Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1990: Have a big deal? No need for that!

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The big guy was slammed into the sky!

Cultivation is a surprise!

Then dumbfounded!



A huge explosion!

The big guy blew up!

At this moment, the practitioners see clearly!

The big guy is really not a flesh and blood creature!

Because there is not even a drop of blood!

No wonder!

The big guy doesn't have a spirit!

It turned out to be just a puppet similar to Tao Bing!


This puppet is too strong!

and many more!

It seems that it is just too strong for yourself and others!

For the young man who looks no different from mortal!

The big guy doesn't seem to be strong!


hold on!

Isn't he a mortal!

Why did he smash the big guy with a slap!


The Confucian opened his mouth, staring blankly at the scattered debris at this moment, looking at Chen Zheng above. He suddenly felt that his bodily body was not hurt at this moment, because the scene in front of him was so unreal!



The black robe sword repairing Mo Xi suddenly recovered!


He spit out a word!

Without hesitation, he went underground!


"That flee!"

"People in the Ender Valley, the means is too weird, and it is the devil's way, we really can't take that guy!"

The monks on the warship stared down, and they could only watch the black robe sword repair escape, the escape technique of the Ender Valley, they really could not stop it.

"Your Excellency... you can easily hit the unknown big guy who came to heaven, your Excellency...should you also be able to leave the disciple of Ender Valley?"

A man in an armored jacket looked at Chen Zhengdao with a deep sigh.

"There is no difference in killing after killing now. I already know who the secret method of his cultivation came from. I will go to the Ender Valley personally." Chen Zheng glanced at the man, his eyes moved to the Confucianist, and he shot a sorrow. Cyan fairy light.

As soon as the pale blue fairy light flew into the body of the Confucian, the Confucian body healed through the hole instantly healed, and the Confucian stunned for a moment, and then quickly looked down at Chen Zheng: "Wolong Mountain City Han Xianhan Xie Gongzi life-saving grace!"

"Thank you Son for your life-saving grace!"

The man in Jiayi and the other monks quickly paid their respects to Chen Zheng!

"Small things." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, glanced at the Confucianist, and then looked to the north: "You think in this battlefield, who has the most strength to unify all parties and create a holy court to build a pilgrimage."

"Ah?" The Confucian stunned and replied, "If this is before the disaster, I think it should be the king of Xi Chu. King Xi Chu recognized that the fighting power is the first, and he naturally controls the power of the avenue. It is indeed a man who is destined to look after. But now, if this robbery cannot be resolved, I am afraid that other forces besides the mysterious fairy palace will have to take it in. These coming big guys, I don’t know if it is the robbery that Heaven has fallen. , To end the melee on this side of the battlefield, or is it the ancient ruins of the ancient dynastic drew these big guys."

"King Xichu?"

Chen Zheng showed a hint of curiosity.

"The King of Western Chu was born to control the power of the avenue. It is said that he was selected by the Thunder Road. There are nine days of Leichi in his Yuanshen. Our Mr. Wolong in Wolongshan City can't beat King Xichu. It's just that King Xichu seems to have been seriously injured. What is the situation now is unknown." Confucian Han Xian responded, thinking and thinking again: "In order to resist the coming robbery, Mr. Wolong sacrificed his life magic weapon to withstand it, and now he is also self-styled. Among them. If it was not the son who showed up today and raised his hand, I was afraid that it would be gone, and that the city of Wolongshan would be gone."

"Mr. Wolong? I heard from his father and emperor that the skill of Mr. Wolong is extremely powerful, and besides, he is also good at refining weapons."

Yan Nu, who had never spoken, said at the moment.

"Father Emperor?"

"Huh? Girl?"

"The girl is one of the three holy pilgrimages from the outside? The son is also from the outside... wait! Just now the purple mansions soared into the sky, attracting the robbers from outside, and the purple light from the robbers from outside was connected. A purple enchantment, this enchantment... Mr. Wolong said that no one but the mysterious Yuanxu outside would come in!"


The man in Jiayi waited and stared!

Although in this battlefield you can't perceive the outside with your mind!

But it doesn't mean to be completely isolated from the outside!

I still understand some basic things outside!

The thought of the mysterious son and girl from the outside is coming!

Eyes widened one by one!


Understand now!

It's no wonder that this young man can explode the looters from outside!

This son who looks no different from mortals should be stronger than the three pilgrimage masters outside the region!

And more than a little bit!





Several figures crossed over!

"Huh? It's really gone? Who destroyed the robbers outside the heavens? Is it Mr. Wolong's method?"

"Mr. Wolong could have died together with the Tianwai looting? Hmm? No! The Wolong Mountain City formation is intact. Mr. Wolong must still be there. Who is it that wiped out the Tianwai looting in your area?"

"Han Xian, although we used to be our masters in the past, but now it is all about life and death in this battlefield, I think we should abandon our prejudices and fight against the heavenly robberies together! So please also tell us what means wiped out the heavenly robberies. Thing!"

This figure first glanced at the top, and then fixed his eyes on Han Xian, the power of the road was invisible over the past!

"Xichu City Xiangshen Dragon!"

"Changluo City, Li Yuxian!"

"Xu Tiancheng Liu Tianlin!"

The man in Jiayi swept across several people, and Shen Sheng read out several names!

"Han Xian, what do you say, the enemy is now, could you think that the Wolongshan City side robbery was wiped out, your Wolongshan City boundary would be safe and sound? The current situation, we must be together. Die, discuss the plan, and kill all the robbers outside the sky, I can wait to truly cross this world!"

The tall man who was called Xiang Shenlong by the armored man stared at Han Xian Shen Sheng and took a drink!


Han Xian groaned, looking only at Chen Zheng!

"Huh? What do you mean by this kid? You wouldn't say that the kid wiped out the robbery that day? The kid couldn't do anything. He could wipe out the robbery from the sky? Han Xian, Han Xian, you want to find a Find a compelling reason!"

Xiang Shenlong stared at Chen Zheng and then at Han Xian! The other two also stared at Chen Zheng, frowning slightly, shaking their heads and staring at Han Xian again!

"Together to discuss? This...I don't even know **** the robbers of heaven!"

Han Xian sighed.

"You don't have to discuss a big deal."

Chen Zheng smiled softly at the moment.


"What do you mean?"

"Are you a man with little mana who is qualified to speak? What are you!"


The trio stared indifferently!

"Come Chen has no fluctuations in his face. He only raised his right hand and shouted to the sky. Everyone was stunned, but the next moment he looked up at the sky, and he was dumbfounded!





At the moment!

The behemoth seemed to be ingested by the supernatural powers!

This behemoth is a robbery from heaven!

And Chen Zheng just grabbed it!

This robbery in the sky exploded in the air!

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