Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1868: Is this the will of the temple?

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This is too illusory!


He is the only one who can do mana!


Someone couldn't help but give himself a slap. This slap was a bit ruthless, and marks were printed on his face, but this slap also made him awake, but it was even more shocking when he was awake!

This person!

Who is it?



The three old gods of the shrine are broken!


"I don't believe you can enter the temple!"

"You come in!"

Inside the shrine!

Three voices came out!

This is the voice of the three old temples!


Some people of the ferry people subconsciously wanted to speak, but before the words were spoken, the whole person was stunned again, because they saw a shocking scene! That human race Daojun directly touched the temple, and the layer of dark enchantment that shrouded the temple was shattered!


next moment!

The main entrance of the temple opened!


The ferry people are silent!

The Lord of Jiuli is silent!

Fu Chan is silent!

The man of the temple was silent!

The old man was beaten instantly when he spoke!

Will this be too fast!

"Don't be afraid, I will take a look at the will of the temple. If it is an old man, then everything is easy to say."

Xingcha smiled on Chen Zheng and stepped out into the temple.


Next second!

A roar came from the temple!


Next second!

There was a loud noise!

"Do not!"



Although I don't know what happened inside!

But the ferry people all heard it. It was the voice of Elder Tianwu. The deity of Elder Tianwu seemed to have suffered something terrible!

"My flesh! My flesh! You return my flesh!"

Everyone guessed!

There was another howl in the temple!



A crisp slap sounded!

A Yuanshen flew out!

"That is!"

"My goodness!"

"That's Elder Sky Witch!"

The ferry people took a closer look and found that it was the primordial spirit of the elder Tian Wu, but at this moment it was already fragmented, as if it would be destroyed at any time! Elder Tianwu, one of the three elders in the temple, how honorable is the status, and cultivation is the top level in the underworld. This is only a few moments before the human race Daojun enters the temple. The elder Tianwu is gone, and the Yuanshen will be destroyed. Now!


Is this the human race Daojun did?

Did that human race Daojun explode the Tianwu elders in a few breaths?

Was the elder Tianwu so vulnerable?


Between the horror and silence of the ferry people, the elders of the Tianwu elder shattered, and at this moment, the ghostly mansions spilled into the sea below, the ferry people shuddered, and Xingcha smiled on the bite beast, flew out, instantly Swallow all the avenue fragments!

"It's cool!"

After swallowing the avenue fragments, the Dao Eater returned to Xingcha and nodded with satisfaction!


The power of these avenues of spiritual cultivation in the Underworld Temple is extremely strange!

Some restrain it!

But after swallowing the debris of Elder Sky Witch!

It found that it could adapt to the power of that strange road!


Jiuli Prefecture advocated opening of mouth.

"Elder Sky Witch, one of the three elders of the temple, fell..."

Fu Chan said blankly.

In addition to being extremely shocked, the two of them also have a feeling at the moment, that is, fast, everything happens too fast, and it is not the same as they thought! In my own imagination, I should first break through the Nether Sea, then enter the depths of the Nether Sea, then fight with the three old temples for a while, and finally enter the temple!

this process!

It takes several hours!

But this Nima!

It seems that half of the incense is not in time!


So special!

So fast that people can't react!

I can't stand my careful liver!



At this time!

Inside the shrine!

There were two loud noises!


Another two Yuanshen were bombed out!

"Elder Feihuang!"

"Elder Li Quan!"


Seeing the two primordial gods clearly, the ferry people in Nutao Mountain could not help but exclaimed and screamed involuntarily, because this was the other two elders of the three temples!



The primordial gods of the other two elders in the temple are also destroyed!


Dao bite smiled again, flew over, and swallowed all the avenue fragments with one swallow. After swallowing the avenue fragments this time, its physical body obviously changed, even more fierce than before!


The master of Jiuli Prefecture and Fu Chan looked at each other, and to be honest, both of them are now a little confused. At the moment, both eyes have the same doubts, of course, the ferry people are also the same doubts!

Three old temples?

Just fell like this?


How long has this passed!

Three old temples!

That's the top status creature in the underworld!


Within a scent of incense!

All fell!

"I... will I not wake up yet..."

The ferry who gave himself a slap before could not help asking.



Inside the shrine!

A roar sounded!

Everyone stared at the main entrance of the temple!

I saw one person coming out of the temple!

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"

The Lord of Jiuli Prefecture shouted with Fu Chan!

"He...he came out carrying something, what was that, it seemed... a ball, a fluffy ball!"

"Did that ball be..."

"No, this should not be possible..."

The ferry people were also shocked. When they saw Chen Zheng carrying a furry creature like a ball, there were subconscious guesses, but they couldn't believe it!

Temple will!

That ball cannot be the will of the temple!

The will of the shrine is the supreme existence in the heart of the underworld!

It can't be a ball!

And how do you feel that the ball is not even Daojun!

It seems to be the golden fairy level!

"This man is the will of the temple?"

Dao Dao glanced, his brow furrowed slightly.

"This fellow is indeed the will of the temple."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Rao Ming! Daxian Rao Ming! I'm wrong! I shouldn't use Nine Infants' will to pack myself into a temple will! I shouldn't deceive the underworld creatures! I'm really wrong! Ask Daxian not to kill me! 嘤嘤嘤! I'm still one baby!"

The hairy spherical creatures are wooing at the moment!


For a while!

The Lord of Jiuli was so surprised!

The will of the temple that shocked the underworld creatures!

Its true capacity turned out to be a ball!

If all the souls in the Underworld knew the truth about the will of the temple that was once dreaded!

I don't know how much will pass out!

"Guantian A special kind of beast should come from Taixu. This family is not weak, and it can even be said to be strong, otherwise it will not be possible to devour the will left by Nine Infants. Of course this The squad itself is not strong now, if this squad can swallow a creature of the same level as the Great Sovereign, then it can truly awaken and become a half-step era overlord. As for the squad, it is still a baby, and the squad has lived at least 300 million. I don’t think that a creature that has lived 300 million years is a baby.”

Chen Zheng chuckled.


Everyone is silent!

"I...I'm really still a baby! Pang Pang Pang, our family, it's only a billion years to pass through the infancy!"

Spherical creatures seem very wronged, crying!

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