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One more thing!

The name zero makes people feel no domineering at all!

Look at those terrible creatures in Taixu!

Eternal Dragon!

Supreme Demon!

Lord of Taiyin!

God is too mysterious!

Chaos is too emperor!

One more than one mysterious domineering!

Look at number zero again!

Nothing compares to the names of those terrible creatures!

"Which... is the number zero great?"

The sub-beast asked subconsciously.

"Aren't you talking nonsense!"

The bite of Dao Dao slapped on the head of Guan Tian Beast.

"Beyond life, you said it's not bad."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Watching the Celestial Beast for a moment, then the body trembles, the eyes are full of panic, and the heart is howling, and Maye is out of life. This is no longer a problem that is not terrible. This Nima is to explode everything in the Hongmeng universe!

"I actually had a lot of things that I didn't know before. Later, I fought with Hongmeng, and the era of the fight restarted. Some changes have occurred in the Hongmeng universe. I also know some past. Maybe the zero on the original earth is another zero. number."

Chen Zheng said casually again.

"Are there still two zeros?"

Guan Tianbei asked blankly.

"One uppercase and one lowercase. Who is uppercase and who is lowercase, I don't necessarily know clearly."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"I faint......"

Guan Tianbei's head was crooked, and he fainted directly.


Hou Tu, Ming Feng, and Dao Dao were silent, but Mingyue was also there, but the little girl was dumbfounded. At this moment, she blinked subconsciously, as if she didn't understand it at all.

"So Zero is sleeping on the earth, you have guessed this for a long time, right, why don't you tell the character!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the indifferent question of the little doll made a sound!

"Thirteen, do you think in your current state, even if she is sleeping, can you deal with her?"

Chen Zhengyuan responded, and asked only faintly.


The Taohua little doll is silent!


After silence!

Only a cold hum!

Then disconnected Yuanshen!

"Then... what is the relationship with her?"

The Dao Beast's eyes moved, curiously asked.

"What's the relationship... It's too complicated to be clear, but on the primitive earth billions of years ago, she was the only creature talking to me. I could survive that period without becoming neurotic. Thanks to her."

Chen Zheng's double pupils turned into nothingness, this moment is like recalling the past, with a faint smile on his face.

"This... how did the master appear on the primitive earth billions of years ago, wouldn't it come out of nowhere?"

Dao bite asked softly again, not knowing what was going on, and suddenly he was curious about the master's past billions of years ago.

"How did it happen? This question is not very well explained. Once I thought it was just an ordinary crossing, but then I realized that it was not that simple. A mortal could not have lived a day on primitive earth, or even a minute. I I remember very clearly, I was scared at the time, because when I landed on the top of my head was Lei Yun, and when Lei Yun fell off, I thought I was finished, but none of the hairs fell off. It was later learned that it was called the original God Lei, at that time The condensed primitive **** thunder should be able to kill the era overlords in Taixu."

Chen Zheng said in the tone of the storyteller.

"Lying trough! The primal **** thunder of the overlord of the era!"

The sky-watching beast that had fainted in the past, stood up suddenly!

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and continued to say:

"In the first period of time, it was the most painful period. Imagine that in the vast world, only you are a creature, and it is difficult to find someone to say a word. That is how lonely. So I tried my best. I want to end myself, but I suddenly realized that I have an immortal body, and I can’t die anymore. It was also at that moment that I really realized what is invincible and lonely..."


After a day.

Hou Tu Huangcheng.

The seven-color divine light flashed across the underworld in Chen Zhengmei's heart.

"Two points... less."

After sweeping through the underworld, the progress of the cantilever of the universe has increased by two points to eighty-three, but it is still less.

"Chen Zu has a powerful magic weapon!"

Seeing the seven-color divine light, Guantian Beast remembered something inherited in the blood, and lowered the voice.

"Is not this nonsensical."

Dao bite hummed.

"Does Chen Zu leave the Underworld... that bright moon..."

The Futian **** clan Fu Yi is also here. He came to Tuhuangcheng to pick up the moon. He felt something at the moment and lowered his head slightly.

"Since you have regained control of the Burning Gods, then Mingyue should stay with the Burning Gods. When her soul shadow is truly awakened, she will naturally take her to where she should go."

Chen Zheng gave Fu Yi a glance.


Fu Yi responded quickly.

"Chen Zu will definitely take me away. I am still very useful. Although I am not very good at cultivation, I am very awakened and far away, but how can I stay in Taixu? I know many secrets in Taixu! "

Tianguan Beast also quickly opened his mouth. Although he could hide in the dark earth to avoid those terrible creatures in Taixu, but now this Chen Zu is bigger than the era overlords in Taixu, he must seize the opportunity and follow Chen Zu in the future. Mix!

"I don't know if Xianyu will send someone..."

Ming Feng thought a little, whispered.

"Fairyland...Unless the Supreme Body of the Fairyland is in person, you can't take away the maiden, so don't worry about it. As for the Nether Earth Matriarch, it should be back to heaven in the near future."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Ah? Back to heaven?"

Ming Feng was shocked, and the rest of Jiuli Government, Fu Chan, Sanming Venerable and Four Envoys were also shocked!

Back to heaven?

What is going back to heaven?

Is it possible to play the Lich War again?

I don't know why!

At this moment, the Wutu tribe of the Underworld came up with the same idea!

When this idea came out, they all felt weird!

"If I take a step late, it should reshape the primordial floods, or integrate the heavens and the world. But there should be at least one year. During this year, you should try to improve your cultivation."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and after saying a word, Xingcha rose directly into the sky, and he broke away from the dark earth in an instant!


"Congratulations to the Master!"

Worship in the Emperor City of Hou Tu!

"To Chen Zu!"

Fuyi, the **** of burning gods, is also a worship!


Mingyue froze for a moment, and also learned to worship Fu Yi!

"Fairyland...Zu Wu... Da Wu... Demon Emperor Demon... Too Heaven..."

A moment later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A whisper sounded in the Holy Palace of Houtu. It seems that the owner of this Holy Palace is a little confused!

at the same time!

Hongmeng heaven!

The end of the thirty-three heavens!

Inside the deepest palace of Tiandao Palace!


A scream suddenly sounded!

This scream was made by the concubine. She originally danced the kimono feather dance recently loved by the main palace of Heavenly Palace, but the palace master sitting on the supreme **** chair suddenly showed a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth!


what's going on!

This world!

Who else can hurt the woman who is in control of the heavens and the heavens?

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