Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1903: Someone wants to swallow Zulong!

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"Aura of Emperor Zulong!"

Jin Zun frowned!

"Aura of Emperor Zulong? This seems wrong..."

Divine Demon Lord raised his brow, felt it, and frowned!

"What kind of ancestor dragon emperor, ancestor dragon emperor counts as a hammer, this girl has the breath of the ancient magic dragon!"

Watch the beast immediately rebuttal!

"Eternal Dragon?"

"Eternal Dragon!"

"What kind of dragon is that!"

Jin Zun, Shen Mo Sheng Zun, and Breeze Breeze are all showing doubts!



God garlic one gritted his teeth!

Then the goddess of needles will become a long whip and it will be caught in the girl of Zhengyue!

It seems to be forcibly taking away the girl!


Zhengyue girl took a small bite, and a magic fire spewed out. The Dingtianshen needle, which turned into a long whip, seemed to be frightened, and suddenly shrank back! God Garlic Yuan Yuanshen was shocked, Ding Tianshen needles were no longer needed, Yuanshen had to forcibly send away!


Chen Zheng only glanced indifferently!


Yuanshen shattered!


Dao bite smiled, flew out, and swallowed all the fragments of the avenue!

Jin Zun is silent!

Qingfeng Taoist people were silent!

"Brother Chen... is stronger than before, this combat power is really incredible..."

Sacred Deity Lord said with emotion.

"Thank you... Daoyou completely solved the eye-robbing of Shengming Mountain!"

Qingfeng Taoist groaned, and looked solemnly at Chen Zhengyi, and several other Taoists also looked solemnly.

"Is there any?"

At this time, Zhengyueya's head was like the aftertaste, and asked softly.


Jin Zun, Sheng Mo Sheng Zun, Breeze Daoist were amazed, and suddenly they were silent!


There are five big eye-catchers outside the domain!

Purple pole pilgrimage to Mingshan is just one of them!


This girl wouldn't want to swallow the other four!

Although the complete solution of the five major catastrophes can be regarded as a solution to the world's hidden disasters!

But can this girl really swallow all five robbery eyes!

The five robbery eyes are very big!

After thinking for a while, the Divine Deity Lord lowered his voice and said: "There is a robbery eye in the burial pit of the Divine Demon, the lawless mountain in the east of the ancestral dragon pilgrimage is sealed with a robbery eye. Suppressing a robbery, and this one under the Shengming Mountain, corresponds exactly to the four elephant holy beasts. It is not difficult to get the other three holy beasts corresponding to the other four holy beasts by means of Brother Chen. It’s just the last robbery, in Among the most terrible and mysterious Yuanxu outside the realm, Yuanxu has many terrible legends. What is the situation inside, the Lord of the three holy pilgrimages did not know. Perhaps the Cangni family knew, but the people of the Cangni family did not dare Enter the Yuan Market."


Zhengyue girl looked at Chen Zheng, she had heard of this place.

"Yuanxu...I came outside the territory this time, and one of the places I must go to is Yuanxu."

Chen Zheng smiled.



"Think twice!"

Say this sentence!

The appearance of Jin Zun, Sheng Mo Sheng Zun, Qing Feng Tao Ren and so on are all changing!

"I... I really don't know that Brother Chen is going to the Yuan Ruin. Although Brother Chen is invincible, he still has to persuade him. That place is too evil. It is said that the most terrible creature in it is not in the main palace of Heavenly Palace. under!"

Divine Deity Lord thought for a moment, watching Chen Zheng whispered and persuaded!

"Yuanxu...I have heard some rumors that it was a prison left by the ancient ruined era, and the creatures imprisoned in it are terrible. It is said that even the supreme creatures such as creation and heaven Imprisoned..."

Qingfeng Taoist also whispered, he remembered that there was a predecessor who condensed the overlord's **** pattern in Zongmen. After going to Yuanxu, there was no news.

"Don't worry about me, I know where it is."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Upon hearing this, the Divine Deity Lord nodded and no longer persuaded. If the elder brother Chen's flesh was in that situation, he should not be trapped when he entered the Yuan Ruin. At that time, if you are still outside the domain, you may be able to follow in and find out.


So mysterious!

It's too scary!

Although lawlessness, the mountain is called a forbidden land!

But that means more forbidden land!

Any creature that has gone to the core area of ​​that **** mountain is no different from mortal!

Comparable with Yuanxu!

It's really not a level!

Not to mention!

That lawlessness bans the mountain and there is another Orthodoxy!

The Taoist teacher can't beat himself!

"Then...Let's go back to the demon mountain first?"

Thoughts flashed, and the Deity Lord asked.

"Go back to the holy mountain of gods and deities first. This Dingtian pin is good and can be given to monkeys."

Chen Zheng nodded and looked at Jin Zun with a smile. The breeze Taoist was about to speak, but Chen Zheng disappeared silently.


Qingfeng Taoist sighed, and hadn't thanked the mysterious young man yet, and the mysterious young man had already left.

"Jin Zun...but know this Taoist friend?"

A person beside Qingfeng Dao thought about it and asked.

"Daoyou? I am not a Taoist with him. I only know that he is called Chen Zu. His mana is very ordinary and even negligible. However, his physical strength is almost invincible. Who is he? I don’t know. , But he should be the reincarnation of a supreme strongman in the past era of destruction."

Jin Zun looked at the southeast direction, whispered, and turned into a golden awn to return to the Purple Ji Santing.

"Chen Zu..."

Before the Taoist Temple on Shengming Mountain, Qingfeng Taoists also looked to the southeast and sighed again.


Zulong pilgrimage!

Zulong Holy Court!

Vast and magnificent!

But almost everyone in the temple was silent!

At the moment, all the people on the throne of the Holy Pilgrimage are talking!

The man was in an emperor robe!

Even if no special breath is released!

There is also an indescribable majesty!

"I feel that someone wants to devour my ancestral dragon."

The man in the throne opened his mouth, with a faint smile, as if speaking in a tone of laughter.


"How can this be!"

"Whoever has such thoughts, the courtier went to cut him off!"

The people in the hall, one by one, showed their astonishment, with the mighty generals wearing the **** armor, their double pupils were as big as bronze bells, and the pupils were full of murderous intentions!

"That man should come to Zulong Shengting in person, and I wait for the man to come." The man on the throne smiled faintly, and then swept the middle-aged man in white in the front row of the lower princes, opening his mouth to say something, but his eyes A move, I looked at the old man in the gray row who was also in the first row: "The area where the three major pilgrimages are irrelevant, I heard that there is a lower realm palace flying up, so far no one can take that fairy palace, listen It is said that it involves the tyrannical spirits in the Taixu. I also asked the master to go and see the fairy palace in person. It doesn’t matter if it can be won.

"Chen Zunzhi!"

The old man in gray answered, and turned into smoke on the spot, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Bai Qing's family stays, and the rest will withdraw."

The man on the throne said another lightly.


"Come back!"

A moment of In this palace, there were only the men in the throne and the middle-aged men in white clothes.

"Bai Qing's Ao Shi has a breakthrough."

The emperor robe asked softly.

"A breakthrough."

A middle-aged man in white responded respectfully.

"The Bai Qing family followed me into the fantasy sky, and my physical body also made some breakthroughs, just try the Bai Qing family's knife."

The emperor robe nodded slightly.


A middle-aged man in white replied a word. I saw the emperor's robe man wiped it away. The inner hall of the Holy Court was like a water curtain twisted and fluctuated. The two successively glinted into the water curtain!

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