Chapter 1802

"Luoxiang... Isn't it..." Su Yi Taoist groaned and thought of someone, but the next frown was a wrinkle, and he bowed to Chen Zheng: "Please come with me Luo Xian Temple, Luo Xian is afraid to do it!"


Luo Xian girl or not!

What happened?

Luo Xian girl did not show up from beginning to end!

Luo Xian girl has been staying in Luo Xian Hall!

Everyone showed doubts!

"Lead the way."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The Suyi Taoist echoed back and looted the Luoxian Temple, and Chen Zheng also swept past.

"What do you say about this young man's origin? Is he a fallen ancestor of the realm, or a stronger spirit than the ancestor of the ancestor? Wouldn't he be a great power of the Four Domains family or the Shouliu family that day?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and one person asked in a low voice, but no one responded, because the number one person like that young man had never seen it before, let alone heard it, never heard it!


Inside the fairy hall.

"Although Luo Xian is a very special practice physique, he has a seal in his body and voluntarily provides divine power to protect the Great Array in Luoxian City. Before Yan Yansheng mentioned the power consumption of the Guardian Great Array Divine Stone, there is no Divine Stone at all. The Divine Stone is Luo Immortal. Today, the large array was consumed continuously, and the enchantment was broken by the Purple Thunder Beast, the ancestor of the Dao, just now, so... this injury may be restored after a long sleep."

Su Yi Taoist looked at Luo Xian who was sleeping in the fairy light and sighed.

"No wonder."

Chen Zheng glanced and said two words. He lifted his right hand and shot a pale blue fairy light. As soon as the pale blue fairy light flew into Luoxian's body, the fairy light around Luoxian that seemed to be self-protection dissipated, and the original breath It was so weak that it was almost negligible. At this moment, his pale face was bloody, and his breath was full of vitality, as if the injury had healed.


This scene, Su Yi Dao people are dumbfounded!

He remembers that once Luo Xian was also seriously injured. At that time, the master and the ancestor were still there. He spent a lot of money to invite the ancient medicine god, but the ancient medicine **** only delayed Luo Xian's injury. In front of this young man, casually hitting a fairy light, Luo Xian injured recovered.

This means!

Is it not to hang the ancient medicine god!

Ancient medicine gods are not ordinary ancestors!

To know!

This young man has the power to survive the robbery!


Luo Xian opened his eyes, revealing the color of doubt, and when he saw Chen Zheng, he was a little surprised. It seemed that she fainted at the moment when the Purple Thunder Beast Supreme came, so she didn't know what happened later.

"This predecessor used all means to force back the Purple Thunder Beast Venerable. In the face of Ao Shimeng Jiu Mo's ancestor, he killed Yan Wusheng's traitor, and this predecessor just cured Luo Xian's injury just now!"

The Su Yi Taoist was a little excited.

"Luo Xian thanked... Senior!"

Luo Xian's eyes flashed in surprise, facing Chen Zhengli.

"After absorbing this thing, you two will follow me to the Thunder Beast family."

Chen Zheng nodded and raised his hand to hit a fairy light into Luo Xianmei's heart.


Luo Xian's body shook and his face was dull for a moment. The Su Yi Taoist felt a little upset when he saw this scene, but soon there was a majestic breath in Luo Xian's body. The Su Yi Taoist felt this breath and showed his excitement!


It must have unlocked the seal inside Luoxian!

This majestic breath!

Luo Xian is definitely a reincarnation of a great person!


Why do you feel this breath is like the breath left by God in the absolute abyss of God!

Su Yi Taoist suddenly thought of it, and he twitched in his heart, revealing the unbelievable look! He followed the Hall Master to go to the Heavenly Abyss. That time, he was lucky and felt the breath left by God in the Heavenly Abyss!


An idea came up!

Is Luo Xian's life experience related to the Abyss of Heaven!

Is Luo Xian the reincarnation of the fallen God!

"This and this...Unfortunately, the ancestor of Fu Ming fell a while ago, otherwise I would be very happy to see the seal inside Luo Xian unraveled...Ah, not to mention these "The Su Yi Dao people have some emotions, and then they sighed and said: "You are going to the Thunder Beast Clan. If you are not sure about it, I am afraid that you will not be able to win the Thunder Beast Clan. , It is said that there is an ancient spirit. Although the ancient spirit has no physical body, it is said to have a big head. The Thunder Beast family is actually very weak ten thousand years ago, and it is not even as good as the current Luoxian Temple. Later it is the reason of the ancient spirit, Lei The beast family has the ability to connect with the thunder pool, so..."

The Su Yi Taoist said here, stopped, waiting for Chen Zheng's meaning.

"I have seen the Thunder Pond in the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast family. All I need is the Thunder Pond."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The Su Yi Dao people are a little ignorant.

"Luoxiang...Luoxiang...I turned out..."

At this moment Luo Xian whispered, the fairy light she had just accepted was that Chen Zheng had gotten the incomplete memory of thirteen candidates from the gods. At this moment, she already knew one of Luo Xiang's reincarnations.


There is a terrible scene in that incomplete memory!

That life!

That was a life that crushed the entire Quartet!

It turned out to be squeezed to death!



"Slowly accept it. Wait until the time is up and leave the Quartet to find others."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Luo... Xian understood."

Luo Xian focused on the head.

"I... this will lead the way for seniors!"

The Suyi Taoists didn't understand it, but they knew what to do, and they applied a secret method. The three people's fairy lights flashed, and they were already on a blue warship at the next moment. The Su Yi Taoist cast another secret method, and the blue warship left Luoxian City silently.

After a moment.

The cyan warship crossed a thundercloud.

Came to the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast family.

"In front is the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast family. Without this Qinglian ancient ship left by the first-generation hall master, I can't cross the Thunder Sea with my repair."

The Suyi Taoist whispered, and there was some uneasiness at the moment. To be honest, if there was not Chen Zheng, he really dared not come to the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast clan because he came here to die.





In the mountain in front of the thunder enchantment!

Thunder beasts rushed out with a rolling thunder!

"It's you!"

"It's him!"

"It's that kid!"

Among them, a few thunder beasts recognized Chen Zheng at a glance, and the color of fear appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? It's you! This seat has left Luoxian City, you actually dare to come to the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast family. You really think that your mana during the robbery can destroy my Thunder Beast family!"


Another thunder beast appeared!

It is Purple Thunder Beast Venerable!


"After all, you have what I need, and you have to bully."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The Purple Thunder Beast Venerable stunned the other Thunder Beasts!


Next second!

The face changes dramatically!


Chen Zheng raised his hand and grabbed the land of the Thunder Beast Ancestor, and a black crushing thing burst out. That black crushing thing was just a thunder pool. The violent Lei Mang Suei Taoist felt the Yuanshen with only one glance. Crash!

This is not an ordinary Lei Chi!

This seems to be Jiu You Lei Chi!



They haven't recovered yet!

Chen Zheng swallowed that horrifying thunder pool with one mouth open!

"Not bad." After swallowing the horrifying Lei Chi, Chen Zheng commented with a smile. He raised his right hand to the depths of the Thunder Beast Ancestor and grabbed it again: "The mana has finally returned to the true fairy level, which is easier than before. It’s much more. There’s a word that comes to mind. It’s easy to remember. The previous choice was right. That punch was the same as that guy. Although there was a mana vacuum period, it recovered faster than before. and Daojun's barriers were also cleared."

This bastard!

The Purple Thunder Beast Master waited for a moment to hear his complexion!


Next second!

Another thing was caught by Chen Zheng!

In an instant!

The look of the Thunder Beast like Purple Thunder Beast changed dramatically again!

This man!

This bastard!

Even caught the adult out!


This **** is not going to devour that adult!

(End of this chapter)

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