Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1932: The smoke disappears!

   "Haha! Hahaha!"

   There was another burst of laughter from the lawless Sect Master!


The **** of heaven, the man riding the dragon beast, and the rest of the monks stared subconsciously, their brows were slightly locked, and the dark road, the lawless patriarch who once stood at the top of the domain, is now even worse than mortals. Why is he still laughing, this is what There is another reason for being crazy!



   The enchantment that shrouded the Forbidden Mountain was broken!

   The eyes of all the practitioners fixed their eyes, and they stared at the Forbidden Mountain. They only looked at them one by one, and their complexion changed a lot, because at this moment there was a fierce and breathless atmosphere released from the depths of the Forbidden Mountain!


   That is the power of the East Pole Eye Sealed in the Forbidden Mountain!

  Don’t you want to break the seal?


  Heaven shouted out two words!

"Although Tianshan Mountain is not within the boundaries of our Zulong Shengdi, it can be within a thousand miles of the Zulong Shengdi. This eye-catching is really broken. I can’t bear it. I can only ask General Bai or Shengsheng to suppress it. !"

  The man riding a dragon beast raised his eyebrows!

"Slaughter God and Zulong Emperor... If it was the mysterious man who had exterminated the lawless sect broke the robbery, and released the Eastern Pole, and the Slayer and Zulong Emperor came in person, neither It will definitely be suppressed...After all, you and I have seen it with my own eyes. The Wuze Taoist was cut off, and the lawless Sect Master was abolished..."

   The Divine God groaned, but the words hadn’t been finished, and there was another burst of laughter on the ground.

   "Haha! Hahaha! Die! Die! Die! What do you do against the sky, you still have to die in the eye-catcher!"

   A burst of laughter!

  The God of Heaven and the man riding a dragon beast looked at each other, and at this moment, he suddenly understood that the lawless Sect Master had introduced the man into the eye of the robbery!

   "Into the robbery..."

   Girl Yu shudders!

   "It's not a blind eye!"

   "It was the man who got into the eye!"

   "But... is it really that kid..."

  At the very beginning, the thousands of monks looked at the Forbidden Mountain at the moment. To be honest, they didn’t see the Sect Master of the Wuze Daoren, the Tianzong Sect Master, they really couldn’t believe that a young man in Tiandi Realm could do this!


at the moment!

   It seems!

   Only the young man remains in the Forbidden Mountain!

   Lawless Sect, except for an abandoned Sovereign!

   The rest of the monks seem to have been erased!

   "Boy..." Peerless God thought for a moment, secretly cast a mysterious method, swept through the Yuanshen of several monks below, his eyes flashed in his eyes, and fixed his eyes on the depths of the Forbidden Mountain!

   at this moment!

   The Forbidden Mountain has been filled with violent robbery!

   It seems that as long as he is pulled into it, he can never break free!


   Although the huge forbidden mountain is in front!

   can give people a strange feeling as if they are already in a foreign land!



   The Forbidden Mountain has a strange change!

   I saw only one golden person appeared!


   "Is this the twelve gold men of the Zulong dynasty?"

   "No! This seems to be the soul of the Taoist ancestry in the legend of Tianshan Mountain, the soul of the Taoist ancestor before the Tianzong Sect! That Taoist cultivating special mysterious law is not affected by the power of the forbidden law!"

  In an instant!


   "Golden man... could it be the prototype of the twelve gold men refined by His Majesty..."

  The man riding the dragon beast is also surprised!

   "This seems to be... an ancient god... an extremely special ancient god!"

  Awesome whisper!


   is in this whisper!

   The gold man suddenly slammed into the depths of the Forbidden Mountain!


this moment!

   Earthly lawlessness Sect Master Yinxie smiled!

"not good!"

   "He wants to break the seal!"

   "He is going to release the eyes of the East Pole!"

  Ultra gods waited to see this scene, exclaimed one by one, all understood at this moment, that the golden man was to release the eyes of the East Pole!


this moment!

   No one dares to move!

   Although I want to stop the gold man!

   can be weak!

  Because they know very well that they are no different from mortals as soon as they enter the Forbidden Mountain!

   So I went to die!


   What to do!

  Do you really want to see the Dongji robbery appear!

   "Hey! You're destroyed, I'm lawless, I will send you into the eye of the robbery, and then let the extraterritorial spirits bury me, how can I earn it! Hey! Hey!"

   Earthly lawlessness Sect Master is another evil laugh!


The man riding the dragon beast stared at the lawless patriarch on the ground, and wished to shoot him completely, but now the lawless patriarch is not important anymore. The important thing is that if the East Pole Eye is really released, then the Zulong Shengzong It must be the first to bear the brunt!

Oh shit!

  What's going on today!

   How come such a big battle!

no solution anymore!

   can only tell the Holy One!

   took a deep breath, and the man riding the dragon beast wanted to pass on the Divine Thoughts, but only after dividing a Divine Thought, he opened his mouth! Not only him, but also the Divine God opened his mouth instantly!


   Deep inside the Forbidden Mountain!

   A horror beast roared!

next moment!

   I saw a giant rushed out of the forbidden mountain!

   One face to face!

   The huge gold man was devoured!




   The giant monster stepped on the forbidden mountain!

   Now roaring upwards!

   At that moment!

   It seems that the gods have seen something, and the eyes of the giant monster suddenly seem to have turned into a robbery. They thought they were dazzled, and when they fixed their eyes, they swooped down!



   Forbidden Mountain!

   turned to ashes!




   Even using magical powers at this moment, I can't see exactly what is inside, but the subconscious gods and other subconscious minds breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what the behemoth was, at least the Golden Man didn't let out the East Pole Eye!

and many more!

   seems wrong!

   lying trough!

   The Forbidden Mountains are destroyed!

   Isn't the seal blocked?

   No more closures to suppress the robbery!

   Isn't that eye-catching...


  Ultra Tenjin thought of a little, all held his breath in an instant, and instinctively retreated!



   A sword shadow swooped into the magic mandrel at once!

That is!

   That was the sword that cut the Wuze Taoist!

   Could it be!

   The mysterious man is coming out!

  People were surprised!

   stared at the ruins of the forbidden mountain shrouded in magic mans!

   "Cough cough! Damn! The air is too muddy, can't stand birds!"

  In the magic mang, a cough sound came out!



   A figure came out of the magic mans!

come yet!

   Cultivation in the hearts of the people!

   Take a closer look!

   Found more than one person!

   But one person and two beasts came out from the magic mans!


   The appearance of the public cultivation is And the lawless overlord of the earth showed the color of despair, the eyes of the two pupils collapsed, and the head fell down completely!


  The man riding the dragon beast opened his mouth and wanted to inquire, only to say a word, the one man and two beasts that came out of the magic mango disappeared!


   The man riding the dragon beast raised his eyebrows!

   "The young man of Heaven Emperor Realm... He really destroyed the lawlessness of the lawlessness. Just now he was the horror dragon that swallowed the golden man?"

   Ask the gods brow tightly, Shen Sheng!

"Go back to God... We only knew that he had brought the two beasts into the Heavenless Mountain before. I asked him if he came to collect the treasure. He said that he came to destroy the mountain. I... I When Xiuxi is shallow, he is not sure whether he is..."

   Below a monk responded with gusto!


   at this moment!

  Momang dispersed!

  People looked at the past!

   All silence in an instant!


   The Forbidden Mountain is gone!

   The lawlessness is gone!

   That East Pole Eye is gone!

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