Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1865: The Lord is back!

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The Eightfold Tower!


I thought I was talking big!

Only now did I realize that it was not a big deal!

But the most authentic evaluation!

It was that Chen Zu's true evaluation of the prisoner elder Xiu Wei from the Emperor Tutu who was killed by the Burning Gods!

A raised hand!

Squeeze to death!

It is weak for Chen Zu!


Treat yourself differently!

Daming Zun left the earth!

The elder prisoner came to the Emperor City!

Almost invincible!

After crushing the four halls of Tuhuangcheng!


The elder prisoner is terrible!

And that Chen Zu is even more terrible!

Do not!

The word terrible is too common!


It should be horrible!

The spirits in the Emperor Hou City watched the fragments of the avenue fall. At this moment, they realized that they generally regained their spirits. Each body shuddered involuntarily, and some were scared!


In the eyes of Fengtian Mingzun, there was a flash of horror. In addition to the color of horror, there was a flash of happiness!

" gave the indestructible elders of the Eighth Realm, who burned the destroy...!"

The elder of the temple with the crown on his head stared at Chen Zheng with a trembling voice!

"A lot of debris!" Chen Zheng didn't respond, and the Dao Beast swooped up, swallowing all the debris of the stardust with a swallow, and flew back after swallowing, glancing at the dumbfounded moon girl. , Hey smiled and said: "Would you like me to give you a piece of avenue fragments, you call me a good sister, I will give you a point!"

"Good sister..."

Mingyue subconsciously shouted.


The Dao Bite smiled again and gave a little piece of avenue to Mingyue. He was secretly complacent. This girl was the reincarnation of the powerful Mingyue Xianzun. He took advantage of Mingyuexianzun’s soul shadow to sleep, so he got a little cheap on his mouth. It should not be too much! Moreover, he is not Bai Shi, but he paid for the shards!


Fu Yi, the skinny old man, was a little worried. When he saw Mingyue, he immediately absorbed the fragments of the avenue. He was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that it should have been awakened once!

This little episode, everyone just glanced at it, and soon all eyes were on Chen Zheng! To be honest, even the Jiuli government and Fu Chan do not know what to say at the moment!

In fact, Fu Chan's master, the stranger, also appeared. Fu Chan forgot to say hello to her master at the moment. Her master was the woman wearing a veil and wearing a blue fairy costume.

"You... you kill Mrs. Honey first, and then kill the Eightfold Dao Patriarch of the Burning Sky God Clan. This is to form a beam with the Burning Sky God Clan. The Burning Sky God Clan will definitely not let you go! You are very powerful, Immediately killed the Fu Yu Taoist, but the Fu Yu Taoist was only a lower-ranking elder in the Burning God Clan. The Burning God Clan has a holy relic that can make the entire underworld creatures rise. The Burning God Clan must have a half-step era. The creatures at the level of the overlord are sitting here, I don’t believe you can squeeze the half-step era overlord!"

The elder of the temple with the moon crown on his head gritted his teeth and shouted at Chen Zheng!

"You're right, I can easily pinch the half-step era overlord, but it's not a big problem. The Emperor City of Houtu has no guardian of the Great Mingzun, and it's enough to find another one."

This time Chen Zheng responded to the temple elders.

"Find one? Do you think Da Ming Zun is a cat or a dog? Can you find it if you want to find it!"

The elder of the temple shouted cruelly!


The spirits in the Emperor Houcheng City actually have some unbelief at this moment. After all these years, only Master Zhuotian can be regarded as the true Great Venerable in the true sense after the early Great Venerable.


Master Zhuotian also condensed the **** pattern of the overlord of the half era!

It can be said to be the most powerful Ming Zun in the history of Ming Earth!

Find someone to replace Master Zhuotian!

I'm afraid it's not that easy!

Although there are still three Mingzun in Houtu Imperial City!

Obviously, it is not the same level as Master Zhuotian!

As for the four princes and the like, not to mention the difference!


Fu Chan looked at Chen Zheng and said nothing when she opened her mouth to silence. She struggled with her brain and couldn’t think of the underworld. Except for the two forces of the Burning Gods and the Underworld Temple, who could compare with the other earth boundaries? God!



Maybe Mingyue... Xian Zun can!

But Mingyue Xianzun only awakened!

Her reincarnated Mingyue is just an ordinary little girl!

The Soul Shadow of Mingyue Xianzun will not know when it will wake up next time!


Since Chen Zu said everything!

Then it should be possible!

Chen Zu's shock makes people crazy!


Who is Chen Zu referring to the person who replaces Master Zhuotian?

Not only Fu Chan was guessing, but also the main proprietors of Jiuli were also speculating, but they were similar to Fu Chan, and they could not guess who could replace Zhuotian to protect Hou Tu Imperial City!

"You're looking for someone instead of Zhuotian Damingzun, look for someone to protect the Houtu Imperial City! If you can really find someone to come out, you don't need to do it yourself, I will destroy Yuanshen! But if you don't find If you can replace someone who can replace the turbid sky, then you can save me and let me go back to the temple!"

The elder of the temple with the moon crown on his head thought about it, and at this moment he gritted his teeth to Chen Zheng again!

He is betting!

He is betting his life!

He believes that this is the only chance to leave the Houtu Imperial City!

"Self-destructive Yuanshen? I actually planned to take the sentence back. Since you want to gamble, I will satisfy you."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The elder of the temple beats violently!


He clenched his teeth tightly and didn't believe that there would be anyone who could replace the Netherworld Wu Clan!

"bring it on."

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Chen Zheng said casually.


What do you mean?

Who is this calling?

For a while!

Everyone showed doubts!



Above the Imperial City!

Time warped!

Everyone looked up!

I saw a palace!

"this is......!"

"How does this feel like..."


Everyone was surprised!

"Six about that, I have already sensed that the creatures in this reincarnation hall are not even Taoist ancestors!"

The elders in the crown of the moon crown looked down, but the next moment snorted again!



The palace gate above the Hou Tu Imperial City opened!


Who is that!

Everyone stared at the vast door!


A figure came out!

"this is!"

"What the **** is this!"

"This... how to cultivate into a ancestral realm..."

All kinds of sounds!

"Haha! Ancestor! An ancestor! Not even a half-walk ancestor! Did you, the holy master, summon such a person, do you think such a person can replace the turbid heaven Great Mingzun to protect the Emperor Houcheng!"

The elder of the temple with the crown on his head stared at the figure that appeared, and after confirming the cultivation of the people who came out of the palace, he opened his mouth and laughed wildly!



He just laughed!

After the Emperor Tucheng City shocked violently!


More than the Houtu Imperial City shocked!

The whole underworld is shaking!



In the underworld!

The majestic powers of the boundless avenues are now transformed into giant dragons of yellow springs coming towards Hou Tu Imperial City!

Almost in the blink of an eye!

All the power that seemed to be the origin of the dark earth poured into the body above the sky!


You mang flash!

Six reincarnations emerged behind that figure!


Underworld is another shock!

Because these six reincarnations seem to cover the entire underworld!

And at that moment, the dangling figure is no longer an ancestral realm!

It's the same situation as the previous Zhuotian Damingzun didn't abandon self-cultivation!

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