Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1918: Where is Jianming!

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"Uh... how familiar is this..."

Chen Zheng smiled and glanced at the old man in black fairy clothes outside the courtyard.

"Little friend is..."

The tall man standing across the blade recovered his mind and lowered his voice to ask, his heart full of doubts. At first glance, this young man who had concealed everyone's perception of entering the backyard seemed to be just a monk of the Emperor Realm. However, if he looked closely, this young man had the physical body of the immortal Taoist ancestor, and this young man seemed to come to help the Yuan family.

Other than that!

This young man actually gave himself a strange feeling as if he saw the Holy Emperor Sect!


Really strange!

Could it be!

This young man is the son of the Holy Emperor's generation!

"Young man, you are a monk of Heaven Emperor Realm, maybe the flesh is a little special, but do you think you can save the Yuan family in front of the two gods of my Nie family!"

The old man in black fairy clothes also found the extraordinary of Chen Zheng's flesh, but at his level, he still didn't pay attention to it.

What if the flesh is immortal!

The early mana of the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

You can erase it with one thought!

This kind of goods don't bother to do it myself!

"I think..."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


I was interrupted as soon as I spoke!

"I said, but I don't want you to think, as long as I think, I don't kill you, you get out!"

The old man in the black fairy fairy interrupted Chen Zheng with mercilessly!


"You think you think you are a fart!"

"Xuanyuan God can tell you so much, you are worth your life, and you won't get out of it if you get a cheap one. You really consider yourself a character! What a stinky fish and prawns, dare to provoke Nijia! If it's not Xuanyuan God is merciful, you have already disappeared!"

With a sneer and a sneer, it was all Nirvana monks!

"Does the people of the Cang Niang family have such a sense of demeanor?"

Chen Zheng swept across the crowd and shook his head gently.

"What kind of **** are you, and dare to talk to me about my dignity!"


There is a middle-aged man in the ancestral world sneer!


Raising his hand to Chen Zheng is a catch!

"Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, the tall man standing sideways raised a hand and was ready to block the power of the avenue blasted by the Nizua Taoist ancestor. Only he raised his hand, and the middle-aged man of the Naie family immediately turned into ashes!


This moment!

Whether it is the Ni family or the Yuan family!

Stay all!

What happened?

This is who secretly wiped out the Nirvana monks!

"Old things, you really have a hand! If that's the case, it's no wonder that God is up!"


The old man in black fairy costume shouted at the old house deep in the backyard!


This roar!

Terror Kamui released!

"Xiaoyou retreats quickly, he is Nirvana of Nirvana!"

The middle-aged man's complexion changed sharply, and his teeth would be burned when he gritted his teeth!



Just listen to the sound of the sword!

That horrible supernatural power will be shattered!


What is this situation!

The two of them stayed again!

That old lady in black fairy clothes is also a stay!

I am the **** of Nirvana!

What I just released is Tianwei, the strongest level outside the territory!

It's not to kill the kid!

It is to completely suppress the Yuan family!

Where did a sword sound come from!

Actually dissolve the Tianwei that he released!

Could it be that the kid in front of the Emperor Realm of this day is not successful!

Do not!

Not this kid!

It should be the old thing of Yuan Yin Yang!

That old thing is dying!

The thought flashed quickly, and the old man in black fairy costume sneered again: "Yuan Yinyang, you have been seriously injured by my elder brother before, even if you still have a hand, it will not last long, you are just struggling to die Nothing! No one can help you unless the Holy Emperor Sect comes out now! Yuan Yinyang gives up and stays in that ancient house of destiny. When the Lord gives you the destiny, your life will be exhausted. What’s more, you still don’t understand why you have no backhand against my elder brother!"


Standing tall, the tall man's face sank!

The rest of the Yuanfu people in the courtyard also changed their looks!

I remembered the previous scene at the moment!

That is the ancestor's Nine Nine Tribulation to the Nie Family!

He was defeated by just one face!

The two should be the same state!

It's impossible to fail miserably in one face!

At this moment, listening to the old man of Xuan Se Xian Yi, the Yuan family immediately thought of a point, that is, Nine Nine Tribulation is afraid that he has mastered the power far beyond the level of the hegemony of the half-step era!


The ancestors could not be defeated!

in this way!

Isn't Nirvana Jiu mastered the power of the era overlord level!


Is it...

In an instant!

Standing horizontally, the man suddenly thought of something. He was the head of the Yuan family, and was once the general of the Taicang Holy Dynasty. He knew something that ordinary people did not know!

Thinking of those things at the moment, he looked down and knew why the Holy Lord had started the Yuan family for the acquisitive family!

Holy Lord Taicang!

Has a terrible ambition!

Lord Taicang wanted to fight that place!

"Yuan Yin and Yang, haven't you come out of the ancient house of Destiny, Ben God gave you the last three rest time, don't blame the Lord God for the killing ring when the three breath time arrives! From entering your Yuan Mansion to the present, the God can return Never killed you in Yuanfu alone!"

At this time!

The old lady in black fairy stared at the old house in the backyard with a cold drink!


There is no response in the old house!

"Good, good yin and yang, it seems that you are hardened and demanded to die, then the gods satisfy you!"

The old man in black fairy clothes didn't get any response, and his face was colder. He said that when he raised his hand, all the beads appeared in an instant!

"Big Dzi!"

Yuan Tianshu, standing with a horizontal knife, saw the light beads, and his face completely sank!


The old man in the black fairy fairy snorted coldly and waved it. The beads looked very sacred and did not seem to have any lethality, and the speed of flying was extremely slow. 'S power erupts at this moment!

This power!

Seems to crush everything in the world!


Yuan Tianshu, standing with a horizontal knife, has made a bite of his teeth, and has made a mortal determination to burn all the sources to block the sky dzi!


This moment!

The sword sounded again!


The celestial beads in the sky suddenly shattered in the air!



The two of them froze again!


Where is this Jianming!




at the same time!

Several figures outside took the opportunity to plunge into the backyard!



"Chen Zu!"

These are Yuan Feihong and others. Elder Yuan Kai seized the opportunity and took a few people into the backyard while hesitantly waiting for the black fairy elders and others!

"Lying trough! A lot of debris on the road! Well developed!"

Dao bite screamed, took a bite, and came directly to gobble up, and swallowed all the broken Dazhu Dzi!

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