

This man seems to be a young man too!


Everyone is a little ignorant!

"Come! Haha! Coming!" Wu Xin also froze for a moment, but then laughed a while, facing the young man with extreme indifference to him: "Go back to Master Guardian, that kid ruined" The layout of Master Guardian on Guxian Road, the boy forcibly took in the third, fourth, and fifth fairy cities that did not belong to the second fairy road, and forcibly destroyed the three fairy cities to view the heavenly fairy tower...not just There are three towers in the second fairy city, and the tower in the second fairy city is also destroyed by this child! On the ancient fairy road, five fairy cities and five towers are very important. Now this child has destroyed the layout of the guardian, please also guard The Lord suppresses this child!"


Crazy than loud!

Everybody knows!

The young man who is suspected of guarding the ancient fairy road at the moment in the eyes of Wu Xin is his savior!

The last life-saving straw!

If this cold-faced young man is really a guardian!

Then the next fear is that there will really be a shocking battle!


Xiuwei seems a bit wrong!

Because this cold-faced young man seems to have only the seventh immortal cultivation practice!


Wu Xinbao's eyes were full of anticipation, and the cold-faced young man suppressed Chen Zheng with indomitable means. However, after the young man heard what he said, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and his pupils locked Chen Zheng, staring at Chen Zhenghao. Only a moment later, he said in a cold voice: "I don't care who you are, you ruined my Lord's layout on Guxian Road, and broke the rules of Guxian Road, then you go to see my Lord with me now!"


Its master!

This young man turned out not to be the guardian of the fairy road!

This young man turned out to be a servant of the guardian of the fairy road!


This young man is like the windless life before!

Also chosen by the guardians of the ancient immortal road!


This cold-faced young man is certainly not the opponent of that mysterious young man!

To know!

Just a moment before Kung Fu!

That mysterious young man deprived the ruthless Taoist Destiny Daotai!

"It turned out to be just a little..."

Yan Nu shook her head gently and commented.

"Huh?" The cold-faced young man's face sank, and he immediately stared at Yan Nu: "Little girl, you know what you're talking about, my Ji Xuyao ​​is only the person I chose, but it's not a little hello, you Really when the magic weapon of my hand does not exist!"

"Anyway, it's not the guardian of Immortal Road, that's the little one."

Yan Nu snorted softly.


The creatures in Xiancheng are silent, and they secretly sigh in their hearts at this moment. They deserve to be the disciples of the mysterious young man. This little girl is not so cowardly!

"You dare dare to comment on the messenger arbitrarily, can you comment on the messenger lord!" Wu Xinpi thought, staring at Yan Nu, and then bowed to the cold-faced young man: "Master Ji, this The master of the little girl is the guy who broke the guardian’s layout. The method is extremely cruel and terrible. Please ask the adult to sacrifice the destiny magic weapon to suppress him!"

"Huh! I know what to do!" The cold-faced young man snorted, and did not sacrifice the destiny weapon, but stared at Chen Zhengdao: "You and this girl follow me to see my lord, you ruined me What punishment should be given to the layout of the Lord, everything will be decided by my Lord! If you want to forcibly resist, then I can only sacrifice my destiny and forcibly arrest you to see my Lord, this is the final ultimatum! Ten breath time, the last ten Rest time!"



Fairy City creatures are silent!

Can't afford it!

Can't afford both sides!

So silence is the best choice!

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six..."

Wu Xinpo shouted with one cry, one with a crazier than the other, but in fact he could not be sure at this moment whether the destiny magic weapon could withstand Chen Zheng! But there is no choice but to fight, the guardian of the fairy road is the last savior of the ruthless vein!

So although he just said that Chen Zheng ruined the layout of the ancient Immortal Road and demolished the Tianxian Pagoda in the fairy city, he did not say that Chen Zheng deprived the ruthless Taoist Destiny Daoist, just to let the cold-faced young man Ji Xu directly Suppress Chen Zheng!

Hands on!


Suppress that bastard!

He shouted crazy in his heart!


The witch spirit shouted extremely crazy!


The spirits in the fairy city held their breath!

The fairy enchantment of the Fifth Fairy City over there dispersed, the guardian ancient Fairy Beast of the Fifth Fairy City appeared at this moment, and also stared at this moment!

Can't afford it!

Its ancient fairy beast that devoured the ruthless Daoist is also very clear!

It can't afford both sides!

So it is waiting!

At this moment, the cold-faced young man stared at Chen Zheng closely, he was also waiting for Chen Zheng's response, but Chen Zheng did not respond!


Not without any response!

Instead of responding to the cold noodle young man!

"Zero... this is a good name."

Chen Zheng only smiled slightly.


What does this mean?

Isn't that the ultimatum time limit?

What's the name?

The creatures in Xiancheng are a little ignorant!


Yan Nu thinks deeply, she has an intuition, the zero mentioned by her master may be a person that the master knows, and it is likely to be a woman, which should be an extraordinary creature.

"Sir Ji, he didn't take the guardian of Guxian Road at all!"

The witch spirit shouted!

"It seems that you are going to be tough, then I have no choice but to force you to see my lord to confess!"

The cold-faced young man Ji Xuyao ​​gently shook his head and said that he raised his hand and sacrificed a magic weapon!


Pure white light flashed!

An immense prestige is coming!

"Destiny Magic Tool!"

"What a terrible power!"

"This is the supreme magic weapon refined by the guardians of the fairy road!"



Fairy City creatures show horror!

Destiny weapon!

That is the magic weapon of destiny!

It is said that the magic weapon of heaven can suppress Heavenly Path!

"In front of the Destiny Magic Tool, I see if you kneel or not!"

Wicked and roaring!


Ji Xuya spit out a word indifferently, that day the magic weapon was a cover towards Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng did not move. Any magic weapon came!

"Haha! You gave up, right, in front of the destiny magic weapon, you have to surrender!"

Wu Xin laughed wildly, thinking that Chen had given up resistance!


Many spirits in the fairy city sigh!

The underworld, the mysterious and extreme means is extremely young!

It seems that I can't turn over in front of the Heavenly Fate magic weapon refined by the guardian of the fairy road!



Their thoughts came out!

That day, the magic weapon just flew to Chen Zheng one step!

Just listen to a tear!

Destiny magic weapon is broken!


Silent again!

At this moment everyone is dumbfounded!

"Go back and tell your Let him roll over to see me, if you are late, you will be at your own risk!"

Chen Zheng opened his mouth lightly and said that he slaps and fanned out, and the cold-faced young man Ji Xuyao ​​was fanned back into the depths of Guxian Road!


this moment!

The creatures in the fairy city are breathing crazy!

One by one looked at Chen Zheng in horror!

the first time!

For the first time!

The first time I saw someone who can resist the fate of magic weapon!


not human!

This is really not human!

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