Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1963: Kill it with your own hands!

   "This proud sky is really a sword!"

   "Sacred Deity Lord has been famous for a long time, but was defeated by a sword!"

"Now you understand, the fastest way to become famous is to challenge the big figures at the level of Divine Deity Venerable! Aotian's hand is afraid of the meaning of Zulong Emperor. Without the tacit consent of Zulong Emperor, he would certainly not dare to move Ten gods and deities forced Chen Zu to appear!"

   All major roads outside the region!

   is whispering at the moment!

   Now all the main roads outside the region!

   Basically heard about what happened in the Taicang Holy City!

   And a few days ago, I also peeped into what happened in the burial pit of Gods and Demons!

   That mysterious Chen Zu has the means to break the pattern outside the territory!

   A few days ago, that Chen Zu's mana disappeared after being destroyed by a terrible figure!

   So no doubt!

   That Aotian got the tacit approval of Emperor Zulong!

   He is a sword in the hands of Zu Longdi!

   This sword is coming to try out that Chen Zu!


   Will Chen Zu show up!

  If you don't show up!

   The Ten Deities of Gods and Demons are afraid that they will really be destroyed!

"Don't you show up yet? Huh! I know you are somewhere outside the domain, and I know you are looking at me somewhere. Are you not recovering your mana, are you waiting for the mana to recover? Okay! I give you At the end of the tenth breathing time, as soon as the tenth breathing time arrives, if you still don’t show up, don’t blame me for annihilating the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons!”

   Above the Demon Mountain!

  Jianxiu Aotian was another cry!


   "I don't know if Chen Zu's mana is restored"

   "If the mana is not restored, I am afraid that I will face this proud sky"

   Many people whispered!

"This arrogant sky is enchanted, or Chen Zu has been regarded as a heart demon. It should go to the God Demon Mountain as soon as he condenses the overlord's **** pattern. Chen Zu has not been restored!"

   Someone saw some ways!


   "I have a real obstacle!"

   "It turns out that this is to take advantage of people's danger. Even if this Aotian really can beat Chen Zu, it will be invincible!"

   Many people saw that Jianxiu Aotian was indeed in a state of magic, even if the swords around him were brilliant!



  A figure appeared above the demon mountain!

   "Chen Zu!"

   "It's so real!"

   "Chen Zu appeared!"

   "It seems to be empty!"

   "This mana has not been restored yet, is that not the case"

   The eyes of the monks on the major avenues outside the domain first brightened, and then his face sank. It seemed that this Chen Zu mana had not recovered, at least there was no slight mana under his perception!

   "Your Majesty, he appeared!"

   Inside the Zulong Santing!

   A slightly gloomy voice sounded!

   This is not killing God!

   is not a middle-aged man who looks like a teacher!

   This is Li Xiang of Zulong Shengzong!

   Jianxiu Aotian is the kendo genius he found!

   "Can't do anything"

  The emperor, the dragon ancestor thought deeply.

"Although Aotian only entered the demon to condense the overlord's **** pattern, it did not affect the eternal sword and eternal sword skills. This intrusion only allowed Aotian to have more powerful power. This time it should be able to cut this Chen Zu! This Chen Zu! The threat to your majesty is too great. The incarnations of His Majesty and his old men on earth are a key link in His Majesty's eternal plan, but they have been destroyed by this Chen Zu before they have grown up! This hatred, old man, have not forgotten!"

  Li Xiang stared at the direction of the **** and demon mountain, and his eyes flashed!



   Above the Demon Mountain!

  Jianxiu Aotian moved!

   a sword!

   It means heaven!


   The glorious sword rises to the sky!

   "Lying trough!"

   "This power!"

   "Eternal power, this

It is indeed the eternal power, and Zulong Emperor really made that legend reappear! This Aotian is very likely to be the descendant of the blood line, but that person wrote the invincible myth outside the domain! "

   Tremble of extraterrestrial spirits!

   The soaring glory of the sword reminded them of a legend!



   in the legend!

   The eralord who killed the era with the unbroken ninth realm!

   "The heavens and the world, only me forever!"


   Jianxiu proudly drinks!



   no longer refers to the sky!

   but pointed to Chen Zheng!

this moment!

   The monks on the main roads outside the domain held their breath!

   The worlds of the heavens!

   Only me forever!

   This is the strongest sword skill left by the undefeated legend!

  Chen Zu!

  He is also sword repair!

  He can bombard him under the palm of the terrifying creatures of the world!

   But now it seems that the mana has not been restored!

  May be able to take over this eternal sword!

  But can it beat Jianxiu Aotian!

this moment!

  The thoughts of the monks of the major roads flashed through!


   brilliant sword light!

   devoured Chen Zheng!

   brilliant sword light!

   Starting from the Great Mountain of Gods and Demons!

  Cross the region in no time!

   It seems that the barrier of the West Pole has been torn open and it has entered the chaotic time and space!


   shock outside the domain!

   at this moment!

   This brilliant sword light shocked the world to silence!

   Can only question in my heart!

  Chen Zu!

still there!



   A terrible tear sounded!


   The world's eyes widened!

   at this moment!

   There is a figure out of the brilliant sword light!

   The figure raised his hand and grabbed the fiercely smiling Jianxiu Aotian!

  Jianxiu Aotian's flesh broke instantly!

"I do not!"

  Jian Xiuao Tian Yuanshen was stunned for a moment, but screamed violently, but only this scream was made, because the character didn't call it, and his Yuanshen was pinched!



   The eternal sword fell!


  The world is dumbfounded!

   "Eternal sword skills are good, so I squeeze you with my own hands."

   is also dumbfounded, the world heard a voice of indifference!


   What this means!

   Is there another way to kill Jianxiu Aotian!

   You can kill Jianxiu Aotian without even having to do it yourself!

   The monks of each avenue were surprised!


   Between doubts!

   They took a closer look!

   That figure disappeared!


   The glorious sword light that shrouded the **** and demon mountain also disappeared!


   The glorious sword light that traversed the territory and entered chaotic time and space is still there!

   is still brilliant at this moment!

   At this moment, it still looks shocking!


  The monks of various avenues are no longer interested in seeing the glorious sword light across the territory!

   Because that doesn't make any sense!

  Because Jianxiu Aotian has been pinched to death!

   raise one hand!

   Just grab it!

   Jianxiu Aotian is gone!

   The glorious sword light that traverses the territory is compared with the scene just now!

   is no longer a level!

  Chen Zu!

  Chen Zu!


Is it necessary to write another invincible myth outside the domain!

"So what's the situation with Chen Zu? Without But Jianxiu Aotian was pinned to death in one face, and the moment Jianxiu Aotian exhibited his eternal sword skills, he was absolutely standing outside the region. Top level!"

"No need to guess what the state of Chen Zu is, just pinch to death and proud of the sky can already explain everything! Now I just want to know, will the Zulong Emperor hold the Zulong Holy Party as scheduled, will he invite Chen Zu, and Chen Zu will Will not go to Zulong Santing!"

   "I can't speculate on this, I can only wait for the Zulong Emperor in the Zulong Holy Court!"

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