Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1797: Yunluo Palace

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"You go to Emperor Yunluo Palace with me."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The dingdong cat nodded.

"Master, Master, the disciples also want to see it!"

Yan Luo shouted with bright eyes.

"Let Xiao bone play with you."

Chen Zheng replied, out of the Heaven Smiting Demon Palace, Su Youyou also emerged out of light, and the Ding Dang Cat quickly followed.



Xingcha traverses chaotic time and space.

Arrived in an area shrouded in demon.

This is not in the world.

This is outside the world.

It's just that the entrance has been sealed at the moment.

"This... who is the one who opened the ancient realm?"

Su Youyou frowned, and she only came out of the entrance not long ago, at most half a day, how came the entrance was blocked.

"This ancient place is a little special, and the power of this reincarnation is a little too confusing, I'm a little scared."

The ding-dong cat glanced at it, and it saw far more than Suyou, and the enchantment that sealed the entrance was nothing. The chaotic reincarnation power inside was the terrible thing at the moment. Although he can't hurt himself, but after entering, he is afraid that he will be distracted by the power of reincarnation.



Brilliant flash!

The area covered by the demon's demon suddenly disappeared!

At this moment, it seemed to disappear from the eyes of three people!


It was only this moment!

" does this feel like it involves other great reincarnations..."

Ding Dong Cat was shocked!

"Other great reincarnations..."

Su Youyou showed her doubts.

"The Emperor Yunluo's palace is not big, but it's just a thousand miles away, but the power of the outbreak is so huge at the moment.

Chen Zheng smiled.

"What now?"

Su Youyou whispered that the situation at the moment was completely beyond her control. Although she was trained as the next demon of Yunluo Emperor Palace, her current cultivation position was far from Yunluo Yaohou. Hope Yu Zheng.

"Master, this is indeed involved in another great reincarnation, it seems to be a more evil great reincarnation!"

At this time, Chen Zheng's mind sounded the roulette spirit.

"No matter who it is, Chen Zheng you destroy him!"

Almost at the same time, the sound of the little chemical doll sounded, and the little baby doll was a little uncomfortable.

"Go check it out first."

Chen Zheng said casually, Xingcha directly tore the enchantment, and rushed into the enchantment at once. Seeing that an ancient land had been reflected in his eyes, but there was a sudden twist in front, and Xingcha also twisted around it!

this moment!

Xingcha seems to be sinking!

And there seems to be no end below!

"We are dragged into reincarnation!"

The Jingle cat's face sank!

As soon as this word came out, all kinds of floating shadows around Xingcha appeared. They were the past of Jingle Cat and Suyou. At that moment, when Jingle Cat saw the figure of its former owner, subconsciously it would rush out of Xingcha, but Chen Zheng The tail was caught!

"Well! Fake! Fuck! I almost got scammed!" Dingdang cat woke up and immediately slammed, then sighed again: "In fact, Chen Zu didn't need to catch me back, let me fall into the past for a while Well, my former master should be in the Hongmeng universe, and I should know that I am also in the Hongmeng universe, but the former master didn’t come to me, maybe I didn’t want to see me again, maybe I let her down."


Su Youyou wasn't confused by the glimpses of the past. At this moment, she listened to what Dingdang Cat said, and she secretly sighed in her heart. The creatures around Chen Zu are stranger than one. This metal cat is also too sentimental.

By the way, listening to what the metal cat said, it turned out not to be the thing of this world, but to come to other worlds. This metal cat used to be a transcendental creature, which is a bit scary.

"The power of reincarnation... destiny makes me, and what does the power of reincarnation do for me."

Chen Zheng smiled, and wiped away all the reincarnation visions. The original Xingcha did not move at all, and was at the entrance of Yunlu Ancient Land. But the scene just now is not illusory. Once caught in reincarnation, it will be difficult to break free.

"Why didn't Chen Zu's past just now, Chen Zu is immune to the power of the road of reincarnation?"

Dingdang cat suddenly thought of the influence of the power of reincarnation just now, and there was only the past between him and the girl next to him. There was no passing of Chen Zu, and he blinked at the moment.

"Sometimes too strong is not a good thing, it will lose a lot of fun."

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, and said that Xingcha turned into astral, and fell in front of the ancient imperial palace in the center of Yunlu ancient land. This ancient majestic emperor palace is Yunluo Emperor Palace, the whole body is a rare blue color, and there are peach trees around the emperor palace. At this moment, the peach blossoms are bright, but it seems that no living creature can be seen.

"Um... this sentence my former master seems to have said..." Dingdang Cat whispered, glanced at Yunluo Emperor Palace in front of him, frowning: "Someone first Stepping into Emperor Yunluo Palace, it should not be ordinary people."

"The Queen Mother..."

Su Youyou's eyes were full of worry.



The closed gate of the imperial palace opened at this moment!


The dingdong cat's metal eyes slightly condensed, and he had smelled an unusual breath. First stepped on the guy in Yunluo Emperor's Palace. From the breath of light at this moment, it seemed a bit difficult to deal with!

"You are that Chen Zu, right. There seems to be something wrong with your practice. The physical body is immortal, but there is no mana. It should be that after a war has exhausted mana, it is now in a mana vacuum, right. But Since you are here, I still want to invite you in. After all, my basic courtesy of being a master still needs to be."

In the imperial palace, a light and fluttering voice came out, this is a man's voice!

"This tone makes me a little Cat heard this sound and frowned slightly.

"You are... the younger brother that the lady queen mentioned, you are the brother of the lady queen!"

Su Youyou frowned, her thoughts flashing quickly, and guessed the identity of the man in the imperial palace!

"Yo, she also mentioned to you girl that there is my younger brother, which is really rare, but unfortunately it is too late, her robbery is coming, she will emerge in the reincarnation, and then I will emperor Yunluo Palace Take over, I also take over the ancient land of Yunluo! As for your girl, it is also my personal belongings, I am too thirsty to say too much, your girl is still pure, your blood should be good, You send a cup of blood to me!"

In the imperial palace, the light and fluttering voice came out again!

"Fuck! I thought it was a bit tough, but it turned out to be the same. It's embarrassing for a little girl to **** the little girl's blood. You are too low-grade!"

Su Youyou's face sank, and the Jingle Cat scolded when she opened her mouth!

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