Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1811: This is one of the first ancestors of the Lu family!

Chapter 1808 This is one of the first ancestors of the Lu Family! (Four more)

Swallow it!

Kill if you kill!

These two sentences really did not take the eyes of the gods in the cloud!


This is not to see any creatures in the Quartet Extinct!

Since this young man came for the power above the gods in the cloud, he must know that the top creatures in the Quartet are also coveting this power, but they all defaulted a little, that is, they can’t devour that power without absolute certainty. !

and so!

This young man ignored those top creatures!

If it is an ordinary golden fairy!

If you say this, you are looking for death!

But this young man is different!

As soon as this young man raised his hand, he wiped out the elder Hong Guyi of Aoshi League!

This is absolute strength!

Who dares to refute him at this moment!

Right now the gods in the cloud are afraid that only the city master is stronger than the elder Hong Guyi!



"Jinxian mana, but the combat power is so terrifying, this is really a super freak!"

With a whisper, the creatures below looked at Chen Zheng on Shengxiantai. At this moment, they are all guessing the origin of Chen Zheng!

"Will it be the Lu family..."

In the Ao Shi Meng Accord, the middle-aged monk behind Feng Shao whispered.

"The Lu is possible. Although the Lu family is one of the four main family families in the domain, but the clan people rarely show up. The general things are represented by the Qingyuan city master of the **** in the cloud, so this child still It’s really possible that the Lu family secretly cultivated... Freaks! It’s really interesting, is the low-key Lu family ready to be high-profile, and are they ready to fight for something in the abyss!”

Feng Shao raised his eyebrows, whispered, and then revealed a meaningful smile.

"The Lu family...the deepest heritage."

The middle-aged monk whispered again.

"This thing is useless in the face of absolute strength. In the end, it depends on whose fist is big. Since this kid is covering the Luoxian Temple, he will not go to the Luoxian Temple. It is not impossible to let go of the Luoxian Temple. Anyway, he has already killed. With Fu Ming in Luoxian Temple, the culprit has paid the price."

Feng Shao chuckled.

"If... this son will avenge the elder Luoxian Temple?"

The middle-aged monk thought of something.

"Revenge? Huh! Don't say that he is a freak secretly cultivated by the Lu family, even if the entire Lu family can't get the Feng family, why is my Feng family also one of the four major domain master families!"

The wind is cold!

"The wind... The wind is less... I'll retreat first... The elder Hong Guyi was killed, it's a matter of great importance, I'll wait to go back to Ao Shimeng's altar first... ."

The ancestor of Jiu Mo returned to God at the moment, said a tremble, shattered a rune, and passed away silently with the middle-aged Jianxiu and several others.

"Ao Shimeng...but the Ao Shimeng leader can explore this kid's bottom."

Feng Shao revealed his thoughts, and then smiled. Although some episodes appeared today, he thought that everything was still under his control, or under the control of the Feng Family.

The voice fell, and the young wind and the middle-aged monk passed away silently, leaving the Ao Shimeng Accord empty.


In the yard where Luo Xian was, all four were silent at the moment, and to be honest, they were a little scared. Purple Thunder Beast Venerable is still a little afraid at the moment, secretly rejoicing that Chen Zu, who had met in Luoxian City before, was only Chen Zu of the mana during the robbery period. Too.


Jinxian mana squeezed the fifth realm ancestor!

Fight today!

Must be spread!

And it will certainly attract countless doubts!


that's not important!

I believe that it will not take long for Chen Zu's name to truly deter the Quartet!


Chen Zu is going to the abyss!

At that time, it is very likely that Chen Zu will fight against the top monks in the main roads of the Quartet!


How excited to think about it!

If Chen Zu kills the top monks of all major roads as he does today!

Think more excited!

I feel like I have to fly!

Zilei Animal Venerable took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and thought about it in secret, he was afraid that he would produce something other than worship and awe to Chen Zu!

That's bad!

"Miss San wants to see you, please follow me."

At this moment, the Lord of God City in the Cloud said a word to Chen Zheng.

"Miss Three?"

"Isn't that the third Miss Lu family?"

"Lu Family... The main family of the domain of the southern domain of Tiannan, one of the four main families of the domain of the Quartet. Is this kid caught by Miss San, he will fly into the sky in the future!"

"Which... Actually, I think from what he just said lightly, he was afraid that even the Lu family didn't pay attention..."

"This... seems to be like this, maybe his origin is beyond our imagination..."

The city below exclaimed and exclaimed, but it soon disappeared, because all of them thought of the scene just now, how could this young man not take the Sifang peerless creatures into his eyes, how could he go to the Lu family!

In its eyes!

The Lu family may just be a cat or a dog!

"Human Wang Lu?"

On Shengxiantai, Chen Zheng asked casually.

"This... if you want to see Miss San, please follow me."

The city master groaned, and did not answer directly.

"See you then."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, the two disappeared.

"Hoo! I'm scared to death, why is this guy so terrible, and what kind of person is this guy, is it possible that our ancestors in the Kui family secretly cultivated genius? If this is the case, is it possible for me and him to gamble? A discount? In the future, I will still walk head-to-head, but I don’t need to honor my promise when I get married..."

In Qingtianyuan's finest fairy house, Kuixinghe in an upright posture sighed with relief. At this moment his hair spread out and his association began.


This is an ancient temple.

Ordinary people should not get in.

I can't even see it.

Because this is the deepest part of the main palace of the capital city of the cloud.

Even people in the city's palace are only eligible for entry.

And Chen Zheng is already in the ancient hall.

"Lu Xinyi, Miss Lu Jiasan, came out of the family ancestral land for the first time. Are you... interested in joining the Lu family, if you have cultivated the Lu family secrets with your talents, you will definitely... Certainly become a great person!"

A little girl at most fifteen years old, circled around Chen Zheng for a while, talking while looking at Chen Zheng, and she looked full of energy.

"Human Wang Lu?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


The little girl was turned her head to look at the old lady behind her.

"You... know the origin of our Lu family?"

The old woman's expression changed, staring at Chen Zheng Shen Sheng and asked, there was an intimidating pressure invisible.

"This girl looks like an ancient fairy I have seen."

However, Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, and one light curtain at a time emerged, and a figure appeared in the light curtain, which was a woman.

"Ah! This... how could this be, I really seemed like she!"

When the little girl saw the woman in the light curtain, she opened her mouth and screamed, then she looked at Chen Zheng with surprise!

"This is... this is... this is the first ancestor of Lu Feixuan, one of our first ancestors in the Lu family, and the sister of our first ancestors from the Quartet!"

As for the old lady, after a moment of silence, she also showed great surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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