Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1995: Endless bone demon!

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"Nine-tooth nail rake? My nine-tooth nail rake? Why don't I know? The kid is not close, this seat is not familiar with you, or see the real chapter under your hand!"

The fat-headed monk froze for a moment, then hummed, and said that he raised his hands to cast the mystery, but he hadn't shown it yet, and suddenly a water curtain like a mirror appeared before him!


In an instant!

One of his head turned into a pig's head!



"Mr. Jiu Jie!"

Han Xian and so dumb!


The fat-headed big ear monk suddenly screamed, and then rolled his eyes back and forth and fainted!


Han Xian et al.

"Let Mr. Jiu Jie sleep well and take me directly to Mr. Wolong."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


This is the moment!

Northern Skydome!

Suddenly a bright divine light illuminates!

Han Xian raised his head subconsciously and looked towards the north. Under the investigation of Shen Nian, one by one showed terrifying colors, because Shen Nian saw the terrible scene!

A divine sword with magnificent Tianwei cut off the second wave of coming creatures!


Those extraterrestrial creatures are not flesh and blood creatures!


Han Xian took a deep breath and looked at Chen Zheng. A thought came to him at the moment, that is, the mysterious son in front of him may have something to do with the fairy palace, otherwise he wouldn't say that the creatures coming from the outside picked the wrong target.

"It seems that a sword flew out of the immortal palace, chopping off those heavenly adventing creatures. How do you feel that the immortal palace is like a holy court..."

Yan Nu also felt it.

"Holy Court...Mr. Wolong in that fairy palace also mentioned that it seems to be a broken holy court reunited, which may be the reincarnation of a deceased dynasty master." Han Xian thought. Road, paused and continued: "The son wants to see Mr. Wolong, I will take the son, but Mr. Wolong was seriously injured and sealed himself. Mr. Jiu Jie laid an ancient formation in the Bagua Temple, in fact, to help Mr. Wolong heal, now it seems Mr. Jiu Jie also seems to be a reincarnation."

"Mr. Jiu Jie's pig head... oh, it's not the pig's head. It's Mr. Jiu Jie's appearance that reminds me of a person and a character I heard, that should be in the human court of Hongmen Taishen A character seems to be calling Marshal Tianpeng... The young man mentioned the nine-tooth nail rake just now, but I didn’t react for a while, now I want to come to Mr. Jiu Jie if he is the reincarnation... ."

The man in armor also spoke.

"This...I will take my son to see Mr. Wolong now."

Seeing that Chen Zheng had got up, Han Xian didn't seem to want to talk about this, he said quickly, and then led the way.


The man in Jiayi glanced at Mr. Jiu Jie who fainted to the ground, and shook his head gently to follow.


After an incense stick time.

"Chen Zu... I didn't expect to see Chen Zu again in Wolongshan City."

Mr. Wolong woke up, and when he saw Chen Zheng sitting in the hall, he stunned and bowed his hand for a ceremony.

"Chen Zu... came to the outside..."

There was a young man in the hall. The young man was just awakened. When he saw Chen Zheng at the moment, he was also very surprised.

Chen Zu?

Han Xian and Jiayi Men are both shocked!

So Mr. Wolong has seen this son!


Not this son!

But this Chen Zu!

"Mr. Wolong... I have been to the Juntian Holy Land in the universe."

Chen Zheng looked over and glanced.

"When I saw Chen Zu's means in Juntian Holy Land that day, I was shocked by heaven and earth."

Mr. Wolong nodded in response.

"Chen Zu...Why is the mana gone?"

The teenager thought a little, and asked curiously.


Mana is gone?

What is called mana and gone?

Han Xian and others showed curiosity.

Chen Zheng only smiled and didn't explain. He looked at the mountain and river scroll hanging above the temple, grabbed the mountain river scroll, and flew out of the mountain river scroll.


All the people in the hall stared!

" this what Chen Zu wants?"

Han Xian asked in a low voice!

"There is a world hidden in this mountain and river scroll. I have been in it more than once, but... never found such an ancient stone plate..."

Mr. Wolong showed his thoughts.

"This is the Taixujie map, one of the 13 pieces."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


"Map of Taixu World!"

"This, this, turned out to be the Taixu Kingdom Map!"

There was a brief silence, and then there was another exclamation!


Chen Zheng made a move, and a pattern emerged. In his hand, the Taixujie map flew directly into the array, and fell on a vacant piece. The array flashed in a flash. The people in the temple felt this A moment seemed to enter a huge world!


Only for a moment!

The array turned into Shenguang and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

"I took the map of the Taixu Kingdom. This secret method is a reward for Mr. Wolong."

Before a few people were stunned, Chen Zheng ran a little bit and shone a divine light into Mr. Wolong's eyebrows.


Mr. Wolong was a little embarrassed, and he hadn't been refreshed for a while, not only because there was a legendary Taixu boundary map hidden in the mountain and river scroll, but the boundary map in the array picture I just saw!


There are already eight Taixujie maps in that array!

Add that piece just now!

That is the nine maps of Taixu Realm!

"It seems that there are already eight Taixujie maps in Chen Zu's magic weapon..."

Han Xian also noticed this, staring blankly at Chen Zheng!



"Bone Bone Siege!"

This is the moment!

There was a burst of exclamation outside!


What a bone siege!

Han Xian and Jiayi men subconsciously looked out of the hall and out of the city, and their face sank instantly!


Under Wolongshan City!

I don't know where the dense bones came from!

At a glance!

Like a sea of ​​bones!

"Underground ancient dynasty..."

"Infinite Bone Demon... There have been rumors that there are endless Bone Demon in the ruins of ancient ancient dynasties, this is really true!"

"These are not ordinary dead bones. These are bone demons. Perhaps the looting is not terrible, but the number is too large. You can swallow the Wolong Mountain City by the number alone!"

A few people of Han Xian shivered!


Yan girl glanced at her face, and there was horror on her face. If it was one hundred thousand million bones withered, she wouldn’t feel anything, but she was under the As if this chaotic station was covered by bone demons It's the same!

This is not a million, this is a billion, and this number is too huge!

"The inheritance of the Xianhong dynasty is on, please enter the ancient ruins of the Xianhong dynasty!"


A very thick voice sounded!


This thick sound sounded!

The endless bone demons all retreated into the underground!



The people in the temple are ignorant!

Wolongshan City, the souls are ignorant!

At this moment, the remaining forces in the chaotic battlefield are also very ignorant!

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