Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2001: I am not strong enough

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Is this the power of Chen Zu's real blood!

This is too scary!

Although the Great Divine Emperor is not dead yet!

But the flesh is gone!

Yuanshen blossoms!

This is almost worthless!

This must not be recuperated for a while to recover!

This Nima!

A drop of real blood blows away an era overlord!

This blood is probably the most terrifying magic weapon between heaven and earth!


This Hongtian Divine Emperor claimed to have condensed the seventh epoch ring!

The ring of the era should be the overlord **** pattern said by the extraterrestrial creatures!

In short, this Hongtian Divine Emperor is the strongest of the era overlords!


So scary!

How could a drop of real blood be so terrible!

"Chen Zu..."

Mr. Wolong opened his mouth, but he only shouted two words. After shouting these two words, he did not know what to say, because what he saw just now was more exaggerated than what he saw before, and it was hard to believe!

"Master’s blood... how terrible, if one day the disciple is naughty, can’t help but want to bite the master, if he bites a drop of blood, wouldn’t that... Now!"

Yan Nu asked dumbfounded!


Rainbow Goddess, Xianhong Holy Spirit and others were silent at the moment, and their faces were full of horror silence!

"You... who are you, who are you in ancient times, how could a drop of real blood ruin my body, and how could you hurt my soul!"


Out of bounds!

Not the previous enchantment!

The enchantment has been destroyed before!

The current enchantment is the one enshrined by Chen Zheng!

Na Hong Jue God Emperor Yuan Shen forcibly remodeled!

The flesh is also forcibly reshaped at this moment!

Double pupils stared at Chen Zheng!

"I didn't destroy you, I'm still not strong enough."

Chen Zheng replied, but he did not seem to be asked. He gently shook his head and seemed a little disappointed.


After listening to Mr. Wolong, the goddess of the rainbow, and the Holy Spirit of Xianhong, he opened his mouth unconsciously, and directly shouted at the trough, what is this!

Chen Zu!

Wasn't that real blood strong enough?

That's already bloody, okay!

That's because they and others have been unimaginable. Okay!

"Not strong enough..." Hongjue Divine Emperor took a deep breath, and his face became extremely gloomy: "Your drop of real blood detonated, and you already have the power to crush me. I don't believe you in this state. It can also detonate the second drop of real blood! And that real blood is your origin, I don’t believe you don’t take it seriously!"


A raised hand!

A big hand pressed down again!

Everyone's brows are locked in an instant!


And Chen Zheng only smiled faintly, facing the top a bit, and a drop of blood appeared in an instant!


Come again!


Doesn't Chen Zu take the origin seriously?

"I do not believe!"

Out of bounds!

Hong Jue Divine Emperor growled!

Big hands still pressed down!


Real blood crossed the enchantment!


Under the focus of everyone's eyes, outside the enchantment, there was a shocking explosion. Even if there was an enchantment isolation, everyone was panic-stricken to the extreme, because the naked eye can see that the Hongjue Divine Emperor directly disappeared under that explosion!



A roar came!

"This seat remembers you!"

Then there was another roar!

Hong Jue Divine Emperor!

This is the voice of Hong Jue Divine Emperor!

This is coming from a distance!

Everyone in the enchantment looked around with fame, and vaguely saw a shattered Yuanshen escape, everyone's body shivered, turning slowly one by one, staring blankly at Chen Zheng, unable to say a word for a while!


so horrible!

Two drops of real blood!

Has blown up the flesh of Hongjue God Emperor twice successively!

For the second time, let Hongjue Divine Emperor be frightened and flee!

This is really terrifying!



Chen Zu seems to have nothing at all!

No paleness!

No head sweats!

Not even a little mana fluctuation!



There was a burst of destruction outside the enchantment!


The appearance of the public repair changed, and the next time I saw the surrounding time and space change, the magical scene disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the ancient ruins of the ancient dynasty restored their original appearance! Everyone was stunned for a while, and then Yuanshen sensed and instantly felt a familiar breath!

Outside the domain!

Chaos battlefield!

came back!

The ancient ruins are disconnected from another world!


Although it is back!

But Mr. Wolong is still silent!

"Master... Did we just have a dream?"

Yan Nu broke the silence, she just felt like she had a dream, and that dream was really unrecognizable.

"How can there be so many dreams."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? Then...Everything was true just now? Just now Master was in another world, with two drops of real blood blasting away the Hongjue Divine Emperor, the second time the Hongjue Divine Emperor If you don’t hide, you’ll be blown up! By the way, there is the real blood of the master. The master has lost two drops of the original blood, will it have an impact on future practice!"

Yan Nu was slightly surprised, and asked a lot of things.

Mr. Wolong nodded subconsciously, and they also wanted to know this. What they saw just now is too horrible. I am afraid that no one will believe it, because even now, they and others can’t believe it!

"If that fellow doesn't hide, he won't die, and if it's discarded, it's definitely discarded. That fellow has a bit of heritage, and he has a good-quality magic weapon. Without that magic weapon, his first wave is invalid. My mana level is too low, far It’s not enough. If the level of mana is higher, it can urge stronger real blood power. If I have the sage level of mana, the real blood power might kill him.” Chen Zheng said casually, paused slightly. Another way: "As for the true blood of the origin, the loss is not a big problem, and my origin is endless."


Nothing to say!

Everyone listened and continued to be silent!

Only continue to call the trough in my heart!


Where is this not strong enough!

This is too strong!

The source is endless!

The sage mana urges the true blood divine power to kill the creatures of the level of Hongjue God!

I dare not even think about it!

"Master...Is it possible to urge the real blood to destroy the enemy at will, anyway, the endless source is endless?"

Yan Nu thought a little, and asked again!


The rest of them showed horror!


The source is endless!

Wouldn't it be possible to mobilize true blood indefinitely!


How terrifying this is!

"This stuff needs mana to urge it, you my master's current mana will barely urge it twice."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


When everyone heard it, I didn't know why, and they were all relieved!



Need mana to urge!

If no mana is needed!

That is really terrible!

"Then if Chen Zu's mana is restored to the level of the saint...Is it possible to crush all the creatures under the era overlord without urging true Are all the creatures under the era overlord crushing some low-level era overlords?"

Han Xian thought for a moment, but also thought of a little, can not help but ask!


Everyone's eyes are fixed!

"Sage level mana...Era supremacy below the third ring, should be able to pinch to death."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


In an instant!

At the entrance to the ancient ruins!

As if everything is frozen!

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