Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1837: 2 clan extermination!

Chapter 1834 The Two Clan Destruction! (Three more)


You and others are all unrelated passers-by!


A sense of frustration!

Hovering in the hearts of the local natives in the Sifang Kingdom!

"Your name is Taiyuan?"

Chen Zheng turned around and glanced at Taiyuan with only Yuanshen.


Taiyuan nodded.

"Who were you and Taiyi sent into the abyss of God?"

Chen Zheng asked again.

"..." Taiyuan was stunned and murmured: "At that time, the first turmoil of the First Age, some of the heavens fell, some of them were blackened, and they hunted other gods. I and Taiyi wanted to avoid the world. , I did not expect to meet a mysterious person, was sent directly by that mysterious person... into the Abyssal Abyss. I think the Abyssal Abyss should not be called the Abyssal Abyss, but a place of the Great Devil Lord Abandoning Confucianism, as for the mysterious man and Taiyi, I didn't see clearly, only knowing that it was the creature above the era overlord."


The Quartet's Unbelievable Creatures!

God's Absolute Abyss is not called God's Absolute Abyss!

It is an abandoned doctrine of a big devil!

God is caught by the terrible creatures and thrown into the abandoned ancestors of the Great Demon Lord!

So this is the truth of the heavens!


On the Jijia warship, Taiyi opened his mouth. He wanted to say nothing, but in the end he said nothing.

"Is it a woman or a man?"

Chen Zheng asked again.

"It should be a man."

Taiyuan thought for a moment.

"That should be the reincarnation."

Chen Zheng nodded.


What character is this?

Except for Chen Zheng, all the other creatures present at the moment are showing doubts, because there has never been such a character in the world!

"Reincarnation Lord..."

Taiyuan uttered these four words in a low voice, and his expression was extremely complicated, because this person and Taiyi were suppressed in the abyss of the heavens, watching the eras after another, watching the creation of the Sifang Jurisdiction, watching It can be said that there is no freedom in the rise and fall of the great systems in the Quartet.


on the other hand!

It seems to have escaped the life and death disaster again!

So should we hate that samsara?


At last!

There is only one sigh!

Taiyuan didn't find the answer!

"You take Taiyi to find other gods, I will give you a mark, you can go to Taishi."

Chen Zheng thought for a moment, and made a mark.

"Go to Taishi..."

Taiyuan received the mark, it should be said that it had no choice, the mark directly ignored his Yuanshen defense and broke into his Yuanshen. He nodded after whispering, and then performed an ancient ceremony towards Chen Zheng, turning into a white light, and soaring into the sky. Rise up.


It turns out that the child who looks like a mortal is also god!

No wonder!

No wonder before this child suddenly shouted Taiyuan brother!

this moment!

Elder Ji Family and others suddenly realized that the child was also a god, and that it should be the **** who had escaped from the abyss of the gods before, only to deceive the world!

"He has no power, he has lost all his fighting power, grandpa and father, what are you waiting for!"


Liu family warship!

Liu Fangkong roared!


Zhong Xiu stared at the past!

Does the Liu family dare to do anything against Chen Zu!


Liu's goal is not Chen Zu!

The goal of the Liu family is two gods who have gone away!


Two Jianming!

Liu family warship!

The two ninth realm ancestors turned into sword lights rising into the sky!


at the same time!

Wind house warship!

The head of the wind family also snarled!


The ninth state ancestor!

This is the ninth state ancestor!

This is also to take advantage of Chen Zheng's mana to be lost!

"Haha! In the end, you are still defeated. Although you cannot be killed, the two gods still fell into the hands of our Tianshou family. We grabbed the two gods and left the Quartet, slowly devouring the power of God. What can you do now! Without mana, you can't exert your physical strength no matter how strong your body is, and you can only watch the two gods we won!"

Liu Fangkong's gaze glared and stared at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"How do you think you can't survive the sky!"

Liu Fangkong is grinning again!

"It's really a problem to lose mana, but it's extremely evil to help me get through the barriers of the Emperor. It doesn't take as much mana to use some means as before."

Chen Zheng whispered and said that he looked towards the sky, and several transparent yokes appeared on his body!


Everyone was surprised!

Those transparent chains turned into a real dragon!

Only one blink!

Rushed to the sky dome!


Long Yin is back!


"Damn! What is this!"

"Do not!"


A horrified howling sounded!


The ninth state ancestors of Liu Family and Feng Family were devoured!


Everyone trembles, Long Yin rises again, a real dragon swoops down, and in the frightened eyes of the Feng Family and the Liu Family, the real dragon opens its mouth, and the Feng Family Liu Family Battleship is swallowed!


All gone!

A breath!

The Fengjia warship and the Liujia warship are all gone!

As for Liu Fangkong and Feng Luotian, they are naturally gone!


The true dragon turned into a transparent yoke, and it fell into Chen Zheng's body. Chen Zheng had mana fluctuations, but it was negligible in a world outside of the thousands of worlds such as Sifang.

"That's why I'm not interested in devouring creatures like Er, even if the creatures like Er are the ninth state ancestors, mana is not worth mentioning."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, a little, and the broken avenues flooded the purple beast!


The monks of all ethnic groups and all ancestors in the Quartet Extremity are all silent at this moment, and their hearts are very upset at this moment!



Liu Family!

One is one of the four main domain families!

One is the Tianshou family!

Just a few breathing time is gone!

Although the ancestral land of the two families is still there, all the clan members who are called strong are erased, so even if there are clan people in the ancestral land, the other Taoism in the Quartet Extremist area will be erased next!


The Five Great Peaks have fallen!

Even two of them have condensed the overlord **** pattern!

Think so!

It seems that the demise of the Feng family and the Liu family is nothing!


When the creatures of all races and ancestors were completely at Chen Zheng, he saw Chen Zheng suspended in front of the broken upper abyss, and now he caught the broken upper abyss. Suddenly, a huge and powerful force rushed out of the Abyss of Heaven, and it poured into Chen Zheng's body, and Chen Zheng's mana instantly returned to the level of Daojun!

His face changed one by one, and his eyes flashed in horror!


It is back to the level of Daojun!

Although Daojun is nothing in the Quartet!

But this Daojun can kill Daozu in hand!

Just now!

He mentioned that the horror shadow helped him break the barrier of the Emperor!

If he restores his mana to Heaven Emperor Realm!

How terrifying that combat power is!

(End of this chapter)

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