Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1982: Billions of Terracotta Warriors!

Chapter 1979 Billions of Terracotta Army! (Four more)


This Nima!

The twelve gold men are broken!


How broken this is!

The rear practitioners were stunned!

Chen Zu didn't fight back just now!

Could it be!

Was the twelve golden statues shattered by the shock!

The voice of indifference didn't sound, it seemed that he was stunned at this moment, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered yet!

"Who can be harder than my master in this world, playing melee strength with my master, isn't it to find his own death!"

Dao bite proudly raised his head!


Yan girl frowned slightly, and it felt weird to hear the first sentence said by the little beast. Fortunately, the little beast added a few more sentences, otherwise it would be bad if people thought of other places.

"Chen Zu..."

On the left side of Yan God, the venerable beast worship looked at Chen Zheng's back very much. This scene he had many times. I am afraid that no one can be stronger than Chen Zu in this world. Chen Zu didn't seem to have the least mana, but this flesh could have no fear.

This world!

I'm afraid there is no place where Chen Zu can't go!

This world!

No place can be called a restricted area in front of Chen Zu!

"Chen Zu... really extraordinary!"


The sound of indifference sounded!

"Don't talk nonsense, let's order some hard dishes, such as the undefeated Zulong dynasty, I want to try his knife."

Chen Zheng responded lightly.


Kill God!

The practitioners in the rear heard these two words!

His face is changing!

Kill God!

Zulong Emperor's first strongest!

It is rumored that its true combat power is not under Zulongdi!

This fantasy sky glass world is very strange!

It seems that it is not restricted by the rules of the world outside the domain!

Killing God doesn't know how tyrannical in this fantasy sky glass world!


Is Chen Zu going to kill God?

"Kill God... will naturally appear, but before that, some means that His Majesty does not know will naturally be presented one by one! Chen Zu can rest assured that His Majesty and the God of Kill are both ancestral dragons in the magical glass world In the Holy Court, we should be making the final breakthrough at this moment, and we will never let Chen Zu down! Besides, there is another undefeated myth waiting for Chen Zu!"

Indifferent voice responds!


Zulong Holy Court!

There is also an Ancestral Dragon Sacred Palace in this fantasy sky Liuli Realm!

and many more!

Undefeated myth!

How familiar!

The expressions of the practitioners in the rear are changing, and the same idea comes out when hearing the undefeated myth, that is the undefeated legend outside the domain!

That's right!

It should be it!

That day, Chen Zu pinched Jianxiu Aotian above the demon mountain!

At that time, eternal power fell into the Zulong Santing!

Even if it is not the undefeated mythology coming!

It must be the undefeated mythical will!

and so!


I can definitely see the undefeated myth!

And you can also see Chen Zu confronting the undefeated myth!

Although the undefeated myth is not the body!

But in this fantasy sky Liuli realm its body will certainly not be weak!

By the time!

It must be a terrifying battle!

The thoughts of the practitioners in the rear flashed quickly, and their eyes were wide at the moment, they were all a little excited, and they were all waiting to be seen! Maybe Zulong Emperor and God of Destruction are stronger than the undefeated mythical incarnation after the breakthrough, but in the eyes of these local monks outside the domain, Zulong Emperor and God of Destruction are far from the undefeated myth!

"Undefeated Myth... Eternal Sword Sovereign..."

Sacred Deity Lord whispered.

"Eternal Sword Sovereign... I saw that one before, and the eclipse was still..."

Yan Shen frowned.

"Undefeated myth? Huh! Only my master is an undefeated myth!"

Dao bite hummed.

"Eternal Sword Sovere... It seems..."

The Sky Beast remembered something, but it was only half said, because there were dense terracotta warriors on the ground ahead!

One hundred thousand?


More than a million!

That's billions!

Billions of Terracotta Warriors!

These terracotta refining techniques seem to be exactly the same as those of the twelve gold men!

At this moment, the power of killing hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors is even more terrifying than the previous twelve gold men's warrior road!

Only one glance at the moment!

Yuanshen seems to be strangled!


Crowds in the rear are horrified!

Back instinct now!

But there is no return!

Because there is no way behind!

"These terracotta...not right!"

The Divine Deity Lord felt it for a moment, and his brow was instantly locked!

"The power of killing... the power of undead... these terracotta warriors... let me try!"

Yan Shen's brows are also tightly closed, saying a raise his hand!




Under the psychedelic divine light!

The firelight is lit like a meteor!



Those fires exploded!

Turned into huge fireballs!

It's like a flaming sun falling down from heaven!






Hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors are unscathed!


The rear of the public repaired face sinking!

Yan God is defeated again!


This is not defeated!

It’s that Yan’s method is ineffective against the hundreds of millions of soldiers ahead!

The living creatures at such a level of Yan God can't help the hundreds of millions of soldiers!

It is even more impossible for oneself and others to deal with hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors!


Surely God sighed, and suddenly gave birth to a deep sense of powerlessness, even if he had the inheritance of the ancient God, it is no different from mortals! This feeling of powerlessness is really uncomfortable, but there is no way!

"Despair, right?"

Ren Qianqiu of the Spring and Autumn Palace also sighed.

"Humph!" The voice of indifference sounded again in the silence of the Cultivators: "The hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors are His Majesty's collection. His Majesty once dreamed of a broken ancient world. There is an undead soil in the broken ancient world. His Majesty called The craftsmen in the dynasty have refined these hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors with immortal soil! The world only thought that the ancestral dragon dynasty had an undefeated army of commanders of killing gods, but these hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors are the real undefeated army !To break through this huge array of hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors, at least it must be a true era overlord. Chen Zu said no nonsense, I will not nonsense, Chen Zu please!"



These hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors are the collection of Emperor Zulong!


This collection is too much!

The rear practitioners are dumbfounded!

"This collection is good." Chen Zheng smiled slightly, then raised his right hand and grabbed the hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors: "Then they are now my collection."


The seven colors flashed!

Billions of terracotta warriors disappeared in an instant!



Billions of terracotta warriors!

What happened?

Have the hundreds of millions of terracotta warriors been taken away by Chen Zu's seven-color gods!


Is this still possible!

Crowds in the rear are forced!

"How come I didn't expect it!"

Dao bite is also a bit ignorant!

"Uh... Master is really not an ordinary I did not expect this hand."

Yan Nu also froze for a moment, then said with emotion.

Divine Deity Venerable, Yan God, Ominous Beast, Omen of the Ominous Beast, etc. At this moment you look at me, I look at you, and they are all a little ignorant! I thought Chen Zu would wipe out the hundreds of millions of warriors, but Chen Zu directly collected the hundreds of millions of warriors, and said that they are now my collection!

at this point!

No one really thought about it before!

Chen Zu really didn't play cards according to common sense!

"You... why are you so shameless!"

Silence for a long time!

The indifferent voice roared!

(End of this chapter)

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