Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1928: The prince of the Bliss Ice Palace!

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"Master of Zixiao Palace?"

The Dao Bite showed curiosity.

"This... when my family got the Shenlian and Shipan, just like the pie falling from the sky, our family didn't even make any effort. It's just that the soul that sent the Shenlian and Shipan into my family, no one Seeing its appearance clearly, only a faint shadow is seen."

The old man pondered.

"Not the owner of Zixiao Palace, the realm at that point of time is not right."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


When the old sharks heard it, they pondered it for a while and found that they couldn't speak for a while, so they stopped speaking.

"Good luck with you."

Chen Zheng gathered the **** lotus and the eternal land, smiled at the raccoon family, and took the two beasts out of the country.

"Give me a gift... Son!"

The Emperor Lian of the squad was a little stunned, followed by a worship!

"Give my son!"

The rest of the sharks recovered, and paid their respects to Chen Zheng!

"Give my son!" The **** shark also worshipped, and then whispered like a mosquito: "That...can I put my teeth..."



Chen Zheng with the two beasts has been out of the kingdom of the sharks!


The shark sighed, murmured in his heart, ate a bite, and grew his wisdom. Today's lesson made me understand that some things can't be bitten casually. Those things don't look dangerous, but they are actually terrible!



Chen Zheng came out of the water with the two beasts, and a female Xiu came out with the water!

"Master, is this beauty obsessed with you? I have been following my master since I left the country! Hey, hello, the beauty opposite, what have you been doing with my master, do you have a split mind with my master? what!"

Dao bite stared at the past, opened his mouth and shouted. In fact, from the moment when he went out of his kingdom, he felt the existence of this female nun, except that Chen Zheng ignored this female nun, and he was too lazy to pay attention to it.

Of course, the nun thought she was hiding her body, but in fact she had nothing to hide.

"Xueyao of Bliss Ice Palace, under the orders of a family teacher, please send your seniors to Bliss Ice Palace!"

The female Xiu thought for a moment and then gave a slight salute to Chen Zheng.

"The Bliss Ice Palace... Your Master is the person of the Bliss Sect?"

Chen Zheng asked casually.

"The Bliss Sect?" Xiu froze for a moment, then gently shook her head: "Xue Yao has heard of the Bliss Sect, which is an immortal Taoism in the Taixu, although the Bliss Ice Palace sounds somewhat similar to the Bliss Sect. But Master has nothing to do with Eternal Bliss."

"Hey! You Bliss Ice Palace, the name sounds like you have to make people think!"

Dao bite hey smile.

"This...we should be the most decent Taoism in the frozen sea."

The nun groaned.

"Um... you look pretty decent, but it's just decent, then I don't know."

Dao bite blinked.


Sister Xiu stunned slightly, then shook her head gently, looking at Chen Zheng sincerely at the moment.

"I thought it was an incarnation of the Queen of Bliss to see me. Now it seems not. Then I will go with you."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Senior please!"

The nun was another ceremony, and he summoned a fairy ship, and asked Chen Zheng to board the fairy ship.


After counting interest.

A fairy ship crossed the vast frozen sea to the ferry.


The female disciple of the Bliss Ice Palace waiting at the ferry saw the fairy ship, and also saw the fairy ship Chen Zheng and Snow Fairy, and then shouted!

"Snow Fairy is back!"

"Not only Snow Fairy, he...he is back!"

"He came back with Snow Fairy...has he ever been to the Shark Nation..."

The crowds at the ferry port glanced at each other, and at the moment they all showed doubtful colors, but no response was received. Snow Fairy took a few tricks to connect several female disciples to the fairy ship, and the fairy ship instantly turned into an ice blue fairy light. .


"Have he ever been to Shark People?"

"This...maybe it was caught by Snow Fairy before it arrived in the Shark Kingdom..."

The public whispered.


This is the moment!

Bliss Ice Palace direction!

Suddenly, six ice blue light columns rose into the sky!


"what's the situation!"

"What's wrong with lying trough Bliss Ice Palace!"

The people were shocked, and urged all kinds of secret magical instruments one by one, and also swept towards the Bliss Ice Palace!

at the same time!

Ice blue fairy ship!

Snow Fairy and her several sisters are all shocked!

"This...what's the case!"

"What happened to Zongmen!"

"Is anyone attacking Sect?"

A few female disciples showed concern!

"I'm not afraid of others attacking Bliss Ice Palace, I'm only afraid...I'm only afraid..."

Snow Fairy took a deep breath, and at this moment thought of a little, that the face like a rain sculpture was also full of worry, but it was not the same as the worry of a few female disciples!


She lifted her hand up and hit the ice blue fairy light, the ice blue fairy light blessed the fairy ship, and the fairy ship sent directly!


The sound of air tearing sounded!



A huge vibration came!


"Is that the palace master!"

"The Ice Palace was demolished!"

On the fairy ship, a few female disciples looked at the front, dumbfounded!


In front is the Bliss Ice Palace!


At this moment the Bliss Ice Palace was demolished!

In front of the ice blue enchantment!

A woman with six Fas suspended behind her!

At this moment it seems to be enchanted!

A terrifying power was released!

A place has been laid in front of the Bliss Ice Palace!


Those who are not disciples of Bliss Ice Palace!

Those who are all other denominations!

"Mom's underestimated this woman, how could this woman have six such terrible appearances, and I will be unable to hold it! Hurry up and sacrifice the lawless double swords, suppress this woman, and if you do not suppress this woman, we will all die!"

Within the enchantment!

A man in black yelled!

"Please be lawless!"

In addition to the man in black, there is also a man in purple, who took a deep breath and raised his hand to pull an ancient scroll away!



In the ancient scroll!

Two sword shadows are killed!


The gray swords flashed!

In the ice blue enchantment, it seems that all the power is instantly taken away!

At this moment, it seems to have become a land of legal prohibition!


"They are lawless people!"

"They angered the palace master!"

Several female disciples on the fairy ship exclaimed!


The Dao bite raised a brow!


Guan Tianshou whispered, it heard these words, it remembers very clearly, there is a mysterious place in Taixu, named after these four words!

"Humph! Woman! Once the swords are out, you can only surrender!"

The man in black sneered!



The enchanted woman only raised her hand!

The so-called lawless double swords were blown out of the ice-blue enchantment by a huge force!


Then they both stabbed into the frozen ground of the ice field!


"This and this!"

The man in black and the man in purple change his face!


The enchanted woman raised her hand caught the man in black, the Ninefold Tower immediately appeared on the head of the man in black, and the power of the majestic avenue emerged, just a face-to-face Ninefold on the man in black The tower collapsed, and the black man's body and Yuanshen were crushed!

Blood Mist!

Black light!



The enchanted woman roared upwards!

Behind the six strange phases behind him began indifferently indifferently at this moment!

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