Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1988: Collapse of the Holy Court

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"This is Chen Zu's favorite pet..."

"This is really scary!"

Crowds in the rear looked at the sky and looked at the brave roaring dragon. Although they felt that the dragons might not be as good as they were, they could not fight them.

Not because of Chen Zheng!

It was the breath released by the dragon that made them tremble!



The dragon is another roar!


You mang flash!

The magic dragon turned back into a little girl!


The little girl fell down and fell in front of Chen Zheng, as if thinking about something, but suddenly opened her mouth with a full hiccup, and then turned into Shen Guang's heart into Chen Zheng's brow!


Zhong Xiu blinked subconsciously!

to be frank!

Some did not understand!

Does that hiccup have any special meaning?


At this time!

The magical glazed world is completely cracked!

In a flash!



"We are back to the real Zulong Santing!"

The monks of the various avenues were startled and looked at the magical sky and the glass world completely. At this moment, everyone has returned to the real Zulong Holy Court!




Zulong Santing is collapsing!


"Quick withdrawal!"

"Emperor Zulong fell, the Holy Court collapsed, and quickly withdrew!"


Warships flew by!

When watching the huge Zulong Santing collapse in the air, and watching the Zulong Santing completely annihilated, all the monks on the road suddenly felt extremely unreal!

Emperor Zulong!

Did he really fall completely?

A strong holy court!

Is it so broken today?

"The Holy Court collapsed!"

"Your Majesty fell!"

"Run away! Run away! That Chen Zu killed His Majesty! That Chen Zu is going to destroy the world!"


Zulong Holy Dynasty Royal City!

Panic, screaming, lay down!

"No, other guys, Zulong Shengting is so big, it is impossible to have only Zulong Emperor and that killing god, Zulong Emperor still has a heavy minister, what Li Xiangganxiang and Mengjia Wangjia, none of them have emerged. Come!"

On the gloomy warship of the Divine Deity Lord, the Daoist Beast glanced and found that all the officials under the seat of the Zulong Emperor seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Doesn't Emperor Zulong still have a hand?"

Upon hearing this, the Demon Lord also glanced at the imperial city below, not to mention the ninth realm ancestor in the lower realm, not even a fifth ancestor!

Not right!

Very wrong!


"It is indeed gone!"

"Mongolian royal family, those are the two strongest tribes of merit other than the **** of killing under the seat of Zulong Emperor, but none of them are seen today!"

The rest of the Taoist monks also discovered this, one by one looked at Chen Zheng!

If Zulongdi really left behind!

Is it going to kill it again in the future?

"It doesn't matter whether Zulong Di stayed behind or not."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Ah? Why?"

Yan Nu asked curiously.


Chen Zheng answered three words.


Yan Nu stunned!

The rest of the monks were also startled!

Then there is nothing to say!





This is Chen Zu's assessment of Zu Longdi!

Another layer of meaning is that even if Zulongdi can be reborn!

Even stronger than in the magical sky realm does not pose any threat to Chen Zuzhu!

"Then...the Zulong Emperor fell, and the mysterious minister of the Zulong Holy Dynasty disappeared mysteriously. This Zulong Holy Dynasty..."

Someone groaned.

However, Chen Zheng did not respond. At this moment, he was looking at the direction of Taicang Holy Pilgrimage on the dark warship of the city of all evils. This is also the same. Another direction suddenly had a purple awn rising from the sky!


Zhongxiu stared at the past!

"That's... a place of chaos!"

"The battlefield that the three major pilgrimages don't care about!"

"Purple Mansions soared, could it be that the Emperor Star was calling, that the Zulong Emperor fell here, did anyone want to get the new Lord's destiny there! I heard that in the land of chaos, many creatures flying from the lower realm have true Long Mingge!"

Then whispered!

They are familiar and unfamiliar with Zi Mang!

Familiarity is because we all know that there is such a battlefield outside the domain!

Unfamiliar is that the three holy dynasties outside the realm rarely go to that battlefield!

The first is that the land boundary battles endlessly!

Second, the creatures in that battlefield are special!

Can be reborn after death!

The flesh and soul can be resurrected after being completely erased!

This is too weird!

So the three major pilgrimages are too lazy to manage!


not long ago!

There is a fairy palace flying up from the lower realm!

Although many people went to explore the fairy palace!

But no one can find out the fairy palace!

It is said that the fairy palace also attracted a certain **** in Taixu and the will to come in person!



Another purple mansions took off!

Not together!

It's densely packed!


"What's the situation?"

"It's not Emperor Star's call, that Zimang is like a signal, what is calling to come!"

The Cultivators were dismayed, and the Divine God suddenly thought of it a little. Shen Sheng drank it. This drink made the Cultivators look all sinking, because under the investigation of the Divine Mind, they have seen something coming from the sky dome in that direction!


That's a huge monster coming!




Just as Zhong Xiu frowned subconsciously, that huge monster suddenly spewed a purple beam of light. The purple beam of light instantly interlocked into a huge purple enchantment, forcibly dividing the mind of Zhong Xiu!


Under the vague sense of mind!

Numerous screams sounded in that chaotic battlefield!

as if!

The creatures in the chaotic battlefield are being slaughtered!

"I can't feel it!"

"Shen Nian cannot penetrate!"

"What the **** are those monsters, why haven't they seen them and never heard of them! The only thing that is certain is that the monsters came through the purple mansions that just soared up, and the purple mansions summoned those monsters!"

Peerless God waits for his eyebrows to be locked, one by one tries to permeate Shen Nian, but can no longer penetrate the purple enchantment! If those monsters wipe out the creatures in the chaotic battlefield, most of the three pilgrimages outside the domain will also be robbed!


For a while!

The appearance of the public cultivation changes!

Then looked at Chen Zheng again!

"That's a kind of reaper, a special beastly domesticated killing beast."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


"This...I seem to have heard of this tradition!"

"Is this one of Zu Longdi's backers?"

Cultivation doubts!

"Yan Nu follow me in to see."

Chen Zheng casually said, Yan girl nodded subconsciously, the two disappeared directly.

"Master bring me!"

Dao bite came back to God shouted quickly, but got no response, only to drop his head and said: "The master has a new apprentice, and my status as the second **** pet Lowered, I feel wronged."


Although Divine Deity Venerable, Yan God, Ominous Beast, etc. are silent, although they also want to explore what is happening, but Shen Nian cannot penetrate into the purple enchantment.

"The Reaper... It is indeed a very special Confucianism. Our sin gods and beasts are already weird. The spirits of that dynasty are even stranger than our sin gods and beasts. At that time, our five great gods eclipsed a terrible one. The reaper, the realm was beaten down by life, before I felt the eclipse of eclipse, she returned to the outside of the territory, but did not return to the city of all sins, she seemed to follow who went to the most western side of the purple pole pilgrimage leading to Taixu Guxian Road."

Yan God thought for a moment and whispered.


Divine Deity Lord also whispered, it seems to remember some past.

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