Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1771: Perseverance and Demon Fruit

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"Chen Zu..."

The Emperor Jiuhua shouted a little.


How is a man's voice?

The three demons frowned, although it seemed that Jiuhua Devil Emperor was a woman, but the voice was the same as before, and it seemed to have a throat!

What is the situation?

Are the nine emperor demon men or women in front of them?

The eyes of the three were full of doubts.

"What kind of stimulus did you get?"

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Ah? This..." Devil Emperor Jiuwa stunned, and then sighed: "It was probably more than a thousand years ago, a soul penetrated the enchantment that Chen Zu had originally laid and entered the Devil's Mound. The soul is not powerful, nor much stronger than ordinary mortals, but it penetrates the enchantment without the help of any magical tools, so I think that soul is very special, and at that time it devoured the soul, but did not expect it.. ...."

Speaking of which, the Emperor Jiuhua suddenly stopped.

"I didn't expect an accident!"

The devil snorted!

"I didn't expect an accident. I didn't expect that the soul was really special. It was so special that its obsession could affect me, Jiuhua Demon Emperor in the big dark sky." Jiuhua Demon Emperor showed a miserable color: "That soul, Coming from a small world, that soul is the soul of an otaku. The so-called otaku... is the saying of the small world, I will not explain it. Before that otaku student... he had a special hobby , That is to like to wear women's clothes, this is his obsession, the last obsession before the soul was devoured by me, I did not originally mind, but his mortal obsession in a small world even...... "

The Emperor Jiuhua stopped again!

"Then you are really lucky!"

The demon smiled, which of course was mocking.


Youxuan evil emperor and female demon emperor froze for a few moments before they realized it. When they understood why Jiuhua demon emperor would become like this, they could not speak for a while. The two secretly said in their hearts that the obsession of the mortal soul of a small world could seriously affect one of the former top creatures in the world of thousands, and the soul of the mortal is indeed extraordinary.

"Take that thing out."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The Emperor Jiuhua was silent and seemed to be making a choice.

"Jiu桜, you bastard, find a way to unlock the shackles of the dark source. You are chosen as the head of the Nine Demons by the coffin. You know more secrets of the coffin than we do. What are you waiting for!"

"Jiu桜, are you waiting for death!"

"Do not hurry!"

"Damn, I'm not interested in listening to you talking about the past. You still don't want to let us out!"

"Jiu桜, are you going to betray us!"

At this time!

The roars of other creatures in the coffin!

"Alas." Jiuhua Devil Emperor sighed again, then shook his head and said: "Don't give up, I underestimated Chen Zu, I'm already dead, I was tortured by that mortal soul obsession for more than a thousand years ago I’m sick of it."


The voice has not fallen!

In his eyebrows a black mans hit out!

Black Mang turned into a magic fruit!

"This thing... you didn't actually absorb it? At least two thousand years, you failed to absorb this thing. Chen Zu gave you the opportunity to give you more than two thousand years, but you didn't catch it live!"

Seeing the magic fruit, the demon shook his head coldly!

what is this?

Youxuan evil emperor and female demon emperor showed curiosity. Under the two's perception, the magic fruit seemed to be just ordinary magic fruit, but it seemed that at that instant, it was able to perceive some unusual things, but it was difficult to grasp that trace. A wisp of mystery.

"The source of darkness!"

"This thing is related to the source of darkness!"

"Is this the legendary devil's source fruit at the same level as the extinct black lotus!"

"Damn it! Jiuhua Devil Emperor, you actually hide this kind of good thing, why did you take it out before? Good you Jiuhe Devil Emperor, you summoned us from the beginning, it was calculating us!"

"Hate! Demon Emperor Jiuhua! I hate!"



The coffin locked by the shackles of the dark origin is madly shocked!

"This thing was returned to Chen Zu. Jiu Yan thanked Chen Zu for not killing him!"

The Emperor Jiuhua ignored the others and only deeply worshipped Chen Zheng, and then his eyebrows split open. After this split, his Yuanshen shattered!


"What are you doing!"

"Why are you **** destroying Yuanshen!"



Youxuan evil emperor and female demon emperor are also shocked!

The Emperor Jiuhua destroyed the Yuanshen himself!

"You guy..." The demon raised his eyebrows, then shook his head for a while: "Everything has its cause and effect, you guy is too ambitious, but you don't have that ability, the obsession of the mortal soul tortures you It is also your robbery. Now that you are destroying the primordial spirit, it is also a relief."

"Nine 桜魔帝....." Chen Zheng said these four words softly, and also gently shook his head, facing the flesh of the fallen mortal body of Jiu桜, and a black awn condensed, and then Chen Zheng’s eyes turned into Black and white, glance at the black mang, the black mang disappeared.

"Chen Zu..."

You Xuan Xie Emperor saw this scene and opened his mouth subconsciously. He wanted to ask but did not ask. What he wanted to ask was whether Chen Zu had reinvented the idea of ​​the Nine Bang Devil Emperor and sent the Nine Bang Devil Emperor to reincarnation.

"Reincarnation eyes!"

"Good boy, you have reincarnation eyes!"

"Your means is terrible, but unfortunately we can't kill us, as long as we don't come out in the coffin, we are safe! By the way, although I am not a Taoist ancestor, I am just an ancestor, but my teacher has a great future. My master's gate is related to an indestructible Taoism in the Taixu. Although it is only a branch of the indestructible Taoism, it can ultimately be the inheritance of the indestructible Taoism! That indestructible Taoism is called the cathode magic palace!"

The creatures in the coffin were briefly silent, followed by various sounds!


Chen Zheng didn't look at that side, the dark source shackled, and instantly poured into the nine coffins, and only heard a scream, and suddenly the nine coffins died.


You Xuan Xie Emperor and the Devil Emperor glanced at each other. At this moment, the two chose to be silent!

"This magic source fruit that contains the power of the dark source, how much mana can restore Chen Zu?"

The demon did not glance at the coffin, staring at the demon fruit road.

"A small state should be no problem."

Chen Zheng replied casually, grasping at Moyuankou, the Moyuankou burst in the air, and as soon as it burst, the majestic power exploded, and it was about to burst the Emperor's Devil Mound. Chen Zheng opened this mammoth with a mouthful The power is swallowed up!

The demon stared at Chen Zheng at this moment!

"Chen Zu..."

You Xuan Xie Emperor shouted.

Chen Zheng raised his hand and hit two black qi. The two black qi flew into the body of Youxuan Xie and The two froze for a moment, and then they showed their incredible colors. !


The two of them broke through this moment!

Half trail ancestor!

The two directly became half-walking ancestors!

"Sixth-tier Golden Immortal, as expected, everything that was sealed in the dark days was pretty good."

And at the moment when the two were about to speak, the two heard Chen Zheng's voice, and the two were instantly stunned.


Sixth-order golden fairy?

What is the situation?

Chen Zu divided the two forces out of his own two, from the ancestor directly became a half-step ancestor!

Why did Chen Zu devour the magic fruit ninety-nine percent of his strength to improve such a cultivation practice!

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