Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1823: Iris temple

Chapter 1820 Entering the Shrine (One More)

"I went to Donghuangshan today and saw a terrible guy!"

"It seems to be a young man who cultivated Daojun, but he actually broke the Taoist heart of Qu Zu in the Fengshen Temple and destroyed the seven Fengshen Towers in the Fengshen Temple!"

"Ji Jia's Ji Yun practice is related to his secret method. He dropped Ji Jia Ji Yun with a drop of real blood. He may have escaped from the abyss of God, of course, this is just a guess! He was crazy, and he didn’t even think about the first thing in the world!"

That night.

Many sources in the Quartet are spreading similar news.

Ancient Tenjin Mountain.

This is where the gate of the Fengshen Temple is located.

"You can be sure that his physical body is indestructible, and Taoist means should not hurt him. He is Daojun's mana. Pure mana means cannot destroy the ninth realm of Dao. Qu Zu is the heart of Dao."

"His hand is against the sky, the seven Fengshen Pagodas were directly demolished by him, and he is likely to kill the Fengshen Temple! I proposed that the Fengshen Temple be moved out of the Sifang Extremity, although Yuan Zu had already seen the Heavenly Abyss There will be great changes in the next half month, and the secret of the Gods Abyss will be unraveled, but the seven towers of Gods are destroyed. Without the towers of Gods, Yuan Zu should not be able to beat the top five !"

"Since our sealing of the temple is related to the first lineage of the heavenly day in Taishangtiantian, let’s go to the heavenlyness. In the past, Taishangtian prohibited Taoist ancestors from entering, but Taishangtian has undergone some changes recently. It shouldn't be a problem if you want to go too far...well? Someone is coming!"

In the most magnificent immortal hall of Fengshen Temple, the elders of Fengshen Temple are talking, but just as soon as the elder said, he suddenly raised his head and stared out of the immortal hall!

someone is coming!

Someone came to the ancient Tianshen Mountain!


It's him!

It was the man who broke the heart of Qu Zu!


This child came from the moonlight!

Come so fast!

Come so urgently!

Has Jiji's business been solved!

"It's him!"

"it's him!"

"People who broke the heart of Qu Zu Dao!"

The rest of the elders lost their faces and stared at the outside of the hall! Although the gate of the Immortal Hall is closed, it is not difficult for them to penetrate through their realm! At this moment, on the open platform covered with snow in front of the ancient Tianshen Mountain Temple, several figures fell!

One of them is the Taoist ancestor, and the rest do not even reach the realm of the heavenly emperor, but the person headed is not the Taoist ancestor. One of these people is a mortal child!

If it is past!

When these people come to the temple to pick things up, it is definitely to death!

But at this moment!

The elders in the immortal palace were afraid to move!


The guardian in front of the temple is also a little afraid to move at this moment, because he has already obtained the decree from the elder Goddess, and he should not act lightly! This makes them do not understand that the strongest among the coming people is also a low-level Taoist ancestor. The combination of the magical attack skills can take this Taoist ancestor. These people came to the huge giant such as the temple, which is on the ground. Floating dust!


But how do you feel a sense of fear in the elder god's mind!

What are the elders afraid of?

Divine guard is full of doubts!


The Purple Thunder Beast Master looked at the Feng Temple, and he was really excited at the moment. He never thought that he could one day come to this top-level mountain gate in the Quartet Extremity, and it was not like a servant-like humble gesture, more like a The pose of the challenger!


Dare not do this in dreams!

"I'm here to get some mana. I can't overdo this."

Chen Zhengli was laughing in the wind and snow.


The guardian guarding the mountain gate was ashamed!

What is it called to get some mana?

Is this Dao Junxiu young man talking dreams?

This is a temple!



What surprised the guardian was that the closed door of the Fengshen Temple was opened, and the guardian's eyes widened. It seemed that the elder was opening the door to the young man!

Why is that?

Did the elders agree with this young man's request?

"It seems that you all agree."

Chen Zheng saw that the door had opened, and smiled again, taking Luo Xian and a few people stepping in. Shenwei watched Chen Zheng enter several people, only to wake up when the door closed with a loud bang.

"I heard... Qu Zu fell to Donghuang Mountain..."

"This son is... related to the fall of Qu Zu..."

Shenwei glanced at each other. At this moment, he exchanged thoughts and thoughts, thought of some rumors, his body suddenly shook, and his eyes moved to the temple.


Outside the most magnificent immortal hall of the shrine.


Xianmen wide open.

This is welcoming.


A thick voice sounded in the fairy hall.

Chen Zheng was not in a hurry. In the shocking eyes of the deacon disciples and others in the Fengshen Temple, he took a few people into the most magnificent fairy palace.


Immortal gate closed!

Those deacon disciples have recovered!

Look at each other!

Who is that person!

The voice just now was the voice of Yuan Zu!

Yuan Zu was the first person to seal the temple!

Why did Yuan Zu invite a young man who cultivated Dao to enter the fairy palace!

"Your Excellency...I want to come to the Temple to get some mana, and I won't block it. Your Excellency sees that chair. The chair is called the Shang Cang Chair. It is an ancient thing from the Quartet. This thing, of course. It doesn’t matter whether the chair that God has sat on, this thing has a different power, that is, the power of the road between heaven and earth and the power of the fairy. This thing has existed in the Fengshen Temple for many years, and I don’t know how many years. However, you can be sure that the power contained in this thing is enough to train a Taoist ancestor in the eighth and even ninth realm. However, the power characteristics in this thing are extremely confusing and even chaotic. You can try it at will if you want to obtain mana."

Inside the fairy hall, a person sat on the futon, and his mouth was full of sound.

In addition to the Taoist, there are six other old men sitting on the futon. These six old men Luo Xian recognized a few people at a glance, that is, the body of the six will incarnations that used to control the Fengshen Tower to come to the Jijia East Huangshan. These six elders are all the elders of the temple, and they are the highest titles.


The Purple Thunder Beast opened his At this moment, he was excited and disturbed. The secret road is really eye-opening today. The seven ancestors of this temple in front of them can be regarded as the top-level creatures in the Quartet's exclusion, especially That Yuan Zu, known as the first person to seal the temple, if he hadn't met Chen Zu, he might not have seen people of this level in his life!


Those who sealed the temple let Chen Zu come in without any obstruction!

And also said that let Chen Zu take mana at will!

This is not so simple!

That blue cyan chair is definitely not easy!

"Go up on the chair..."

Taiyi glanced at the ancient blue stone chair with a small frown on his small face. He had seen this thing, but it was very different from his memory.

This thing seems to be chaotic!

(End of this chapter)

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